Big Sally had a filly this afternoon. She is completely black and HUGE! The filly probably weighs more than 150 pounds and is so tall she stands at the wither at least 8 inches higher than my waist. We have Sally and her filly in the deluxe foaling stall for the night. Too bad she had to have her in the pasture after 2 inches of rain fell. Surprisingly the filly was not muddy, Sally picked a good place to have her. She has some mud on her now from us getting her out of the pasture into the barn but the umbilical cord was clean and now has a fresh coat of iodine painted on. Ralph and Jamie helped get them moved and it took 3 of us to do the job. Once all was settled, we moved 3 new bales in the big paddock before leaving for the night. It was sprinkling rain when I left which makes me so grateful for the stall barn. Raven's 2010 count so far is 3 colts and 9 fillies.

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