Right after our church service Mark and I loaded up and headed for home. We decided to stop in Morton, IL for some groceries when a phone call came from Interface, the alarm company for the shop. This was around 1:00pm and we knew no one from the family could have set off the alarm, they were either all out of town or still in church. We left the grocery store and headed down to Meisters where we found Curt's wife had tripped the alarm. When we arrived back at the farm we were surprised at how big the puppies had grown in just two days. Tomorrow they will need another bag of puppy food, this second bag only lasted a few days. Jenis' colt is doing great but when Sanna's was checked I was shocked to see her entire back end covered in diarrhea. Oh know not again! She has also developed an abscess on her rump, the poor thing. She was getting two shots a day for weeks and now her left rump cheek is hot and swollen. I've never known an abscess to cause diarrhea, but in this case I almost hope that is what is causing this. She is still eating well and nursing well but the diarrhea must be stopped before she dehydrates.
The stalls were cleaned, the trailer cleaned out and then it was time to download the camping trip pictures. The sprint stick is not working so none can be posted. While I was waiting for them to load, the puppies were taken their last feeding when the filly has explosive diarrhea all over the rug.
She was cleaned off again and the rug hosed off. Here we go again!
Day to day operation of a Friesian breeding farm standing 2 Friesian stallions. We have 6-10 foals each year out of Purebred Friesian mares, Andalusian mares, Thoroughbred mares and Friesian sport mares by Judy Sceggel 309-208-3840 www.horsemeister.com
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Tubing Accident
Our night wasn't the most restful, it is way to hot without air conditioning but freezing with the air on. Coffee was weak just ruining the morning. But things started improving at breakfast with good food. After breakfast we loaded up our rental pontoon boat and enjoyed the lake before anchoring at an island. The kids had a great time jumping off the small cliffs and exploring some shallow caves. Dan's boat took the wake boarders out while the rest of us payed around in the water on rafts keeping cool. By 12:30pm a few of us were ready to head back in.
Dan took us back on his speed boat zooming across the lake at a high rate of speed. We were airborne quite a few times. When the pontoon boat started coming back, it almost sank! The left pontoon had been listing a bit low in the water,mike hit a wave and the front of the boat started taking on water. The passengers had to run to the back and Mike had to quickly put it in reverse to stop it from sinking. They made it home safely. Mark grilled steak and we had our dinner early, around 4:30pm as the group decided to go tubing right after dinner. Mark, I and Mom stayed back as we had all had enough water, heat and sun. The emergency call came from Diane, "quick bring a van to the beach, Abrahm is hurt." Mark jumped in Anna's car and met the pontoon with Abrahm. He had gone flying when tubing and was thrown hard. He was actually starting to feel a bit better so the trip to the hospital was cancelled. Everybody is now down at Rachel's campsite cooking big slabs of bacon and singing around the camp fire. We are heading to bed,just not used to playing so hard.
Dan took us back on his speed boat zooming across the lake at a high rate of speed. We were airborne quite a few times. When the pontoon boat started coming back, it almost sank! The left pontoon had been listing a bit low in the water,mike hit a wave and the front of the boat started taking on water. The passengers had to run to the back and Mike had to quickly put it in reverse to stop it from sinking. They made it home safely. Mark grilled steak and we had our dinner early, around 4:30pm as the group decided to go tubing right after dinner. Mark, I and Mom stayed back as we had all had enough water, heat and sun. The emergency call came from Diane, "quick bring a van to the beach, Abrahm is hurt." Mark jumped in Anna's car and met the pontoon with Abrahm. He had gone flying when tubing and was thrown hard. He was actually starting to feel a bit better so the trip to the hospital was cancelled. Everybody is now down at Rachel's campsite cooking big slabs of bacon and singing around the camp fire. We are heading to bed,just not used to playing so hard.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Camping in the Rain
We made it down to Lithia Springs before 5:00pm, our camp site was hard to back into but Fede was here to save the day. He is used to driving huge rigs, our little camper was a breeze for HIM!
We were hot,hot hot and could hardly jump in Lake Shelbyville quick enough. Dan was loading up a bunch of campers for the first boat ride to explore the lake for tomorrow. They had a great time and came back hungry. Dan's boat works well. Ruth invited us for dinner, Fede grilled way to many pork chops, Ruth had fresh corn on the cob, Romainian salad, new potatoes and sweet red grapes finished out the delicious meal.
After dinner a storm started rolling in so we all retired to our respective campers.
Rhoda took the puppies to the vet today for their first well puppy checkup. A fecal count was done on them and it came back ZERO! They wormed them anyway just in case. Rhoda was late getting back, telling me the puppies were a hit and everyone wanted to play with them. Each pup was weighed, they were all over 7 pounds with some almost 8 pounds at 5 weeks old (today). These pups are going to be HUGE!
When Rhoda arrived back at the farm she led Jenis out of the stall for the first time since her colt was born. He was so funny, not wanting to go at first, then starting to run around and enjoy his freedom. I was able to snap a few pictures for the website and upload them before Mark was ready to leave.
We are ready to turn in with the comforting sound of rain hitting the roof, lulling us to sleep.
We were hot,hot hot and could hardly jump in Lake Shelbyville quick enough. Dan was loading up a bunch of campers for the first boat ride to explore the lake for tomorrow. They had a great time and came back hungry. Dan's boat works well. Ruth invited us for dinner, Fede grilled way to many pork chops, Ruth had fresh corn on the cob, Romainian salad, new potatoes and sweet red grapes finished out the delicious meal.
After dinner a storm started rolling in so we all retired to our respective campers.
Rhoda took the puppies to the vet today for their first well puppy checkup. A fecal count was done on them and it came back ZERO! They wormed them anyway just in case. Rhoda was late getting back, telling me the puppies were a hit and everyone wanted to play with them. Each pup was weighed, they were all over 7 pounds with some almost 8 pounds at 5 weeks old (today). These pups are going to be HUGE!
When Rhoda arrived back at the farm she led Jenis out of the stall for the first time since her colt was born. He was so funny, not wanting to go at first, then starting to run around and enjoy his freedom. I was able to snap a few pictures for the website and upload them before Mark was ready to leave.
We are ready to turn in with the comforting sound of rain hitting the roof, lulling us to sleep.
Storms and more Heat
We woke up to bright flashes of lightning and crashes of thunder. The rain is coming down in sheets with gusting winds. We were so hoping this storm would cool down this heat but the weather news disagrees forecasting more heat and humidity. They are saying no relief at least for the next ten days. Come winter will we be missing this heat?
Cathie Trent called and left a message that there is a leak at Bridlewood. After driving in to check it out, yes not only is there a leak it looks like it has been leaking for a while. Meister Plumbing was called, both Cathie and Amy's phone numbers were given as the contact as we will be out of town.
The puppies have been fed and their stall cleaned, Jenis and Sanna fed but their stalls will be cleaned once the storm blows over.
Rhoda spent the night and will help get some outdoor pictures of Jenis' colt once the rain stops. She is taking the puppies to the vet for their their first well puppy check up and first deworming.
Cathie Trent called and left a message that there is a leak at Bridlewood. After driving in to check it out, yes not only is there a leak it looks like it has been leaking for a while. Meister Plumbing was called, both Cathie and Amy's phone numbers were given as the contact as we will be out of town.
The puppies have been fed and their stall cleaned, Jenis and Sanna fed but their stalls will be cleaned once the storm blows over.
Rhoda spent the night and will help get some outdoor pictures of Jenis' colt once the rain stops. She is taking the puppies to the vet for their their first well puppy check up and first deworming.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
How Quickly Things Change
Yesterday 4 mares were in season and today only Paris. Thank goodness for Paris, Dr. Hoerr needed a jump mare for the collection and she stands great for Raven. Dr. Hoerr made it to the farm around 11:00am and just as we were getting ready to collect Raven a couple showed up to see their new puppy. They were quickly shown which pup was theirs then it was Raven's turn but by that time, the AV was a little too cool and was rejected. Dr. Hoerr needed to empty the AV and refill it with hot water until it was just right, the second try was success. Over 90 ccs of fantastic viable mobile and motile semen was collected. Dr. Hoerr was testing it below, checking it first with his microscope, then measuring the density.

The 2 syringes below are what is being shipped out to Iowa and each are filled with over 5 billion of the potent little buggers, that's billion, not million and to think it only takes ONE!

Kay's Arabian mare would not show this morning, Dr. Hoerr did a sonagram on her to find out where she was, she also had already ovulated. Kay was called to see if she wants to pick her up today, she is being kept in a stall instead of a hot paddock but if Kay can't come today she will need to be moved out.
The pictures below are of Jenis' colt right after birth. Much better pictures will be taken once we are home from our weekend trip. He shouldn't be taken out in the heat, these black babies get overheated very quickly. Dr. Hoerr told us one of his customers lost a baby yesterday by overheating. SO very thankful for the barn.

I'm heading in to Meisters to make copies of Raven's DNA test and FPS registration for Don Kummer of Canton, He has a purebred filly by Raven he wants to FPS B book register and needs this information to do so.

The 2 syringes below are what is being shipped out to Iowa and each are filled with over 5 billion of the potent little buggers, that's billion, not million and to think it only takes ONE!

Kay's Arabian mare would not show this morning, Dr. Hoerr did a sonagram on her to find out where she was, she also had already ovulated. Kay was called to see if she wants to pick her up today, she is being kept in a stall instead of a hot paddock but if Kay can't come today she will need to be moved out.
The pictures below are of Jenis' colt right after birth. Much better pictures will be taken once we are home from our weekend trip. He shouldn't be taken out in the heat, these black babies get overheated very quickly. Dr. Hoerr told us one of his customers lost a baby yesterday by overheating. SO very thankful for the barn.

I'm heading in to Meisters to make copies of Raven's DNA test and FPS registration for Don Kummer of Canton, He has a purebred filly by Raven he wants to FPS B book register and needs this information to do so.
TOO Many for Raven
We have 3 of our own mares that should be covered today, one outside mare that should be covered and the receptionist at Hoerr Vet clinic reported that Dr. Hoerr would be out either today or tomorrow to collect for the Iowa mare. She was told to have him bring his ultrasound machine, we will need to find out exactly which mares are close to ovulating and if all 4 have him collect, extend and AI each mare, Raven likes his job but this is a bit much.
Trying to get into the stall door to feed the puppies is almost impossible for Emma. At 3:30am she asked to go out to feed them, then stood at the door and whined, they were piled up 10 high and she just couldn’t get in. She needed someone to move them from the door first. The puppies are like hungry piranhas swarming her each time she climbs over the board and into the stall.
Jenis’ colt is doing well, she makes him work for his meals, she wants out so bad she doesn’t stand very well for him. Even when she is tied she swings back and forth unless someone is in with her forcing her to stand quietly. Good thing he is strong and determined. He loves to have his rear end scratched. Yesterday a warm wet wash cloth was used to try to clean the sticky stuck on meconium off his back end. He about fell down with the pleasure of that itchy spot getting scrubbed.
Today the trailer must be hooked up, packed, power washed and ready for our camping trip. I’ve hired Sarah Reinhard to care for the animals while we are gone. I may still need to drive back on Saturday to cover a mare and power pack Ylse. Saturday is the 5th and last day for that.
A bunch of the family is leaving for Lake Shelbyville for our annual horse camping but this one will be without the horses. It is JUST TOO HOT! Instead we are renting a pontoon boat for all day Saturday, Saturday night and until 1:00pm on Sunday. Danny is bringing down his speed boat for wake boarding and water skiing. Some are going down today to make sure they get camp sites with electricity, the rest of us are going down tomorrow, hoping the first group could save some spots for us. We ALL want air conditioning and ALL want the electric sites but SOME of us have to work.
There is a storm building and we have already lost electricity shortly this morning here. We are praying that if it does go off today the storm will cool down the weather enough to not need the air for the horses. Otherwise it will be time to borrow Mike’s generator.
Trying to get into the stall door to feed the puppies is almost impossible for Emma. At 3:30am she asked to go out to feed them, then stood at the door and whined, they were piled up 10 high and she just couldn’t get in. She needed someone to move them from the door first. The puppies are like hungry piranhas swarming her each time she climbs over the board and into the stall.
Jenis’ colt is doing well, she makes him work for his meals, she wants out so bad she doesn’t stand very well for him. Even when she is tied she swings back and forth unless someone is in with her forcing her to stand quietly. Good thing he is strong and determined. He loves to have his rear end scratched. Yesterday a warm wet wash cloth was used to try to clean the sticky stuck on meconium off his back end. He about fell down with the pleasure of that itchy spot getting scrubbed.
Today the trailer must be hooked up, packed, power washed and ready for our camping trip. I’ve hired Sarah Reinhard to care for the animals while we are gone. I may still need to drive back on Saturday to cover a mare and power pack Ylse. Saturday is the 5th and last day for that.
A bunch of the family is leaving for Lake Shelbyville for our annual horse camping but this one will be without the horses. It is JUST TOO HOT! Instead we are renting a pontoon boat for all day Saturday, Saturday night and until 1:00pm on Sunday. Danny is bringing down his speed boat for wake boarding and water skiing. Some are going down today to make sure they get camp sites with electricity, the rest of us are going down tomorrow, hoping the first group could save some spots for us. We ALL want air conditioning and ALL want the electric sites but SOME of us have to work.
There is a storm building and we have already lost electricity shortly this morning here. We are praying that if it does go off today the storm will cool down the weather enough to not need the air for the horses. Otherwise it will be time to borrow Mike’s generator.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Another Scorcher
After the walk the library was first on the long list. There were 8 books to return and today only 4 checked out. There was a new Dick Francis book out along with 2 new Mary Higgins Clark books that were sitting there calling my name. At TSC 10 bags of Equine Fresh and 4 bags of feed was stuffed into the car barly leaving room for groceries. SAMs was the next stop fitting into the car $88.00 of food for the weekend camping trip. Once every thing was finally unloaded I NEEDED water, lots of cool refreshing water, the heat is oppressive. Jenis hates to be stalled but we just can't take a chance on letting her out as long as this extreme heat lasts.
We had salad for dinner,sure don't want to COOK anything. We were the first to meet at the playground for the ride to church. Joan's van took a group and we took the rest. Ken Hoerr had the last of 3 on Revelations and the end times then Joan's van was given to the teenagers while the old folks drove home. Two deer jumped in front of the car, one was hit, rolled,then jumped up and took off running. Mark thinks there is not much damage done to the car, if anying we can just get a few more zip ties to hold anything broken back in place.
As soon as we got to the farm the puppies were fed, they were sure we were starving them making them wait until after 9:00pm for dinner. The 2 stalls were cleaned jenis fed and watered and now we can crash!
We had salad for dinner,sure don't want to COOK anything. We were the first to meet at the playground for the ride to church. Joan's van took a group and we took the rest. Ken Hoerr had the last of 3 on Revelations and the end times then Joan's van was given to the teenagers while the old folks drove home. Two deer jumped in front of the car, one was hit, rolled,then jumped up and took off running. Mark thinks there is not much damage done to the car, if anying we can just get a few more zip ties to hold anything broken back in place.
As soon as we got to the farm the puppies were fed, they were sure we were starving them making them wait until after 9:00pm for dinner. The 2 stalls were cleaned jenis fed and watered and now we can crash!
Jenis Had a COLT!
Last night around 8:30 as Raven was getting his nightly grain, we see Jenis had just delivered her baby. The boy is STRONG, springing to his feet quickly. They were brought outside the pasture and Rhoda watched them while the puppies were moved over into a smaller stall and the foaling stall was prepared. Mike and Diane came over to help. He was nursing well by midnight. How wonderful it was not to have to climb in the car and drive home. Living here I could walk a few feet open the door and collapse into bed. We are SO THANKFUL the window air is in and working. Yesterday was another scorcher and today is suppose to be the same.
Jenis delivered her placenta intact with no problem. The colt is nursing well this morning. The song that keeps running through my mind is the Swiss song, All is Well.
TSC will need to be visited for more bedding, heat indexes are to rise into the 100s for the next 4 days meaning both Sanna and Jenis will need to be stalled with the air on FULL BLAST. We will also need to purchase some square bales.
Jenis delivered her placenta intact with no problem. The colt is nursing well this morning. The song that keeps running through my mind is the Swiss song, All is Well.
TSC will need to be visited for more bedding, heat indexes are to rise into the 100s for the next 4 days meaning both Sanna and Jenis will need to be stalled with the air on FULL BLAST. We will also need to purchase some square bales.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Hazel's Fish vs Mom's Fish

Above is Hazel Geyer catching fish at Norris last Tuesday. As mom didn't get any pictures of the ladies fishing, Barb emailed this one last week but with our slow internet it couldn't be downloaded until today at the shop.
So we showed the picture to mom, she drives out to Norris, jumps in the lake and pulls out a HUGE channel cat with her BARE HANDS! Now mom is not at all competitive, no, no she only did this to show Hazel there are bigger fish in that lake then the little bluegill Hazel caught.

disclaimer (mom really used a pole)
The picture below is the mare we are shipping semen to. She is a nice BIG girl and will make a wonderful cross with Raven.

Thanks Kres for the picture.
Eliza did not get covered this morning, DaMita did. We will need to try Eliza tonight. Ylse was started on her Panacur power pack. She is not pregnant or nursing and we want to get her in good shape before breeding her back to Raven.
Rising Costs
We had a shock this morning, Newman was out of the puppy stall. He has now learned to climb OVER to get out. This complicates EVERYTHING. The stall door will have to be kept shut and Emma let in everytime she needs to nurse them. Newman is a big fat puppy that is usually lazy but when the food didn't arrive early he decided it was time to go find the food.
Raven was given the day off yesterday meaning today he might have to work overtime. We must get Eliza covered if she is still in and need to do this before the walk if I am to make it in to work on time. DaMita needs to be covered and Ylse is now showing signs of coming in. We will be shipping semen this week also to DesMoines, Iowa. This will need to be done by Dr. Pallen as Dr. Hoerr will be out of the state for the big endurance ride he is judging.
Dr. Hoerr asked us to raise the price on shipped semen for 2012 from $250.00 to $300.00 plus the customer still must pay the actual shipping charges. We don't like raising our prices. It is his call as he does all the work but it may be time to buy our own collection equipment as I feel this is pricing us out of the shipping business. Raven is always ready to collect and easy to collect but there is more to this than just that part. The semen needs to be inspected under a microscope, then extended correctly and cooled correctly. It takes Hoerr vet clinic about 30 minutes to drive here, then another 20 minutes to do the job then they must drive to FedEx and ship it out before heading back to their office. Plus when semen is needed everything else must be dropped to get it shipped off in time.
Emma does NOT like sharing the stall area with Sanna and her filly. The filly is always so curious and sticking her head in through the door to watch the puppies play. This brings a barrage of barking as Emma feels this is her private property. Rhoda came out last night to play with the puppies, they were play fighting with each other so cute she grabbed the video camera and took some footage that will be used in our puppy video. That cannot be done until I get an external hard drive as we have no cable here. We have a Sprint stick but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t and when it does work it is VERY slow. Mark’s IPad pretty much always connects but it is hard to use for updates. At least I can check email and run in to Peoria if there is anything important. We have been living here for 2 months and are learning how to live without cable internet, finding out it is not impossible just inconvenient.
Raven was given the day off yesterday meaning today he might have to work overtime. We must get Eliza covered if she is still in and need to do this before the walk if I am to make it in to work on time. DaMita needs to be covered and Ylse is now showing signs of coming in. We will be shipping semen this week also to DesMoines, Iowa. This will need to be done by Dr. Pallen as Dr. Hoerr will be out of the state for the big endurance ride he is judging.
Dr. Hoerr asked us to raise the price on shipped semen for 2012 from $250.00 to $300.00 plus the customer still must pay the actual shipping charges. We don't like raising our prices. It is his call as he does all the work but it may be time to buy our own collection equipment as I feel this is pricing us out of the shipping business. Raven is always ready to collect and easy to collect but there is more to this than just that part. The semen needs to be inspected under a microscope, then extended correctly and cooled correctly. It takes Hoerr vet clinic about 30 minutes to drive here, then another 20 minutes to do the job then they must drive to FedEx and ship it out before heading back to their office. Plus when semen is needed everything else must be dropped to get it shipped off in time.
Emma does NOT like sharing the stall area with Sanna and her filly. The filly is always so curious and sticking her head in through the door to watch the puppies play. This brings a barrage of barking as Emma feels this is her private property. Rhoda came out last night to play with the puppies, they were play fighting with each other so cute she grabbed the video camera and took some footage that will be used in our puppy video. That cannot be done until I get an external hard drive as we have no cable here. We have a Sprint stick but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t and when it does work it is VERY slow. Mark’s IPad pretty much always connects but it is hard to use for updates. At least I can check email and run in to Peoria if there is anything important. We have been living here for 2 months and are learning how to live without cable internet, finding out it is not impossible just inconvenient.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Three Gone Home
A text came that they would arrive around 9:30am today. Thinking this text was from the people wanting to see a puppy the barn was cleaned extra good. All was ready when the thought came, how do they know where to come. Once they were sent a text asking if they needed the address and the response was "no we know where we are coming", I was even more confused. When the last text came asking if they could buy a lead rope somewhere in Hanna City I finally figured out these people were not coming to pick out a puppy, they were coming to pick up their three pregnant mares. No sooner had they pulled away when the phone rang from someone wanting to bring their Arabian mare in for breeding and asking do we have room. These people had just left the vet office with their mare coming into season now and wanted to bring her in today.
Jenis was missing from the field this morning. Seeing Ylse by herself the first thing that comes into the mind is Jenis must have had her foal even though the foal predictor kit said she wasn't even near delivering. After calling for Raven to come eat, I was going to go searching but Jenis comes bursting out of Raven's shelter and comes running for the grain. She had climbed over the fence and joined him during the night. Why? No one knows how Jenis thinks. She was removed and the fence put back in place.
Around noon, Philip comes to look at what is involved with installing the central air for the barn. He and Dave Sauder will probably do this job on Wednesday.
Jenis was missing from the field this morning. Seeing Ylse by herself the first thing that comes into the mind is Jenis must have had her foal even though the foal predictor kit said she wasn't even near delivering. After calling for Raven to come eat, I was going to go searching but Jenis comes bursting out of Raven's shelter and comes running for the grain. She had climbed over the fence and joined him during the night. Why? No one knows how Jenis thinks. She was removed and the fence put back in place.
Around noon, Philip comes to look at what is involved with installing the central air for the barn. He and Dave Sauder will probably do this job on Wednesday.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Cool Refreshing RAIN!!!
The clouds started rolling in while Eliza was being covered. We were moving fast to get the bales moved before the rain but ended up no hurry at all the morning rain missed the farm. By the time we reached Maxwell road on our way to church the lightning hit something important and the stop lights were out and all the electricity to the jail was out. Spark had the Taylor young group and Bible class there to sing. When the gym when black things got a bit scary. There were NO emergency lights as the generator also failed. It was pitch black in the gym, there was a full room of inmates, only 2 female guards and a the group from Taylor Missouri. The ministers that went along were doing a LOT of praying.
Church was amazing! It is wonderful when the church is full with people all there to worship and praise. We had 2 visiting ministers from Taylor, Scott spoke in the morning and Kent Heimer spoke in the afternoon. Both were SO thought provoking I'm going to listen to them again. All I can say was the Spirit of God was in Peoria church today. Once church was over we were so happily surprised to see almost an inch of good drenching rain had fallen at the farm.
Amy Koch came over with her daughter Sarah and her grandchildren Olivia (Livy) and Michael to see the puppies. Livy sits down with them and asks, "Are these ALL dogs?"

Emma came in and leaned up against Amy and Michael glad for the support when the puppies swarm all over her.

We hiked over to mom's where we heard a group was playing volley ball and on the way Paris comes wandering down the lane all tacked up.
Michael and Livy enjoyed riding her.

Amy helped me get DaMita covered as she is in season and ready to stand while her grandchildren were riding.
Spark showed up to move the fire engine ladder higher so Bethany and Hanna could practice without the silk hitting the ground. Noel, Spark's grand daughter took a ride before putting Paris away.
While we were watching them practice the kids were playing with the puppies.

Below is hanging Hanna so high upside down scaring us.

Then Bethany and Hanna had to show us another neat move.

We will have to make a video of them.
It was my turn to have Nancy but Karin picked her up and brought her to church. After dinner mom and I drove Nancy home then watched the volley ball games. It was the Haiti missionaries against the USA group. USA won 2 games, Haiti won 1 but by the 3rd game they were losing daylight quickly.

Mark walked back to the farm while I drove the car to find another group of kids in with the puppies. These puppies are SO well socialized.
Church was amazing! It is wonderful when the church is full with people all there to worship and praise. We had 2 visiting ministers from Taylor, Scott spoke in the morning and Kent Heimer spoke in the afternoon. Both were SO thought provoking I'm going to listen to them again. All I can say was the Spirit of God was in Peoria church today. Once church was over we were so happily surprised to see almost an inch of good drenching rain had fallen at the farm.
Amy Koch came over with her daughter Sarah and her grandchildren Olivia (Livy) and Michael to see the puppies. Livy sits down with them and asks, "Are these ALL dogs?"

Emma came in and leaned up against Amy and Michael glad for the support when the puppies swarm all over her.

We hiked over to mom's where we heard a group was playing volley ball and on the way Paris comes wandering down the lane all tacked up.
Michael and Livy enjoyed riding her.

Amy helped me get DaMita covered as she is in season and ready to stand while her grandchildren were riding.
Spark showed up to move the fire engine ladder higher so Bethany and Hanna could practice without the silk hitting the ground. Noel, Spark's grand daughter took a ride before putting Paris away.

While we were watching them practice the kids were playing with the puppies.

Below is hanging Hanna so high upside down scaring us.

Then Bethany and Hanna had to show us another neat move.

We will have to make a video of them.
It was my turn to have Nancy but Karin picked her up and brought her to church. After dinner mom and I drove Nancy home then watched the volley ball games. It was the Haiti missionaries against the USA group. USA won 2 games, Haiti won 1 but by the 3rd game they were losing daylight quickly.

Mark walked back to the farm while I drove the car to find another group of kids in with the puppies. These puppies are SO well socialized.
Quiet Night
What a wonderful night with no puppy sounds or messes. Emma asked to go out at 3:00am and just to make sure she went to feed the pups I followed her. She went right in with them. As long as I was up and out, the water buckets were cleaned and filled in Sanna's stall (which need it every few hours to keep the water cool clean and refreshing for her filly) then it was time to grab Mark's flashlight and hike through the pastures looking for Jenis. No baby yet thank goodness. We are hoping she will put off delivering until the central air is installed so the puppies won't have to be moved back inside. Back in bed by 3:45am and when 6:00am came around it was hard to get up. Emma was asked to go back in with the pups while Jenis was checked then fed along with the others. This morning we need to get Eliza covered while it is still cool and it is heating up fast. The high today is predicted to be 94 degrees, not as hot as other days but still dangerously hot and humid for black horses and young pups. We also need to move in 3 round bales, one for the breeding shed, one for the middle paddock and one for the boys.
Thankful today is Sunday and a day of rest!
Thankful today is Sunday and a day of rest!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Air Conditioning
Even early this morning the heat is unbearable. French Fry was covered early before the temps climbed way into the 90's again. Mike decided to haul 4 horses out to Middle Grove, then check on the herd. He took Izadora, Dalia, Ciera and Indy. While getting the mares out of the middle paddock, Jenis was checked. Her udder is very full and swollen and the milk is white. I don't have a test to do on her but she must be close to delivery. We desperately needed another stall with a window air just in case she delivered today. All the Peoria stores were called and there is NONE available. We started calling on used ones, Mike found an old working 16,000 BTU in Wyoming, IL for $75.00 so Mark and I left first thing to buy it. We stopped at Home Depot on the way back for more plastic sheeting and the electrical supplies to wire in a 220 volt. Spark, Mike and Mark made short work of installing this.

Mark and I worked on enclosing the foaling stall on the left hand side of the barn once the air was on and cooling. We decided to include the first stall, take down a few boards, hang a fan and move the puppies in. Dave & Stef, Phil & Anna, Ben & Taunya, Rhoda and all the grand kids showed up to swim while we were finishing up. Rhoda helped move the puppies out into the stall but it was still hot. We ordered pizza from Casey's in Hanna City for dinner then checked on the puppies and all were panting. A box fan was borrowed from Fede but still they were just too hot. Jenis was moved into the back pasture and the puppies moved into the foaling stall where it was a cool 85 degrees and falling with the air on full blast. If Jenis delivers tonight, they will have to be moved, we can't take a chance on losing her foal in this heat.
Eliza needs to be covered first thing tomorrow morning if she is still in. Damita is also in season and will need to be covered. Hopefully French Fry will be OUT.

Eliza needs to be covered first thing tomorrow morning if she is still in. Damita is also in season and will need to be covered. Hopefully French Fry will be OUT.
Puppy Work
What a LONG night! We were sound asleep by 9:30pm, the heat is just exhausting. At 11:00pm my phone start beeping which was ignored but when Mark's phone went off, it was too loud to ignore. His needed to be plugged in, mine was a text message from someone wanting a pup and wanting to come down from Chicago today. Back to bed, back to sleep when the puppies started an uproar. Whining, barking, and even growling. Emma went running to see what the problem was then came running back in to get us up. ALL of the puppies, not just one or two, ALL of the puppies were out of the box causing mass chaos. When Emma exited the box she must have knocked down one of the sidewalls. It wasn't just the case of putting them back in the box and heading to bed. The box needed repair and the floor needed cleaning. These puppies are eating machines and they must be over eating, it keeps coming out the overflow!
The only blessing in all of this is Mark is now more than ready to get the central air conditioner installed in the barn so the puppies can be moved out. THANK GOODNESS hope he schedules it for Monday.
Around 4:00am Emma wanted back out and at that time I realized the stall air conditioner was left on. As there were only a couple hours left of the night it was left on. This morning Sanna and her filly are sound asleep in the stall enjoying a bit of coolness. The filly will be given her last IV then her IV line taken out. She is doing well, nursing well, eating well and feeling much better.
It probably could have been removed yesterday but we want to make sure Sanna's milk supply is built up enough to support her.
The only blessing in all of this is Mark is now more than ready to get the central air conditioner installed in the barn so the puppies can be moved out. THANK GOODNESS hope he schedules it for Monday.
Around 4:00am Emma wanted back out and at that time I realized the stall air conditioner was left on. As there were only a couple hours left of the night it was left on. This morning Sanna and her filly are sound asleep in the stall enjoying a bit of coolness. The filly will be given her last IV then her IV line taken out. She is doing well, nursing well, eating well and feeling much better.
It probably could have been removed yesterday but we want to make sure Sanna's milk supply is built up enough to support her.
Friday, July 22, 2011
And Then There Were Four
Male puppy number 2 is sold and will be going to Texas. We now only have 4 males and 4 females available.

Male number 1 has an almost heart shaped black dot on his tail, he has an hourglass white mark on his chest. He is good for his nail trimming and loves to eat.

Male number 2 has no white and a big head. He LOVES to eat and is the first to reach the food each time.

Male number 3 has no white on his chest, he is a bit smaller than his siblings but a real fighter, he is active and social and enjoys snuggling up in ones arm.

Male number 4 has no white on his chest, a black rectangle on the tail and is a real sweet heart. He likes to stick his tongue out and doesn't mind his nails being trimmed and can be put on his back without squirming.

And below is male number 5. Male number 5 has lots of personality, he is kind of a cry baby, whining and bossing the other puppies around.

Male number 1 has an almost heart shaped black dot on his tail, he has an hourglass white mark on his chest. He is good for his nail trimming and loves to eat.

Male number 2 has no white and a big head. He LOVES to eat and is the first to reach the food each time.

Male number 3 has no white on his chest, he is a bit smaller than his siblings but a real fighter, he is active and social and enjoys snuggling up in ones arm.

Male number 4 has no white on his chest, a black rectangle on the tail and is a real sweet heart. He likes to stick his tongue out and doesn't mind his nails being trimmed and can be put on his back without squirming.

And below is male number 5. Male number 5 has lots of personality, he is kind of a cry baby, whining and bossing the other puppies around.

Bethany & Hanna
Spark moved the fire engine outside and put the ladder up for Bethany and Hanna. We knew there was a good reason Spark bought that fire engine! Hanna was first showing us what she learned, WHAT WAS HER MOTHER THINKING?

Hanna is sliding down the silk in the pictures below from the top all the way to the ground.

Bethany climbed to the top of the ladder to show us her routine. Once up the wind started blowing the silk away from her making it harder but very pretty.

She makes this look easy but we were all shocked at what she was doing, again, WHAT WAS HER MOTHER THINKING to let her buy this silk!
These girls learned this on youtube. I think it must be very dangerous to let your young impressionable daughter watch youtube.

Then if one is not too tired of pictures, Addyson and Jack came over for a visit. Taunya drove out to show Addyson the puppies and took Braelyn back into town for Anna.

Hanna is sliding down the silk in the pictures below from the top all the way to the ground.

Bethany climbed to the top of the ladder to show us her routine. Once up the wind started blowing the silk away from her making it harder but very pretty.

She makes this look easy but we were all shocked at what she was doing, again, WHAT WAS HER MOTHER THINKING to let her buy this silk!
These girls learned this on youtube. I think it must be very dangerous to let your young impressionable daughter watch youtube.

Then if one is not too tired of pictures, Addyson and Jack came over for a visit. Taunya drove out to show Addyson the puppies and took Braelyn back into town for Anna.

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