Thursday, August 14, 2014

One out of Three

This morning 3 mares were suppose to head to Morton, IL for sonagrams. Emily got Jewel and her filly out of the paddock while I went to get Lola and her colt. As Lola was half out of the gate Killian came up in the next paddock over and wouldn't you know Lola starts to show. Lola was put back in the paddock, no sense in taking her for an ultrasound, she obviously didn't settle on her foal heat. Jewel was put in the front of the trailer with her filly while Hadassah was put in the back. Jewel was confirmed in foal.
 Hadassah had just ovulated. 
She will have to stay for a while I don't like short cycling. Whitney accepted Valiant this morning.
She was moved in with Ribbon and will be teased for the next few days. Lola will have to be covered  tomorrow as we want to use Valiant again for her. We like what the 2 of them produce.  Ribbon and Valiant's paddocks both got new round bales today. The outdoor arena was weed whacked by Sarah and raked by me. Emily took some tests at ICC to test out of a few classes then headed down to the state fair in Springfield, IL. Leigha and her family from Kansas are showing their dairy cows there and Dr. Hoerr was heading down at noon and offered to give her a ride. She will be picked up tomorrow.
I drove the golf cart over to the cabin this evening to make sure it was prepared for the guests coming in tomorrow. Diane came in to help with the dusting and sweeping. Eliza's filly got a cut on her forehead so once we finished she and Eliza were taken over to the barn to clean it off good. She was started on 20 cc's of sulfa tonight and will get that for the next few days so the cut doesn't get infected. When I was taking her over to the barn Zalena's colt was so upset she was leaving he tried to jump the gate. Then when I brought her back he started teasing her. What was interesting is she ran to Eliza to nurse and he also reached under to nurse also off Eliza. No WONDER Zalena is getting fat and we are struggling to keep weight on Eliza.

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