We were ready to pull out with the first load at 8:35am, dropped Eliza and Ylse off at Mike and Diane's law office while I drove back to get Sanna and her filly. Mike and Diane rode Mika and Bunni into Hanna City to join us during the parade. The costumes were put together while tacking up the horses.
This was Eliza's 4th time undersaddle and how impressed we were with her behavior. She is such a magnificent mare. Sanna's filly also did amazing, kids were coming up to pet her and she stood quietly for everything. All the horses seemed to enjoy the parade, below are pictures of the morning.
Below is Anni Davidovics getting in costume and getting ready to ride Sanna side saddle for the entire parade.
Rhoda was put on Eliza as this is only her 4th time under saddle and her first parade.
Rebekah Davidovics getting into her costume riding Ylse one of the favorites of the parade. Ylse has that mega hair and is a true fantasy Friesian.
Spark had his fire truck parked ready to go. Karin picked up Nancy so she could ride the fire truck with mom. Nancy was so excited to be in the truck wearing a fire hat.
Josiah and Rhonda are ready to throw prizes to the crowd.
We were watching the horses walk down from Mike's office to the parade starting place. They were all so beautiful!
Below is Anni on Sanna with her filly following, Karin is keeping her filly on a lead as we didn't want her straying into the crowd for attention, Sanna is leading the pack as she is our most experienced parade horse.
Left to right Diane on Bunni, Rebekah on Ylse and Rhoda on Eliza. Now we think Bunni is in kind of exalted company and yet she seems to fit right in.
Anni on Sanna waiting for permission to cross the street.
Mike chose to lead Mika across the street. Diane thinks Mike makes more excuses for his horse, of course the Friesians were PERFECT.
Anni and Sanna again in the lead. What a mare she knows her job and to think she is 22 years old!
Below the horses are all waiting for the parade to start. We were very pleased with how quiet and well behaved all the horses were.
Our beauties Eliza and Ylse, wait I mean Rhoda and Rebekah, hmmm..it's hard to know who is more beautiful, the horses or the riders.
Ebby all loaded in Mika's saddle pack. Mika is use to carrying just about anything Mike feels like loading up. He really is a great gelding, of course he
is Grace's son.
Anni Davidovics our sidesaddle rider patiently waiting for the start of the parade. Even Sanna's filly waited patiently.
These pictures were taken from on top of Sparks fire truck during the parade. Mom gave Nancy some prizes to throw but she decided to keep them instead of throwing them out. She had a great time riding in the passenger seat waving to everyone.
Ylse is just so beautiful, the rider too.
Ebby enjoyed the parade riding on Mika in the saddle pack.
The next couple of pictures are after the first load headed back to the farm. Sanna and her filly were very patiently waiting for the trailer to come back.
Bunni and Mika were put in the law office's back fenced in yard. They enjoyed the tiny bit of grass.
What a wonderful time was had by all. After the parade we met back here for a farm fresh delicious late breakfast that should have been called brunch.
After our brunch Mark started moving manure, the first trip back I realize Ylse and Eliza are not in the paddock, in fact they are between Raven and the boys paddock waiting to be put away.
Rhoda was willing to help get Breyer covered but we ran into a problem. Raven cannot accomplish the job with her. We need to have the vet out to see if she has a thickened hymen. We actually know how that is for Raven as Big Sally had that and needed to have the vet open it before she could be bred. Jenis is still in and Raven got her covered with no problem. Bryer's owner was called to explain that Monday we will need to get the vet out and just pray she is still in season if she is to be covered this cycle.