Saturday, December 5, 2009

Last Round Bale

Brrr, it is cold this morning. The tractor didn't want to start without a boost from the charger. Mark helped move in the last round bale and the foals were so glad. The water tank had a thick layer of ice, so thick it took my boot to crash through. Obviously the heater didn't work. Once it was plugged inside, it was working so we know it is the receptacle that is not working. Now we won't need to buy another heater. We are temporarily using an extension cord and plugging it in to the next nearest receptacle until Mark replaces the broken one. We bought 28 more round bales and 7 will come to Bridlewood with the remainder heading out to the farm. Mike is bringing Meike over today for weaning and to get her ready for transport to Canada. Winter sure makes everything hard. Meike could use a bath but it's not going to happen. I'll do my best to clean her up without water. Today will be an easy day, just laundry to do, the house is already clean, the horses are cared for and Rhoda took the puppy (Emma) to work with her. I should find a book to read!

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