I am writing this on the 21st of December. Mike bought Diane a puppy for Christmas on Sunday, this is a REAL shock, this is an indoor puppy and Diane is not really a dog person. The puppy is so adorable that we are all hoping she will fall in love with her. Mike is calling her Wrent, as he has an agreement with the seller that he can bring her back and the owner gets to keep the money.
The puppy is 75% Shitzu and 25% dachshund, black, short with long silky hair. She loves to be held and screams if she is put down. She also screams when she is put to bed for about a half hour, screams around 2:00am, and again around 6:00am. Her scream is so piercing that even in her crate, locked in the playroom with all the doors shut we can hear her up in our bedroom. We fell asleep to the pathetic sound and don't really know when she quit but she must have quit because at 2:00am it started up again. Down the stairs I ran to thinking she must need the bathroom, open the crate and see she has vomited all over her bed. Rhoda wormed her last night so I'm sure this is the problem. Outside standing in the snow and ice for 20 minutes waiting for her to go was just no fun. She was brought in and put in the big cage with a training pad and back up to bed I head listening to her piercing cry all the way. Again we fell asleep to the grating music. 6:00am we are jarred awake by the same. Down the stairs, look in the big crate and see she has had diarrhea. At least it was all over the training pad and not on her bed. Again outside in the snow and ice and again she is not willing to relieve herself out in the cold. I think if I would leave her out, maybe she would go but as soon as I head in she tries to follow screaming. I can't subject my neighbors to this sound so early so up she is scooped and into the house where she promptly wets. I have her bed in the laundry trying to get it all nice and cleaned up for her big presentation on the 24th. I dread leaving her today while we are both gone for work.
1:50pm: Home from work and the puppy is acting lethargic. She was offered food and turns her head away. Even a piece of hotdog is refused. She is drinking well but now I'm worried. Rhoda was called and she is bringing home some special soft puppy food. She thinks it is because of the worm medicine.
UPDATE: She is doing much better this afternoon, eating and drinking well. Her evening and afternoon went much better as far as screaming. She only starts when she is locked up.
Tuesday Night: She was put in her carrier and placed on my side of the bed. She was quiet until midnight, then just started a low key whine. She was brought into the bathroom with her puppy training pad, went right away, put back in her carrier and she was fast asleep in a few minutes. This was the way to go, I couldn't get her to go outside yesterday anyway. No stairs, just a few short steps. She woke up again around 3:30am and again she was taken into the bathroom and went immediately. At 5:30am she was up for the day so down we went to let our dogs out. She followed them but came back in and pooped in the kitchen right in front of the door and wouldn't you know, Mark walks into the kitchen and steps on it.
Right now she is playing with our two Mastiffs and it is so cute. She is pouncing on Emma's tail.
Wednesday 3:00pm: Cathie Trent has been up from the barn twice to take the puppy out to visit the ladies. When she came to get her, Darcy was lying down and the puppy was all snuggled up under her chin. Mike showed up, saw the puppy jumping and playing around Darcy's HUGE head and wants me to take videos. Right now all three dogs are sound asleep on the playroom floor. Emma and the puppy on the portacushion an Darcy next to it.
Thursday, December 24th, 2009 9:30am:The video below was taken just before we took her over to Mike and Diane's house. The puppy was taken over to mom's to show Nancy while we were waiting for Mike to call. The call came, the puppy was put in a box and Mike grabbed the box at the front door, calling, "look Diane, there is one more present for you." Diane was sitting on the couch, Andrew was on the steps video taping, Mike hands Diane the box, she holds it, looks at it, makes a comment about how fancy the wrapping was, starts to open it, jumps back and slams it shut. She opens it again exclaiming, "MIKE, we can't have a puppy now!" She holds the puppy, Ella takes her into her arms immediately falling in love, Rachel Honegger is telling Ella, you must give her back to grandma, all the time Diane very loudly exclaiming, how can we have a puppy? Ella sees me standing at the door walks toward me with her arms outstretched saying, "Judy, we don't have a puppy." Willow sees me and starts crying, "Judy, we don't have ANY pets." I had to tell them both, there are no more puppies in the car. Diane finally said, she is beautiful and she would be the exact puppy I would have chosen. We will see if she stays, but if not just about everybody around here wants her.
I headed home to baby sit.