Heather from St. Louis emailed me some pictures of her filly by Raven out of her bay roan mare born March 18th, 2009. She named her Taseko after a glacier river in British Columbia. Didn't she turn out beautiful! We think this is the first blue roan Raven has thrown.
This morning around 5:30am the horses were waiting in their own paddock to be fed. I finished filling the water tank while I was graining them, then took off for the farm to get some chores there done before walking. Raven was grained, Ylse was moved to the cabin field, and Lily was moved into the big paddock to make room for a mare from Morton, IL. Darcy, Rhoda's dog has been coming with me to walk each morning and she usually stays right with us. Today after the first loop, Darcy decided to just wait by the car, enough of this seemingly pointless walking! First my son Philip called needing his truck picked up at a job site to get a tire repaired, then Dr. Hoerr called about the mare, she is at 51 cm and is ready to pop. He asked if I could get her to Raven, cover her, then take her back. Of course I said yes. Then Rhoda calls that she forgot her phone, Rhoda is leaving for Minnesota today right after work so I said we would get it to her somehow.
I drove home from the farm, picked up the truck and trailer, drove to Morton, IL picked up the mare (after which the owner tells me she has never been loaded before but she walked right in) drove to the farm, covered the mare by Raven, drove the mare to Bridlewood to meet our farrier, Tyler Joos and gave him a check for trimming Samantha, Sanna and reseting Mika's shoes, took the outside mare back to Morton, IL, drove the truck and trailer back to the farm, picked up Izaodora and brought her to Bridlewood, unloaded Izadora, grabbed Rhoda's phone, jumped in the car and drove that to Dunlap. I found myself drowsy and almost fell asleep coming back from Dunlap. It is just too much driving in one day. I'm just getting ready to head down to TSC to buy more grain for Raven, I will load that in the truck, then unhook the truck and trailer so we can use the truck on the dump trailer tomorrow. We will be finishing the paddocks if the rain holds off.
8:00pm. After dinner, I started cleaning the mare paddock. I let Izadora, Samantha and Apelles out into the field and had to stop working to watch them run. Apelles saw a couple of gray horses being ridden on the cross country course and started calling just sure that one of them was her mom. No such luck, Amy and Caitlyn were riding their gray horses. They came over to talk a bit, then back to work for me. I had just decided to quit when Amy came out with a wheel barrow so we filled another one. That is a TRUE friend, one that will shovel manure just so we can get in some visiting.