Monday, October 1, 2018

Made It Home

We had a beautiful sunny day Sunday. Stephanie, her 2 and I joined mom, Beth, Joan and her kids for church listening to the morning Peoria service. We were pretty much dressed for the beach and pictures were taken of the service but those are on the laptop which hasn't been unpacked yet. After church mom served 2 donuts (day old and cut into tiny pieces) we all could take a taste if we wanted to just to keep our lunch tradition alive. From there it was right out to the beach.
We found if we didn't go early, we wouldn't spend much time on the beach as the afternoon is just so hot. Israel wanted to feed the gulls first.

They squabble over how gets to the food first once he throws it up in the air. The gull below got his feathers all ruffled as he just wasn't fast enough. 
The waves were smaller than the day before but deceptively powerful.
Below Stephanie and Israel had no idea there was a big wave coming behind them in the picture below.
The wave slammed into them drenching both.
 Elisabet had been playing in the sand but when she saw her mom and brother laughing she wanted to head out too. 
This time Israel was prepared and Elisabet was laughing as her mom blocked the water. 
 Berlica brought out a boogie board and worked on learning how to ride the wave in on her knees. 
The waves were good for learning, low, powerful and would take her right into the sand. We left for the pool towards noon then spent a couple hours cleaning up the condo and took off for home at 3:45 pm.  We went through some torrential rains on I65 which caused the traffic to slow down to 40-45 miles per hour. It was so bad we even used our flashers to let people behind us know the cars in front were going SLOW.  We stopped for supper at Arby's then gas at Athens. We had to stop one more time for gas at 2:30 am and had a tough time finding any gas stations open as we were on 24 West between the lakes in Kentucky. We really need to remember that if we go up 65 coming home. That is a pretty desolate place in the middle of the night. I drove until 10:00 pm, Sarah drove from 10:00 pm to 2:00 am and Rhoda drove from 2:00 am until she pulled into her driveway at 6:00 am. Lee was all ready to help unload HIS baby and HIS wife but also helped with unloading all the baby equipment one tiny baby needs for a week. From there we drove to Sarah and Nolan's house arriving after 7:00 am and Nolan too was already out waiting to unload HIS baby and His wife.  David had left a car there for Stephanie so she and her 2 children were dropped off there. By the time we got all the baby equipment unloaded and the suitcases the van was almost empty. It was a LONG drive from that house to our house. Instead of back tracking and taking 474 I decided to just drive 29 through Peoria but got stopped by a school bus then road construction then more school buses.
I'm very thankful to be home and made a pot of coffee before answering emails and messages. The registrations sent in to FFH in July arrived while I was gone. Some of those will need to be mailed as some of the foals are already at their new homes.  Zephyr scratched his eye and that needs to be treated this morning.  Soon and very soon I'm heading to bed for a nap. 

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