Day to day operation of a Friesian breeding farm standing 2 Friesian stallions. We have 6-10 foals each year out of Purebred Friesian mares, Andalusian mares, Thoroughbred mares and Friesian sport mares
by Judy Sceggel
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Jr. High Girls Camp
Mark helped take the dead colt out of the back of the trailer and into the back of the truck so Autumn could be loaded for the farm. Autumn was pretty quiet here at Bridlewood but once we pulled up at the farm she started calling for her son. She would not settle down, she was sure her boy was in the barn therefore we made the decision to haul her out to Middle Grove. Samantha was fed and her filly given the antibiotics before loading Autumn. Our first stop was to Ruth's to pick up Larry for girls camp then it was out to Norris. Mike loaded Sunny, Sandy, Duke and Paris in the stock and also headed out. Once we arrived at the Herman Lake and unloaded, Mike, Diane and I headed out to Middle Grove to drop off Autumn and pick up Mika, Bunni and Sangria. We had 8 horses for the 140 people coming to the lake. The weather was hot and sunny our helpers, Rebekah & Anni Davidovics, Rhoda & Sarah Sceggel, and Sarah & Bethany Reinhard took the horses all into the lake to swim, that served 2 purposes, one to cool them off the other to get them clean before the campers showed up. All of a sudden the wind started blowing and we heard the sound of distant thunder. Just as the buses pulled up the storm hit hard, all of the campers were taken to the shelter to wait it out. The first storm blew through and a second one was following quickly. Finally all the Herman Lake activities had to be canceled. With the downpour of rain, we were concerned about trying to drive the horses back to the Middle Grove farm. Diane called Mike to see if he would meet us with his duely at the start of the drive. He told her not even that would make it through with the deluge of rain coming down. Once Diane hung up the phone she pretty much guaranteed there was no way Mike would be willing to walk the horses back and sure enough he met us with the yanmar excavator, tied the horses to that and drove them back. Mika is the only horse we were sure wouldn't, his rope was tied loosely knowing he will pull back but we also knew he would stay with rest of the horses. ONLY in my family do we use excavators as horse transport. Diane and I left to drive the 8 miles back to Norris for another load. We arrive and see Duke loose with a lead rope hanging chasing Sunny around the field. Sunny wearing a broken halter. Sunny came running to us asking to be saved from the ferocious pony terrorizing him. Once both boys were tied up, the stock trailer was unhooked my trailer hitched and Duke and Larry were loaded and we were on our way for the farm. Larry was dropped off at Ruth's first and while there, Rebekah showed me her baby deer and her 2 new birds. Justin Herman found the baby on the curled up on the road, the mother must have been hit by a car. He did not want to care for it so gave it to the Davidovics. Then it was to the farm to unload Duke, feed Samantha, give her filly the antibiotics, unhook the trailer and head for home. We headed back to the Davidovics by 6:30pm for Rebekah and Ryan's graduation party. Ruth had a great spread and Annette brought home made vanilla malt ice cream. Below are some of the guests. Mike and Diane enjoying their new grand daughter. Rachel quit working on her new bathroom for the party and felt we shouldn't take her picture, she wasn't cleaned up. Once the party was winding down, Mark and I headed over to the farm to clean Samantha's stall one more time. She also needed more water, she loves to play in her water bucket and the filly was given her antibiotic. Then it was home to work on the videos of the day.
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