We had another really nice warm day and spent most of the afternoon working outside. Right after our walk we stopped in to visit with mom. She was watching the Big Bear Eagle cam and those poor eagles were in the middle of a snow storm.
Jackie the mom was completely covered with snow but her 3 chicks were warm all snug up against her brood patch. Diane mentioned we had another bank statement that needed to be reconciled and she also needed someone to witness a will this morning at her office so we combined the two and I left at 9:55 for her office. We got both done pretty quickly. I left then for Sam's club. I had a big list today. I'm leaving for Gulf Shores in 8 days and wanted to start making meals for Mark while I'm gone. I spent $170 but also got the food for Sunday's supper. As soon as I got home I started on a big pot full of creamy chicken and wild rice soup. By the time that was finished it was after lunch time so we each had a bowl of that and it was very good. That was set to cool and we went out to work on fixing fences. Right now we only have the 2 stallions here so are taking this opportunity to fix the bent, chewed or broken boards from winter. He drove his golf cart with the tools and I took mine so I could run and get needed items.
He had just started on the fence when Diane sent a text that there was a hammer and a pry bar in the middle of the drive. They had fallen off of Mark's golf cart so I took mine to get them. We got two boards replaced quickly.
I pulled the hog panel out of the middle paddock but we did not put in a new bale. I'll wait on that for when we bring some mares home. The next job was to take the skid steer and move a gravel pile over by our drive. Berlica helped with that.
Mark is going to use the gravel to build what he calls waterbars to help with the erosion on our steep hill drive. The soup was cool enough to put in containers and there was enough for 8 quarts. One was taken over to mom's house for their supper tonight. The other 7 were put in the freezer for Mark's meals. I also froze 4 containers of pot-roast with carrots and potatoes. He had me buy hamburger and will grill up some patties on Saturday. We will eat some but will also freeze some for his meals. This evening Taegan and Kensley came over to play on the playground. We went on a golf cart ride as the sun was setting and got some neat pictures. Below were taken from the hay field.
We could see the moon coming up in the East but couldn't get a good picture of it through the trees.
We stopped near the entrance to the death trails and took a couple pictures from there. Below is Rachel's house and Joan's house.
I took them home then and the moon was up over the top of the trees. This phone does a great job zooming in. The girls were impressed.
They told me they always raced to the house after getting off the bus then showed me how they raced.
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