Thursday, March 20, 2025

Moving Campers

We walked today, with snow on the ground and below freezing but we walked. We stopped in to visit mom when done and arranged the next week. I'm leaving tomorrow for Gulf Shores, AL so won't be available for the next 8 days. Right after breakfast I left for Sam's club to pick up more supplies for the barn and some food items for the trip down. The next stop was the bank to pick up cash for the trip. Once home it was time to get to work on cleaning the house. Mark left for his therapy appointment in Peoria and by the time he got back I was scrubbing the last floor. At 3:00 pm we went out to start moving campers out of the indoor and over to Joan's. The first camper moved though was the MiniMax.

That sold last fall and we agreed to store it for the new owners as they are snowbirds that go to Florida all winter. I sent them a message a couple weeks ago that we would be moving it out of the barn. I turned around and took the next picture. 
Once all 4 of our campers were moved I took one more picture.
Then it was time to start moving the 4 we rent out.
Joan likes them just so. She wants to be able to open the slideouts so that can be part of the instructions for the renters. The far left camper is the only one without a slide out.
The motorhome is also rented out but not this next week. We are driving that to Gulf Shores and it is at Phil and Anna's house for packing. Mark took the skid steer as he wanted to move some of those big logs for splitting so I took the golf cart back and parked that up at the barn. The tractor was started and a bale moved to the cabin field. The old bale was taken out of the feeder but there is still a lot of good hay in the middle so I left that in the field and just put the new one in the feeder. Then Mark helped move the mares over. I took Rosalie and he took Blueberry. He was very impressed with how nicely Blueberry led and remarked, "she is a a dog, so obedient." The mares were happy to be in the pasture. Of course Rosalie had to have a good roll, Blueberry is checking out the older hay bale but soon they both started grazing.
Tomorrow I'll take the grooming tools over and knock that mud off of Rosalie. She is for sure developing an udder. Blueberry's is still flat. I'm praying Rosalie will hold off until I get home on the 29th. Joan has agreed to check on her. She isn't due until April 10th.  We finished with everything by 5:30 pm. I started supper and gave Mark an appetizer but supper needed to wait a bit as Dennis and Gertie were coming over to do their taxes. That ended up being a bust, the turbotax program would not open. Still we enjoyed the visiting while he was working on that. After they left Mark asked Philip for help and is working on it right now.
I had pork chops cooking but turned them off and just let them sit when Dennis and Gertie arrived so once they left we sat down to eat those and they were done perfectly. We had just sat down when a big bus pulled up our driveway. It was filled with the other robotic teams from Wisconson and they were joining the team staying in the barn this week for a special dinner. They parked up at the circle drive then either walked or shuttled the kids over with one of the vans parked at the barn. We don't know how they got there as we were finally going to finish those pork chops. After finally finishing dinner I went out just as the sun was starting to set to get a picture of the bus.
I'm packed and ready for tomorrow but we won't be leaving until 6:00 pm. Praying for a safe and uneventful trip.
UPDATE:  We were in bed and sound asleep by 9:30 pm. Around 10:00 pm Rizzy, David and Stephanie's dog started barking and wouldn't stop and then we heard pounding on the door. Mark got up to find out what the problem was. The bus was leaving last night and didn't make the turn. One of its wheels went off the drive and it was stuck. We got dressed and went out to help. Mark took one golf cart up to the barn to get the skid steer while I took the other golf cart down with lots of flash lights. Thankfully it happened in the drive and the bus was not sticking out on the main road.  They had called a tow truck but were told the wait was an hour and a half. They were hoping Mark's skid steer could just pull it forward enough to get the wheel back on the drive. That didn't work, there was no way to get in front of the bus with the skid steer. Behind the bus were 3 vanloads of kids and parents that had also come to enjoy the meal. By this time it was 10:30 pm. I had the 3 vanloads follow me to Diane's so those kids didn't have to sit in the cold cars. It was again below freezing. What was interesting was this morning I had cleaned up any ladybugs (Asian beetles) from Diane's basement thinking it may be needed. Once they were settled I took the golf cart back and saw that the tow truck had arrived. Instead of having to wait an hour and a half, the only had to wait a half an hour.  As soon as I saw the bus was free and no longer stuck back I went to Diane's to tell them to load up. I announced it, heard the kids tell the parents then heard one of the parents say, "I need to hear this from an adult."  They were so glad as by this time it was after 11:00 pm. Below the bus is just getting ready to pull out on the main road and the tow truck is moving out of the way.
What an adventure for the Robotic teams of Wisconsin.  As soon as I got to the house I pulled up the barn airbnb ad and wrote in a second place no large busses. Our entrance way is just a little too narrow and has steep ravines on each side. The night sky was beautiful, there was no moon and the stars were amazing in the black sky. I would have missed that sight if it hadn't of happened. Truly what an amazing God we serve to create such a sky.  I had just gotten back in bed and was falling asleep when my phone went off. Back out to the desk to find it was a girl asking if she could come see the horses. I was NOT happy, didn't answer that one until this morning around 5:00 am.

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