Saturday, March 1, 2025

Still An Artist

 I was really glad to wake up this morning as I was in the middle of a nightmare. I was dreaming we were on a cruise and I couldn't remember our cabin number and was wandering the ship searching. It was not quite 5:00 am but Mark was up earlier and started the coffee. As soon as it was light enough to see I went out to move the mares and clean the stalls. Tatiana has not progressed and seems to be in no hurry to have this foal. We had just finished breakfast when Karin called to see if I could come early. Mom was just finishing up breakfast when I arrived. Today was painting day. I think Karin said Tara gave the planter to mom and Karin was going to stop at the gardening center to pick up potting soil and seeds so mom needed to get the painting done. 

Mom picked out what stencils she wanted to use and also the paint colors. 
Below is the finished project. Mom really is still an artist, even mixing the paints to get different colors.
Not bad for a left handed person that had to learn to paint with her right hand.  Spark and Rhonda came over for a visit so ran to the barn to help Mark move the couch out. He is putting down some of the rubber tiles. We have guests coming to use the barn this coming week so we don't want to worry about them getting splinters. That didn't take long and I was back at mom's within 5 minutes. After Karin got back I went back to the barn to work on the pitching machine to see if I could figure out what is wrong with it. Yesterday I  ordered a new pitching machine as I couldn't get ours to work anymore. It was a used machine when we bought it. It was still shoot the balls out but the feeder isn't working. The new one is supposed to arrive by Wednesday and the guests move in on Thursday. sure hope it comes in time.
Mark ordered a roll of 10 feet wide 100 feet long of visqueen to put up where the construction is happening in the barn and a magnetic door kit.
The sheeting will probably make it in time but the door kit won't arrive until March 5th -7th. If it comes on the 5th or early on the 6th hopefully we will get it installed before the guests arrive. 
Later I went grocery shopping first to Aldi then to Kroger to pick up food for tomorrow's meal. I only needed lasagna noodles from Kroger so am glad Bartonville has a Kroger near Aldi. The meat sauce was prepared this evening and put in the fridge.
Tomorrow I will just need to put it together. Tomorrow will be busy as we have a baby shower for Noel's expected baby girl at 2:00 pm at the barn then supper at 4:30 pm then Mark and I will go to the fellowship hall for hymn sing which starts at 6:00 pm. I needed something easy to make for supper and crock pot lasagna is about the easiest I could think of.  I also made a blueberry dessert. This has 4 layers, a bottom crust, a blueberry cream cheese mixture with whipped cream, then a can of blueberry pie filling and the last layer is more sweetened whipped cream.
The mares were brought into the barn about 6:00 pm tonight. I am watching on the foaling monitor but she seems content to just stand at the hay and eat so it looks like another easy night. 

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