Sunday, March 9, 2025

Family Friends Fellowship

 With the time change we moved all of our clocks and watches last night and went to bed at 8:00 pm. I was pretty surprised that we both fell asleep as it was really only 7:00 pm but the last few days had been tiring for us old folks. Lots of outside work. I didn't wake up until 6:00 am but it felt like 5:00 am so I had to down a cup of strong coffee before getting the roasts in the crock pot. We both got enough sleep that today was a good day but then every Sunday is a good day. Spark and Rhonda were giving lunch at church today so we did not need to pick up Rhonda. We still left at 9:00 am and actually beat mom and Joan. Caleb Plattner had the morning message on Genesis 16 and Galatians 4 Click HERE to watch that. Lunch went well, there was plenty for everyone. Logan and  Carli came over when they were done eating so mom could see Quinten. He was playing SO Big and waving By By.

David had the afternoon message. It was on Luke 7 and SO insightful. Click HERE to watch that. We left pretty quickly after church. I needed to move the roasts into 1 crockpot, then start the carrots boiling in some of the beef broth and the potatoes cooking in the microwave. As soon as the carrots boiled for 15 minutes they were transferred into the crockpot the meat had been taken out of so they could soak up that flavor. The potatoes were also put in the crock pot. By this time it was 2:30 pm. I went out to move a bale in for Valiant. His shelter was just about empty of hay.
Just a I was going to start the tractor Mark walked up and was willing to move the bale.  As he was getting the bale I grabbed a bucket, put in a scoop of grain and took it over to Valiant's paddock. He knows the drill and waited patiently while Mark put the bale in.
He was glad for the hay but enjoyed the grain more.
The food was taken over to the barn so I could organize the laundry from our airbnb guests. There was a LOT of laundry. There were 3 large families that stayed. They had tents set up in the living area with the memory foam mattresses inside of the tents for some of the couples. They also used the foaling apartment. They used about all the sheets and pillows and more than half of the towels. They left a great review and loved the place. Below is the 5 star review: Amazing amazing amazing. I had way too many silly questions and she was always very responsive in a quick fashion. Very thorough, and more than accommodating. We could not be any happier!!! Can’t wait to come back. Privately she sent:  We’re truly blown away with how amazing your place is! Thank you so much for being more than helpful and patient with us!
 I'm always glad when our guests enjoy the place. I am thankful we can share it. By 4:30 pm everyone had arrived and hungry for supper. I wasn't the only one who thought it was delicious. The weather was so nice that the kids wanted to play out on the playground.

Below are a few pictures of the evening.

When it cooled off and the sun left us we finished the evening visiting inside. I really am SO thankful for church, family, friends and fellowship.

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