Sunday, March 16, 2025

Special Day

 It was snowing when we awoke. That just seemed strange as 2 days ago it was 81 degrees and yesterday was also warm. 

By the time I got out to check mares we had 2 inches on the ground. Below is Rosalie with Blueberry behind her.
I had to bend down to get a look at her udder and was pleased to see she is starting to develop one. I thought she was pregnant but last week when we checked mares at Middle Grove Rosalie's udder was flat which made me question if she even was pregnant. 
We left at 8:45 for church so we had a few minutes to help prepare some of the food for lunch. When Kathy walked in with Nancy I stopped. Joan brought mom into the kitchen too to see how the preparations for lunch was going. Today was a very special day for Peoria church. Today was Tim Funk's last official message. Although I'm sure he will fill in when needed. It is hard to believe that he is old enough to retire. If you would like to watch that message click HERE. Diane and Mike served lunch and they had a nice selection and plenty for everyone one. This afternoon was the ordination of Elder for Craig Stickling. We had visiting Elders for this and others in the congregation and it was so very touching.  To watch this very special service click HERE. We couldn't stay for after as we needed to meet with Tom Meister before he left for his 6.5 hour journey back to Missouri. Mark helped me take all the food for tonight's dinner over to the barn. Rhoda and Iris beat us arriving just before we got to the door. Rhoda helped get the dinner organized. By the time everyone arrived we had 30 for supper. 
After supper we had a birthday party for Braelyn age 14 and Eden age 6.

The volley ball players arrived and soon we had a barnful.
Us old folks enjoyed watching the very competitive games.
The girls had so much fun building forts upstairs.
The golf cart was used today for a short while but it was too cold for the kids to stay out long. Tonight Mark and I were the last to leave the barn. What a special day!

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