Friday, March 7, 2025

Fresh Milk

 Just Diane and I walked, Ruth wasn't feeling well and Joan had Co-op. We stopped in after and had a nice visit with mom. She is looking forward to Aunt Jinnie's upcoming visit. Today was picture day for the equine liability insurance. They wanted lots of pictures of the stall barn, the paddocks, the fire extinguishers and the equine liability signs we have posted. We only had one big sign posted in the barn and another we took with us in the truck when ever we took ponies for pony rides years ago but I had purchased 4 more signs so those needed to be screwed on different paddocks. We also needed more fire extinguishers. Mark ordered 2 more of those from Amazon. We needed one for the stall barn and one in the hay barn.  That big white can on the shelf is a fire extinguisher but the new one will be installed on the wall to the right of the tack so it will be easy to grab if needed. 

The other fire extinguisher needs to be installed in the stall barn and as soon as the new ones come in we will find a better place to put it.
The sign below is the one we have had posted for many many years. We bought 2 of these as soon as they were available. We heard they were challenged and held up in court.
The other old one we used to keep in the truck was posted on the outdoor arena.
The new ones are much more classy. We put one on the paddock next to the foaling apartment.
The next one went on Valiant's paddock.
The 3rd one went on the breeding shed paddock.
And the last one was taken over to one of Evan's pastures just in case we have guests that want to walk over from the new barn to see the horses.

The pictures were sent in and soon after we were told to mail the check so off to the post office I drove to get that in the mail right away. Once we get our policy back we can show that to the insurance company willing to insure the farm IF we had horse insurance and hopefully can get a quote.  In all the years of living here and all the years of having horses and renting out the apartment through airbnb we never had a problem getting insurance and never ever turned in a claim. Then this year the company we have been using for years no longer wanted to insure us. We didn't think it would be hard to get insurance as we are a good risk, no claims ever and none in 23 years we have been doing business as Horsemeister, but each company we talked to told us they wouldn't consider us unless we got rid of the horses. Well I just didn't think that was right so we kept working and paid a huge premium just to be able to keep them. When I got back to the house there was a package by the door. It had our address on it but the package was for a Stephen V. I posted on Hanna City Happenings asking if anyone knew this person believing it must be a neighbor but no one responded. 
This afternoon the gallon of whole milk Rebekah gave me needed the cream skimmed off. She has a Jersey cow so there was a LOT of thick cream.
That almost filled a quart jar. Tomorrow morning I'll have some in my coffee then take the rest over to mom's and we will make butter together.  Sorry mom, it is good therapy, rolling and shaking the jar. I enjoyed a glass of fresh raw milk! The people staying in the barn sent a message that the water heater wasn't keeping up. Philip was called and he told us what to do. Mark and I went over and changed it from heat pump to all electric heat which heats it much quicker. We also cleaned out the filter and turned it up from 125 to 130. We sent a message back to make sure any children using the shower would be supervised as it could scald. They told us for sure they would and thanked us for working on it. This was the first time we have had a complaint so am thinking they were doing laundry and more than one shower was being used at the same time. 
It was chilly in the house so late this afternoon we brought in a couple loads of wood and have been enjoying the heat from that well used wood burner. I really am thankful for thick cream, fresh milk and living here. How blessed we are! We were in bed a little after 9:00 pm and both of us fell asleep pretty quickly but at 9:40 pm my phone went off. I wasn't awake enough to realize it was my phone making that noise. The second time it went off I realized what the noise was and went to check. It was one of our airbnb guests asking if we had received a package for a Stephen V.  Of course I responded YES, got dressed and took the golf cart over to the barn. They are here for a wrestling competition and had forgotten something that was needed so had it shipped same day shipping. We visited for a bit but when I got back to the house it was hard to get back to sleep. 

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