Sunday, April 2, 2023

Wonderful Sunday

 Dr. Hoerr called this morning with a not good update. The colt was the same as yesterday and had made no improvement. we determined I would take him home this afternoon and try to get him to drink out of a bucket. We left for church a little late but arrived before 9:50 am so only missed a few of the songs.  Craig Stickling had an amazing message on Psalm Sunday.  IT is well worth listening to and even better on video if you would like to watch and listen click HERE Of course when he spoke of the colt of the ass I started praying again for this colt and thinking perhaps My heavenly Father wants him (there are horses in heaven you know)  All of the horses here are HIS anyway I am to just do the best I can for them, the colt included. AT lunch I thought to check my phone and saw a message from Dr. Hoerr: Who's praying for this foal? He's stayed on his feet for 5minutes now. 

I quickly responded with "ME!! All morning. Now I need him to nurse, can you arrange that or should I keep praying.Dr. Hoerr wrote back pretty quickly with, " Be patient. I'm doing what I can. Keep praying.  Things are looking up. 
 We decided that the colt should stay with Dr. Hoerr another night as the colt still needs to be helped up. He wrote, "hopefully will be getting up on his own soon and will nurse," then he wrote, "Interestingly, the calf is suddenly moving and struggling to try to get up this morning too.  Perhaps the resurrections power is welling-up in this place."  I sincerely hope so, the calf was the one Berlica was petting yesterday and the one that had to move out of the hospital stall for Rosalie's colt.  Peoria held communion for the afternoon service. That was so special. Mom wanted to stand so Sarah and Joan helped her with that.  That was so touching that even now as I'm typing my eyes are leaking a bit. 
After church Mark helped collect the placenta and buried it while I turned Lily and her 3 day old filly outside.

They had not been out since the storms on Friday so both were glad to be out. The weanlings were very curious about the filly. 
I needed to clean the stalls and the indoor arena so didn't stay long to watch but a bit later saw that filly zooming all around Lily having a ball. The 5th wheel guests left while we were at church so the golf cart was taken to that so the linins and towels could be brought down to the house to wash. The chicken for tonight's meal was cut up sprinkled with olive oil and covered in Parmesan cheese this morning so this afternoon the vegetables were washed, cut up and also sprinkled with olive oil and Parmesan cheese. The colors were so vibrant before covering them with cheese I took the picture below.
Mark grilled the meat first then grilled the vegetables. That was served with baked sweet potatoes and for dessert brownie bites. Soon everyone headed over to the barn for games. The pictures below the kids are playing before the games started.
I had to get a close up of Lee and Zeke.
The video below is during the very first game of the night, just a short clip.
Ruth's grandchildren were here so she and Fedi arrived. Ruth gave golf cart rides to the kids while Fedi held Dexter for Anni.

My airbnb guests arrived for the apartment and got a little lost. Lee showed them where the apartment was. funny in the instructions I write go straight up the hill past the little white house and back to the barns and many end up turning left then searching. I'm not sure how to make it any easier.  The video below was taken between games.
It really was a wonderful day, one of those days to cherish in my memories for years to come. 

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