We lost Indy. Indy was at Middle Grove with the herd, we went out this evening to pick up Indy and Rosaleigh, Indy to be bred and Rosaleigh to come home to deliver. When we arrived both Indy and Oksana were missing so we thought they must be off grazing together. Rosaleigh was haltered and taken down to the trailer then Mike and Diane took the jeep and started searching for the two missing horses, while I took Rosaleigh home. Indy was found in the round pen laying on her side dead. No sign of struggle. Oksana is still missing. They thought they heard her whinny but just couldn't find her. It is now too dark to keep looking. Mike went to get the excavator to bury Indy and tomorrow morning early they will start the search again. The picture below was taken of the other 5 mares still out there after Rosaleigh was in the trailer. These 5 followed us all the way down to the gate. Indy was one of our very special purebred Friesian mares we raised here. She was a fun ride and so impressive at 16.3 hands. We will really miss her.

That was the worst news, hopefully tomorrow they can find Oksana and we pray she is fine. It is just strange she isn't with the herd. Our day started early. I needed to move a round bale in for the weanlings. As my guests in the apartment were more than likely still sleeping I took the bale the long way around the barn and put it in while the weanlings were eating their grain. As soon as the gate was shut Valerie and Indy's colt ran to check out the hay while Tessa finished up the grain. That is her back in the picture below.
I needed to leave for the meeting with the hip surgeon to schedule a hip replacement and that is now scheduled for June 6th. It will be done at Proctor as an out patient. From there I went straight to mom's to relieve Diane so she could go to a few garage sales and while at mom's more appointments were scheduled all for tests to make sure I can have the surgery. It was so nice and warm out on the deck we decided to eat lunch out there. Even Molly enjoyed that.
When Karin got home I drove up to the barn to meet our guests and introduced them to the horses.
Valiant is always a favorite.
My next job was to drive to the DMV in Pekin, to transfer the camper title into my name. That always seems to be such an easy job but for some reason the state makes it hard. They wanted people to download some kind of square thing on a picture then set an appointment but when I told them I just needed to transfer a title they let me walk in. The number R364 was given to me and R362 was called just then so I thought it would be a quick wait but nope. They started in the A's and it was a good 20 minutes before they got back to the R's. My number was finally called, the paper work filled out and then the lady sent me to the long line for stickers. Another long wait only this one standing. When I finally got up there I was told I owed $180.00. I was sure that must be a mistake but was told, no the transfer fee is now up to $155.00 and the sticker fee is $25.00 since it will need to be renewed in December. On the way home I picked up 2 Greek Gyro's for our dinner and arrived home just before Mark. He had picked up potato salad from Kroger so that was added to our meal. After dinner we went back out to move two more bales. One for Tatiana and Irish's paddock.

The mares wait patiently while that is placed. Lily and Rosalie's paddock was next. Below is Rosalie waiting for Mark to finish.
Both Lily and Rosalie went right up to start eating on this bale.
Jewel was given her sulfa.
By this time it was almost 6:30 pm. Mark helped hook the truck up to the trailer and I was on the way to Middle Grove arriving by 7:15 pm. Mike and Diane brought the jeep down to the gate, picked me up to go find the horses and the rest of that story is the story I started for today's blog.
On the way home the sun was setting behind me so I snapped a a picture in my side mirror.
I got the bad news about Indy as I was pulling into our drive. Rosaleigh was put in the barn for the night, she will need to be cleaned up tomorrow. What a loss for us but God knew what we were going to find when we got there, He wasn't wringing His hands wondering what we are going to do. We will continue to praise and thank Him for letting us have Indy for her 13 years. He gives, He takes and His name be praised!