OK, No one will EVER guess who got pulled over for going 10 miles per hour OVER the speed limit. Just try to guess, I'll put the answer at the bottom of this post.
Took the trailer back to the farm this morning in just enough time to walk. Sangria had to be moved from Raven's paddock, she is not sharing the grain and Sangria doesn't need grain so Raven is back by himself. His hay situation was checked and he will need another round bale tomorrow at the earliest, he may be able to wait a couple of days. Rhoda's car we dropped off at Byerline's garage, her drivers side window fell down and wouldn't close so she took my car and I took Sarah's car to the hospital. Sarah took my truck to work. When I get home from the hospital I see that the truck now has a low tire, hmmmm what did she run over.
Bernice is doing a little better, she had an eKg earlier, an eeg and mri scheduled for today. When the nurse came in to start hooking up all the wires I told her I know what an e e g is and I even know what a M R I is but Bernice also had an e G G today and wondered if she could explain that to me. The poor nurse was stymied, just couldn't figure out what the e G G was, I finally told her, it was this little white round shaped thing most people eat for breakfast. She laughed, told her that was my dad's joke.
Once home from the hospital Dan and Spark took me out to the Old School Center to work on the New Year's eve plans. I am in charge of taking the reservations for the suites and cabins. They gave me a map of where each suite and cabin was located, the door number and how many each slept. We were back to the shop around 4:45pm. I checked my email and found out David and Stephanie are coming over so ran home to straighten up the kitchen and playroom. Now I just have to figure out what to serve for dinner.
OK, the answer is MARK!!! He is the slowest driver and has NEVER in his life been pulled over for speeding. The police man didn't even give him a ticket.
Day to day operation of a Friesian breeding farm standing 2 Friesian stallions. We have 6-10 foals each year out of Purebred Friesian mares, Andalusian mares, Thoroughbred mares and Friesian sport mares by Judy Sceggel 309-208-3840 www.horsemeister.com
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Piper Gone, Bernice Otto

Mark rode along with me to deliver Piper to his new home. We left around 4:30 pm and made it home by 9:45pm. It is a big barn near Chicago, IL with 42 stalls and all the stalls were filled. They were big 12 x 12 and bedded with the same bedding we use at Bridlewood. We are glad to be home. I think Rhoda will be taking the puppy for overnight. Bernice Otto is in Proctor Hospital and I'll be heading there tomorrow morning and stay until Velma Hoerr, Bernice's sister, comes in the afternoon. Bernice worked for us for years! When she retired she started volunteering at Berean Prison Ministry until she was well in her eighty's. She suffered a stroke on Friday, then a blood clot behind her right eye and lost vision in that eye. The vision is slowly coming back. I think Bernice is 88 years old, she just had her birthday the 25th of this month.
Puppy Names

Rhoda took the puppy last night to Rachel Sauder's house as they were putting up their manger scene. This is a tradition from years ago when we were kids. My parents would put up the HUGE home made nativity scene my dad made and mom painted and then we would all sing around the piano Christmas songs. I'm so glad Rachel is carrying on the tradition. The kids all want to call the puppy Emma so all the names we worked on so hard were quickly discarded. I'm not sure she is an Emma.
She had a pretty good night, we made an enclosed bed for her right by my side of the bed and I crashed around 9:30pm. I woke up to whining around 12:30 but it was on Mark's side of the bed and I woke up very confused, turned on the light and there was Darcy asking to go outside. Decided to wake up the puppy and take her out at the same time so down the stairs carrying this 30 pound puppy, outside in my nightgown where both dogs took their time going, then up the stairs carrying this 30 pound puppy. I thought, mmm what a good aerobic work out. At 4:00am more whining and this time it was the puppy, not Darcy, so scooped her back up, down the stairs and back outside in my nightgown, back up the stairs and this time I thought, how much weight did she gain since the last time I bet she weighs 50 pounds! At 7:00am Darcy comes bounding in the room wanting to do her job so groaningly try to pick up the puppy, hobble down the stairs and outside with my nightgown & robe on, watch her go then let Darcy get the paper. Darcy grabs the paper, runs out into the side yard and scatters it EVERYWHERE. Do you think she's MAD? So out I go shoving bits of paper in my arms as fast as I can before the neighbors look out.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I tried to get on my website to mark Piper sold and something is WRONG. Philip is in Kansas and won't be able to help me fix it until Monday. BOTHER! I can't get the website to update ANYTHING!
OK, I figured out this morning what was wrong. I did cause the problem but the very thrilling thing for me is that I figured out what was wrong and FIXED IT! Either I'm getting smarter or the internet is getting easier.
OK, I figured out this morning what was wrong. I did cause the problem but the very thrilling thing for me is that I figured out what was wrong and FIXED IT! Either I'm getting smarter or the internet is getting easier.
New Puppy & Piper SOLD

We sold Piper today and he will be leaving tomorrow right after church. I don't have his papers back from the Friesian Heritage Horse & Sport International but the new owners will have me mail them as soon as they come. They are very pleased with their purchase. They are getting a GREAT BUY! They paid with credit card so he is paid in full the day they came to look at him. Those credit cards are like magic!
Our big news is the new addition to our family. I don't know if the girls have settled on a name yet, some of the suggestions were Leah, Roxy, Rory, and Tyra.
I love the pictures of my grand daughter Addyson meeting her.
The first few pictures are of Addyson and her daddy, Ben with the puppy.

Addyson enjoyed the pup but didn't like her tongue. the next couple pictures was Darcy getting to know her. She is not thrilled and wants the new addition to go home quickly. Poor Darcy, she doesn't know this one is permanent.

We had to get some close ups of her beautiful face!

Have you ever seen anything more sweet?
Friday, November 27, 2009
The Day After
This may be the only time today I have to post. Our Thanksgiving dinner was one of the easiest dinners we have ever had serving more than 90 people. This was because we had the dinner at the Old School Center in Farmington, IL and the older grandkids all brought food. We had the prayer about 1:15pm and the 2 lines seemed to go off without a problem. There was PLENTY of food for all. After dinner was the awesome volley ball games in the gym, football in the theater, and cozy visiting in the library where the young girls were playing mountain lion and pony. One funny story was trying to tell Kim Sceggel their names, I did very well until I came to a little girl playing with the rest. I just couldn't place her and told Kim, that must be one of Amy Beth's daughters, turned out it was Emily Pence, not even related.
Once the school was cleaned up we headed home with lots of leftovers and wow were they needed. We ended up with a group of 18 big kids here for dinner. I headed over to Morton, IL to take Nancy home around 7:30pm. She was exhausted and by the time I got back to Peoria, so was I so Mark and I headed up to bed around 9:30 and pretty much fell asleep immediately. We were up just before 5:00am and were quietly talking over the day when we heard Addyson start to cry. She really got upset so Ben let me take her downstairs where she just wanted to PLAY. We had a very sweet morning just the 2 of us. Breakfast was planned for 8:30am and Sarah called from her shopping trip around 6:30 to tell us she was bringing 8 more people home for breakfast. I sent Mark to the store for paper plates and napkins, we were completely out, and I didn't want to have another bunch of dishes to wash.
We served 36 farm fresh scrambled eggs, 3 pounds of bacon, 3 pounds of sausage, a huge plate of pancakes with real butter and syrup, sweet black seedless grapes, 2 coffee cakes, fresh squeezed orange juice, coffee, and home made pumpkin bread from Kim. The shoppers made it here in plenty of time with treasures and fun stories. We served 16 hungry people and didn't have very many left overs to put away. They had all been up since 4:00am or EARLIER to get the bargains.
Jon and Kim left for home around 10:00am. Karin was heading out to the farm for a trail ride and she called around 11:00am to tell me Sangria is in season and did I want her bred? Yes, she will be bred then Sangria will now be kept with Raven for the winter as his special companion. Funny, it is now 11:15am and I'm ready for a nap.
Once the school was cleaned up we headed home with lots of leftovers and wow were they needed. We ended up with a group of 18 big kids here for dinner. I headed over to Morton, IL to take Nancy home around 7:30pm. She was exhausted and by the time I got back to Peoria, so was I so Mark and I headed up to bed around 9:30 and pretty much fell asleep immediately. We were up just before 5:00am and were quietly talking over the day when we heard Addyson start to cry. She really got upset so Ben let me take her downstairs where she just wanted to PLAY. We had a very sweet morning just the 2 of us. Breakfast was planned for 8:30am and Sarah called from her shopping trip around 6:30 to tell us she was bringing 8 more people home for breakfast. I sent Mark to the store for paper plates and napkins, we were completely out, and I didn't want to have another bunch of dishes to wash.
We served 36 farm fresh scrambled eggs, 3 pounds of bacon, 3 pounds of sausage, a huge plate of pancakes with real butter and syrup, sweet black seedless grapes, 2 coffee cakes, fresh squeezed orange juice, coffee, and home made pumpkin bread from Kim. The shoppers made it here in plenty of time with treasures and fun stories. We served 16 hungry people and didn't have very many left overs to put away. They had all been up since 4:00am or EARLIER to get the bargains.
Jon and Kim left for home around 10:00am. Karin was heading out to the farm for a trail ride and she called around 11:00am to tell me Sangria is in season and did I want her bred? Yes, she will be bred then Sangria will now be kept with Raven for the winter as his special companion. Funny, it is now 11:15am and I'm ready for a nap.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
End of the World Story
Ben told us this morning about what the state cop in his Bible study shared on Monday evening.
The state cop patrols the Champaign area.
A lady was driving at night last week in the RAIN and passed a hitch hiker. She felt bad as the weather was so awful so she went back and told him she would give him a ride. He climbed in the back seat but didn't say anything. She started driving when all of a sudden he says, "The trumpet is about to blow." She turns around and he is GONE.
She is hysterical and pulls over to the side of the road. The state cop pulls up and asks her what is wrong and she tells him you wouldn't believe me if I told you. The cop tells her, "tell me anyway you never know." When she tells him what happened, he says to her, "I do believe you this is the 4th time it has happened tonight."
Ben is relating this story today and we all got CHILLS!
The state cop patrols the Champaign area.
A lady was driving at night last week in the RAIN and passed a hitch hiker. She felt bad as the weather was so awful so she went back and told him she would give him a ride. He climbed in the back seat but didn't say anything. She started driving when all of a sudden he says, "The trumpet is about to blow." She turns around and he is GONE.
She is hysterical and pulls over to the side of the road. The state cop pulls up and asks her what is wrong and she tells him you wouldn't believe me if I told you. The cop tells her, "tell me anyway you never know." When she tells him what happened, he says to her, "I do believe you this is the 4th time it has happened tonight."
Ben is relating this story today and we all got CHILLS!
Addyson on Thanksgiving
It is Thanksgiving morning, we have been up since 6:00am doing laundry and final finishing on the house before our other company comes. Mopping the kitchen and playroom floor I had to quit to watch Addyson get her bath in the kitchen sink.
When Taunya brought her over last night, they discovered why she finally got quiet in the car. She had pulled her headband over her face, took off the flower and started chewing on the flower. No one would have thought of posing her THIS way!

I know this was blurry but I couldn't resist, she was just enjoying her bath so much.

Addyson LOVING her bath.
When Taunya brought her over last night, they discovered why she finally got quiet in the car. She had pulled her headband over her face, took off the flower and started chewing on the flower. No one would have thought of posing her THIS way!

I know this was blurry but I couldn't resist, she was just enjoying her bath so much.

Addyson LOVING her bath.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Puppy? and Classy SOLD!
Big news here, Rhoda is getting a puppy. Sunday after church Lord willing we are traveling up to Chicago to pick up a fawn female English Mastiff pup with FULL Registration papers and rights.
After taking care of things at the farm, the rain started again. Driving home in the rain is getting to be a common experience. The turkey was done around 9:45am and by the time it was taken out of the oven the pies were ready to go in. Four pumpkin and four pecan were all ready just as soon as the oven had room. While the pies were baking the turkey was sliced and the gravy made. Once the pies were done the other pumpkin dessert was ready to go in the oven. The oven was on from early this morning until late afternoon. The house unfortunately didn't smell as good as it should, I spilled some pumpkin in the oven and that filled the house with smoke. Just about the time the smoke was thick and I was opening the doors to air out the house, Ben, Taunya, and Addyson pulled up. They are staying here for a couple of days. Had to explain about the smoke. Rhoda, Sarah, Ben, and Taunya let me babysit while they did some shopping and went out to eat.
They got back here around 4:30pm so I went out to bring Classy in out of the rain for his new owners. They actually put down a deposit so we will mark him sold. He is going to a GREAT home. The mud is so bad, we took Classy into the indoor arena and let him loose. He had to show off with his HUGE trot. I wasn't sure how he would act, he has never been in the barn but he did good.
A really neat phone call came today. A lady buying a 4 year old Raven daughter called to get some information. She told me that when she first told her trainer she was going to look at a Friesian TB cross in Indiana, the trainer was not at all thrilled. She told him the 4 year old is by the Friesian stallion Raven down in Peoria, IL. He said, "I know that stallion, BUY her!"
What a wonderful reputation Raven's offspring are getting!
After taking care of things at the farm, the rain started again. Driving home in the rain is getting to be a common experience. The turkey was done around 9:45am and by the time it was taken out of the oven the pies were ready to go in. Four pumpkin and four pecan were all ready just as soon as the oven had room. While the pies were baking the turkey was sliced and the gravy made. Once the pies were done the other pumpkin dessert was ready to go in the oven. The oven was on from early this morning until late afternoon. The house unfortunately didn't smell as good as it should, I spilled some pumpkin in the oven and that filled the house with smoke. Just about the time the smoke was thick and I was opening the doors to air out the house, Ben, Taunya, and Addyson pulled up. They are staying here for a couple of days. Had to explain about the smoke. Rhoda, Sarah, Ben, and Taunya let me babysit while they did some shopping and went out to eat.
They got back here around 4:30pm so I went out to bring Classy in out of the rain for his new owners. They actually put down a deposit so we will mark him sold. He is going to a GREAT home. The mud is so bad, we took Classy into the indoor arena and let him loose. He had to show off with his HUGE trot. I wasn't sure how he would act, he has never been in the barn but he did good.
A really neat phone call came today. A lady buying a 4 year old Raven daughter called to get some information. She told me that when she first told her trainer she was going to look at a Friesian TB cross in Indiana, the trainer was not at all thrilled. She told him the 4 year old is by the Friesian stallion Raven down in Peoria, IL. He said, "I know that stallion, BUY her!"
What a wonderful reputation Raven's offspring are getting!
Cook, Bake, work & Clean
We were up this morning at 5:00 to start Thanksgiving preparation. The turkey was pulled out of the refrigerator and the giblets removed to start boiling them for the stuffing. As they were cooking the rest of the stuffing was being prepared and the oven was put on preheat. By 6:30am the turkey was stuffed and in the oven! That needs to be cooked today, sliced and ready for serving after church tomorrow as there won't be enough time tomorrow. We now also have 4 turkeys and one spiral sliced ham for the meat as the group keeps growing. One of the turkeys we will keep whole and have it sliced after the prayer kind of as a center piece. The pies will be started after the turkey is cooked so I have room in the oven. I'm making 4 pecan and 4 pumpkin. I also need to head down to work to get the individual Bibles out, I think we have almost 200 waiting. The labels are printed and I have the stamps, just need to put them on the Bible and get them to the post office. It sounds easier than it actually is. We have some family coming in today to stay with us and some coming tomorrow. I love having a full house!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
More Rain
We were up by 5:00am, only because we were in bed by 9:00pm last night. The day yesterday was so nice, warm 57 degrees and NOT raining so we really worked hard, couldn't stay up past nine. I get to the farm with enough time before the walk to get Izadora covered by Raven and the mares grained. Checked on the 6 at the cabin pasture and all is well. The middle paddock was opened so the herd can get to another automatic waterer and the automatic waterer is now hooked up and working for the first paddock. It cost $645.00 to get the drilling done for the water and electric lines, we already had the waterer and the rest Mike and Ralph did. We had a good walk, then home to water and grain the foals at Bridlewood and quickly to TEMCO to pick up the mail. Eva Jean still beat me in to Meister Brothers but not by too much. We had a LOT of mail today but still got done by 11:40am and took off with Philip, Mark, and Spark for lunch at Denny's. By the time we finished lunch it was POURING rain. I am so glad Rachel traded with me and took the pictures yesterday. The rain is not suppose to stop until Thanksgiving and then turn to snow showers. We are not suppose to get any accumulation but still how much more rain can the ground hold? The Kickapoo Creek is close to flooding again. The outdoor arena is under water and flooding the yard. Good thing I have tall boots!
What a surprise when I got home from work. Sarah had the day off and CLEANED the house to get ready for the company coming in on Wednesday. She even cleaned the attic and the basement. How THANKFUL I am for hard working daughters!
What a surprise when I got home from work. Sarah had the day off and CLEANED the house to get ready for the company coming in on Wednesday. She even cleaned the attic and the basement. How THANKFUL I am for hard working daughters!
Nothing Like a Father's Love
God is just giving us an example of His Love in the story below:
These little bunnies, about 6 days old, were attacked by a dog and orphaned.. Two out of the litter of five did not survive, and these three were not doing very well.

Noah is a non-releasable, one-legged homing pigeon/rock dove that is in the rehab centre. Noah kept going over to the bunny cage and looking in -- even sleeping in front of the door to the cage. Then, suddenly, there were only two bunnies in the cage. But when Noah moved a bit from the front of the cage to everyone's surprise..there was the tiny bunny..under Noah's wing....sound asleep! That little bunny rabbit had crawled through the cage, preferring a featherbed, no doubt to snuggling up with its littermates! Now, they are all together and the bunnies are doing GREAT. When the bunnies scoot underneath Noah's feathers, he carefully extends his wings out to surround them and then they snuggle.. When one of them moves and they start sticking out here and there, he gently pushes them back under him with his beak! It is beautiful and amazing to see....
These little bunnies, about 6 days old, were attacked by a dog and orphaned.. Two out of the litter of five did not survive, and these three were not doing very well.
Noah is a non-releasable, one-legged homing pigeon/rock dove that is in the rehab centre. Noah kept going over to the bunny cage and looking in -- even sleeping in front of the door to the cage. Then, suddenly, there were only two bunnies in the cage. But when Noah moved a bit from the front of the cage to everyone's surprise..there was the tiny bunny..under Noah's wing....sound asleep! That little bunny rabbit had crawled through the cage, preferring a featherbed, no doubt to snuggling up with its littermates! Now, they are all together and the bunnies are doing GREAT. When the bunnies scoot underneath Noah's feathers, he carefully extends his wings out to surround them and then they snuggle.. When one of them moves and they start sticking out here and there, he gently pushes them back under him with his beak! It is beautiful and amazing to see....
Email from Sally Herman a Trauma Nurse
"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine…
Song of Songs 6:3
Great is His love and faithfulness. It’s His faithfulness that carries us!
Let us sing about the glories of His name.
His awesomeness let us forever proclaim!
Until, He ...Our Bridegroom comes and takes us--- His Bride, away!
As we flew over the scene of the accident, all I saw was crumpled metal. Car and truck metal, various car parts, broken glass and personal belongings had been thrown all over the highway; stopping all traffic from the west to the east. From the air, I had to rub my eyes a few times to figure out the mechanics of this multiple car and truck accident. A runaway car had crossed over the median; thus, rolling against the oncoming 75-mph traffic like a torpedo out-of-control. Caught completely off guard, people driving in their cars and trucks slammed their brakes in hopes to keep from colliding and crashing. However, what was hoped for ended up being cars and trucks rolling all over the highway like wind-swept tumbleweeds blowing across the desert floor.
Many helicopters were called as this scene filled up with ambulances and fire trucks. Police stood on all sides of the highway stopping all oncoming and going traffic. As we gathered our wits, my partner and I quickly jumped out of our helicopter and walked over the mountains of metal while carrying all our gear--not knowing what to expect.
Our patient (a 26 year-old woman with the most beautiful china doll face) was lying on the ground, covered with a blanket while supported on her side by three firemen; she was crying out in pain.
I knelt down beside her. As I was kneeling down onto the gravel and glass, I took a quick look at her crumbled car and noticed something that took my breath away. In the driver’s seat was her husband. The car had completely wrapped around him before turning on its side. He was lying still in what was left of the drivers seat; his head covered with a blanket.
I knew.
I knew he had died instantly. Lying on the ground beside the driver’s side of the car was his left leg that had been torn from his large muscular frame.
My heart stopped for what seemed like forever--as I took all this in.
His bride lay on the ground crying out in pain. I quickly came back to the task at hand and began examining this young girl for life-threatening injuries. The firemen supported her on her side; for she could not lie on her back. Her left leg was folded up like an accordion. She had fractured her left femur which is one of the most painful of all trauma injuries. We got to work right away. We started IV’s and told her that her pain was going to go away in a just few minutes as I drew up the much needed pain medication. She looked at me, covered in blood from the top of her head down to her arms and chest and politely said..
“Oh thank you, thank you so much!"
Her pain had ceased with the appropriate medication and we pulled her left leg into a traction splint which further relieved the excruciating pain from the fracture. We had placed her on oxygen and I then began to examine her other injuries.
Where did all this blood come from?
I tenderly wiped the blood from her face, her eyes while feeling all over head for external wounds that had caused such blood loss. None.
Wiping off her chest, shoulders, arms and hands---- still nothing.
I then realized something. She was covered with the blood of her groom. When the firemen had extricated her from the vehicle, they found that she had been thrown behind her husband during the impact of the crash.
He had taken the blow; he had died in her place.
It was the shedding of his blood that had covered her. He had shielded her from what would have been a sure fate of death for the both of them.
My eyes welled up. The reality of this hit me. I took a moment to glance down at her left hand. There it was. She wore a beautiful diamond ring; however it was now covered with the blood of her husband.
Simply put---she wore a blood-diamond.
I dropped the gauze towel that was in my hand. I could no longer wipe off anymore of that precious blood. It was as if this moment had become very Holy in the midst of the surrounding chaos that comes with working an accident scene of this magnitude. People were crying and yelling while firemen were running around ripping through car metal with loud machinery in order to set other patient’s free.
Trying to work quickly, we did all we could for her before we lifted her up and carried her traction-splinted body on the backboard to the helicopter.
I walked beside her and held onto her blood-covered hand.
“We are going to take you in the helicopter, sweetheart. We are going to get you to the hospital where they can take really good care of your fractured leg.”
She looked at me completely unaware of the proportion of her loss along with the reality of her own redemption and softly said, “Oh… thank you, thank you so much.”
You see, the human body by God’s design is built to handle only so much shock at one time. Even though she had been trapped behind her dead husband’s body and the firemen had to work around him to get her out---her mind had blocked it. It is a God given self-protecting mechanism built within our soul. The pain from her fractured femur was enough to overtake all of her senses. If she had grasped the reality of all her losses, her physical and sensory systems would have exploded and she would have quickly gone into shock--shutdown. She would have physically died.
Flying over the desert to the trauma center, we worked on our beautiful bride. Arriving into the trauma center---we gave report to the trauma team as they quickly began to work on her.
We told them there was a 963—on scene.
She would not get the tragic news of what had happened until the proper people were positioned to be there for her support. I left her with the team and quietly went up to the hospital roof where my helicopter was awaiting. It had begun to softly rain. I was numb to what had just happened.
Lord, Jesus… Why does there have to be so much pain in this world?
I couldn’t shake off my grief for this girl. At that very moment, the sun started shining against the light rain. I closed the door of the helicopter as we started to slowly lift off the helipad. My mind was far away…. However, God was working to break through the distance and held my heart in a defining moment.
God answered my questions.
For, as we started to fly, I noticed our helicopter was eclipsed by the most colorful rainbow I had ever seen. In fact, from the middle I could see both ends of this beautiful color scheme.
We were exactly centered in the middle of this beautiful creation!
And can you believe this? It stayed with us until we landed safely at our home-base.
Although, not audible… God was speaking. He was speaking to my questioning heart in a way that was as beautiful as that rainbow.
My child---do you remember the story? Do you remember the promise I made at the creation of that rainbow? Although, many years have come and gone, my Word still stands strong. My child, I made a promise to you and to the entire world that I would not drown-out the evil of the world—again.
Instead, I would bring to the entire world the promise of redemption by my Own Son. He would be the One to absorb all the evil of the world; be crushed, broken and shoulder every blow of every evil thing meant to destroy you. My dear child, He is Your Bridegroom. His blood is the blood that covers over you. He bought and saved you; your engagement ring is covered by the high price of His blood.
My child, Your Bridegroom is coming back for you. Hang on.
I promise you, that every pain of this world will be ended.
I Love You,
Your Bridegroom.
Great is Your Faithfulness, Oh Lord.
It is Your Faithfulness that carries me.
Even in the many times I’ve run away.
Forsook Your love and all Your grace.
Still, You called me back by my own name.
Yes, You care---You cared enough that I would be saved.
I will forever sing the glories of Your name.
Your awesomeness I will proclaim..
Until You come, My Bridegroom---until You come
Take Your Bride away.
Like a thief in the night….You will surely come!
You will come and take Your Bride away!
Hang on my child… your hope is in His promise!
Song of Songs 6:3
Great is His love and faithfulness. It’s His faithfulness that carries us!
Let us sing about the glories of His name.
His awesomeness let us forever proclaim!
Until, He ...Our Bridegroom comes and takes us--- His Bride, away!
As we flew over the scene of the accident, all I saw was crumpled metal. Car and truck metal, various car parts, broken glass and personal belongings had been thrown all over the highway; stopping all traffic from the west to the east. From the air, I had to rub my eyes a few times to figure out the mechanics of this multiple car and truck accident. A runaway car had crossed over the median; thus, rolling against the oncoming 75-mph traffic like a torpedo out-of-control. Caught completely off guard, people driving in their cars and trucks slammed their brakes in hopes to keep from colliding and crashing. However, what was hoped for ended up being cars and trucks rolling all over the highway like wind-swept tumbleweeds blowing across the desert floor.
Many helicopters were called as this scene filled up with ambulances and fire trucks. Police stood on all sides of the highway stopping all oncoming and going traffic. As we gathered our wits, my partner and I quickly jumped out of our helicopter and walked over the mountains of metal while carrying all our gear--not knowing what to expect.
Our patient (a 26 year-old woman with the most beautiful china doll face) was lying on the ground, covered with a blanket while supported on her side by three firemen; she was crying out in pain.
I knelt down beside her. As I was kneeling down onto the gravel and glass, I took a quick look at her crumbled car and noticed something that took my breath away. In the driver’s seat was her husband. The car had completely wrapped around him before turning on its side. He was lying still in what was left of the drivers seat; his head covered with a blanket.
I knew.
I knew he had died instantly. Lying on the ground beside the driver’s side of the car was his left leg that had been torn from his large muscular frame.
My heart stopped for what seemed like forever--as I took all this in.
His bride lay on the ground crying out in pain. I quickly came back to the task at hand and began examining this young girl for life-threatening injuries. The firemen supported her on her side; for she could not lie on her back. Her left leg was folded up like an accordion. She had fractured her left femur which is one of the most painful of all trauma injuries. We got to work right away. We started IV’s and told her that her pain was going to go away in a just few minutes as I drew up the much needed pain medication. She looked at me, covered in blood from the top of her head down to her arms and chest and politely said..
“Oh thank you, thank you so much!"
Her pain had ceased with the appropriate medication and we pulled her left leg into a traction splint which further relieved the excruciating pain from the fracture. We had placed her on oxygen and I then began to examine her other injuries.
Where did all this blood come from?
I tenderly wiped the blood from her face, her eyes while feeling all over head for external wounds that had caused such blood loss. None.
Wiping off her chest, shoulders, arms and hands---- still nothing.
I then realized something. She was covered with the blood of her groom. When the firemen had extricated her from the vehicle, they found that she had been thrown behind her husband during the impact of the crash.
He had taken the blow; he had died in her place.
It was the shedding of his blood that had covered her. He had shielded her from what would have been a sure fate of death for the both of them.
My eyes welled up. The reality of this hit me. I took a moment to glance down at her left hand. There it was. She wore a beautiful diamond ring; however it was now covered with the blood of her husband.
Simply put---she wore a blood-diamond.
I dropped the gauze towel that was in my hand. I could no longer wipe off anymore of that precious blood. It was as if this moment had become very Holy in the midst of the surrounding chaos that comes with working an accident scene of this magnitude. People were crying and yelling while firemen were running around ripping through car metal with loud machinery in order to set other patient’s free.
Trying to work quickly, we did all we could for her before we lifted her up and carried her traction-splinted body on the backboard to the helicopter.
I walked beside her and held onto her blood-covered hand.
“We are going to take you in the helicopter, sweetheart. We are going to get you to the hospital where they can take really good care of your fractured leg.”
She looked at me completely unaware of the proportion of her loss along with the reality of her own redemption and softly said, “Oh… thank you, thank you so much.”
You see, the human body by God’s design is built to handle only so much shock at one time. Even though she had been trapped behind her dead husband’s body and the firemen had to work around him to get her out---her mind had blocked it. It is a God given self-protecting mechanism built within our soul. The pain from her fractured femur was enough to overtake all of her senses. If she had grasped the reality of all her losses, her physical and sensory systems would have exploded and she would have quickly gone into shock--shutdown. She would have physically died.
Flying over the desert to the trauma center, we worked on our beautiful bride. Arriving into the trauma center---we gave report to the trauma team as they quickly began to work on her.
We told them there was a 963—on scene.
She would not get the tragic news of what had happened until the proper people were positioned to be there for her support. I left her with the team and quietly went up to the hospital roof where my helicopter was awaiting. It had begun to softly rain. I was numb to what had just happened.
Lord, Jesus… Why does there have to be so much pain in this world?
I couldn’t shake off my grief for this girl. At that very moment, the sun started shining against the light rain. I closed the door of the helicopter as we started to slowly lift off the helipad. My mind was far away…. However, God was working to break through the distance and held my heart in a defining moment.
God answered my questions.
For, as we started to fly, I noticed our helicopter was eclipsed by the most colorful rainbow I had ever seen. In fact, from the middle I could see both ends of this beautiful color scheme.
We were exactly centered in the middle of this beautiful creation!
And can you believe this? It stayed with us until we landed safely at our home-base.
Although, not audible… God was speaking. He was speaking to my questioning heart in a way that was as beautiful as that rainbow.
My child---do you remember the story? Do you remember the promise I made at the creation of that rainbow? Although, many years have come and gone, my Word still stands strong. My child, I made a promise to you and to the entire world that I would not drown-out the evil of the world—again.
Instead, I would bring to the entire world the promise of redemption by my Own Son. He would be the One to absorb all the evil of the world; be crushed, broken and shoulder every blow of every evil thing meant to destroy you. My dear child, He is Your Bridegroom. His blood is the blood that covers over you. He bought and saved you; your engagement ring is covered by the high price of His blood.
My child, Your Bridegroom is coming back for you. Hang on.
I promise you, that every pain of this world will be ended.
I Love You,
Your Bridegroom.
Great is Your Faithfulness, Oh Lord.
It is Your Faithfulness that carries me.
Even in the many times I’ve run away.
Forsook Your love and all Your grace.
Still, You called me back by my own name.
Yes, You care---You cared enough that I would be saved.
I will forever sing the glories of Your name.
Your awesomeness I will proclaim..
Until You come, My Bridegroom---until You come
Take Your Bride away.
Like a thief in the night….You will surely come!
You will come and take Your Bride away!
Hang on my child… your hope is in His promise!
Monday, November 23, 2009
My Sisters Beth and Rachel
This is Beth Herman butchering deer her boys shot over the weekend. The funny thing is I walked in Rachel's garage, put my jacket on a table, started walking, looked up and almost walked into a deer carcase in her garage she was butchering from her son David Jacob's kill. The things my sisters do for their sons!

My sister Beth has 3 sons and they all love to hunt. Beth needs the meat, she is always entertaining out at their place in Norris, IL. She is glad to process the deer the boys kill.
One down 4 to go.
My sister Beth has 3 sons and they all love to hunt. Beth needs the meat, she is always entertaining out at their place in Norris, IL. She is glad to process the deer the boys kill.
One down 4 to go.
Our Friesian Stallion Raven's Purebred Foals
After cleaning up Ylse, Sanna, and both of their fillies, thought may as well take a video of them.
Meike & Wanda

Above is as we were taking them to the cabin field. Pretty cool Picture!
I love the picture below of Ylse, look at her mane!

Rachel Sauder of www.momentscapturedbyrachel took these pictures today. She gave me a cd and I posted most of them on my website. I have to tell you how I got the sitting. Rachel is extremely busy and today she was not taking any booking for sittings, today she was going to clean out her fridge. I offered to clean it out if she would just come. WHAT a GREAT TRADE! Rachel got her fridge cleaned and I got new photo's of the fillies.
The first is Ylse and her filly Meike. I am still amazed that we have Ylse and her filly is exquisite.

The picture below shows the classic Friesian movement. This is still of Meike.

Now we are on Wanda, Sanna's filly born July 24th, 2009. She is just as spectacular!

Wanda also enjoys showing off. We had a hard time getting her to TROT.

Isn't she adorable?

Rhoda's Ticket

What was she thinking.? Rhoda, last night coming home from a wedding in Princeville got stopped on Jubilee Princeville road going 90 miles an hour. WHY? She wasn't even in a hurry, just wanted to get home to change before meeting the owner of the last house sitting job she had to get paid. She now has a $110.00 ticket and must go to court. She thought it was ok though, she brought home a $220.00 from her last house sitting job. We can't seem to get through how dangerous it is to travel at such a high rate of speed on a 2 lane road. At least she can take the class, it was in Peoria County and she has not had a ticket for over a year. She said, "really it is the car maker's fault, why do they make cars that go so fast." By the way, she is NOT blond!:o)
Last night Mark bought one of the 3 Thanksgiving turkeys for the big dinner. Mom is cooking one and Diane is cooking the other. Mark came home with a 25 pounder. Trying to cover it with cold water in a roaster was impossible, it is too big to fit into the roaster. I'll have to figure out another way. We have 86 people coming for Thanksgiving and that doesn't include 2 families. Dan's family is down in Gulf Shores, AL and Joan's family is back in Haiti. Good thing we have the Old School Center reserved. Thank Goodness Spark and Dan had the foresight to buy it.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Raven, our Friesian Stallion and Izadora
Izadora is still in season and Mike got her covered tonight by Raven. Good to know we didn't miss her by heading up to Chicago. Mike was told about the Lowes gelding Hendrik. It is so weird, most of my competitors have either died, been sold or gelded. Who would have thought that after 7 years we would still be going strong. We MUST remember to count our blessings and most important remember that All or our horses belong to God, He just lends them to us and we GET to care for them.
Other Friesian stallions vs RAVEN
We had an easy trip home, stopping only once for a meal. Last night's meal was not very impressive. We ate at a grill, had reservations, but still the place was packed and we didn't get seated for about a half hour, then once seated not waited on. When our food did come it was overpriced and not very good. The meal came with 2 kinds of meat, bbq chicken and a choice of beef brisket, ribs, or meatloaf. The chicken was the smallest chicken leg I've ever seen and the beef brisket was dry and tough. One of the other customers ordered the ribs and he was very disappointed, they too were tough. The meal came with a very small portion of baked beans and a minuscule portion of cole slaw. I usually like baked beans and cole slaw but this had spices in it to burn the mouth. Good thing it was such a tiny amount, I don't like to waste food and would have if it was more than a couple of bits. After the meal we walked along Michigan Avenue to see the store windows but the crowds from the Disney parade was still so huge we gave up and headed back.
Once home from Chicago, the foals were fed and their water tank cleaned and filled. Mike was called to check on Izadora and get her covered if she is still in. The weather is beautiful, sunshine and almost 60 degrees. I tried to get Rhoda, then Rebekah to come ride so I could take videos but they are both busy. The day is so nice and no one is available. I've booked Rachel for Wednesday but I just heard on the radio it is suppose to rain and snow that day.
It is GOOD to be home!
I just got a call from a lady wanting to book Raven for 2010. She actually checked into breeding to a Friesian stallion in Illinois on a bunch of websites. She told me she LOVED the look of RAVEN, that Hendrik is now a gelding and She didn't like the looks of Sanderson she thought he was too baroque. AND that was all she could find in Illinois. I sure thought there were a couple of other ones around the area so I started looking, checked out 5 different websites for horse breeding and guess what, she was RIGHT! Raven is by Far the best!
Once home from Chicago, the foals were fed and their water tank cleaned and filled. Mike was called to check on Izadora and get her covered if she is still in. The weather is beautiful, sunshine and almost 60 degrees. I tried to get Rhoda, then Rebekah to come ride so I could take videos but they are both busy. The day is so nice and no one is available. I've booked Rachel for Wednesday but I just heard on the radio it is suppose to rain and snow that day.
It is GOOD to be home!
I just got a call from a lady wanting to book Raven for 2010. She actually checked into breeding to a Friesian stallion in Illinois on a bunch of websites. She told me she LOVED the look of RAVEN, that Hendrik is now a gelding and She didn't like the looks of Sanderson she thought he was too baroque. AND that was all she could find in Illinois. I sure thought there were a couple of other ones around the area so I started looking, checked out 5 different websites for horse breeding and guess what, she was RIGHT! Raven is by Far the best!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Day 2 of Chicago
We are on the 31st floor, corner unit and the lights of the city last night were spectacular. The Marriot seems to be in the heart of the city tall buildings all around. The famous Michigan Avenue is on one side, the Rush street entrance is where we entered. We left the curtians open when we fell asleep but Mark got up during the night to shut them as the light was keeping him awake.
Tonight is the Disney parade on Michigan Avenue so we will just walk out the door to watch.
Mom was called this morning to see how she fared with Darcy. Tara called her at 5:00am to tell her that Abby her lab was having puppies and the first one was breach. Jay, Tara's husband had to pull the pup but all is well, it is a strong healthy yellow lab. It is now over 5 hours and she has not delivered a second pup. Her water broke a couple of times but no pups. They can feel them so they know there are more but still to far up.
Mom left to go home for breakfast and couldn't find Darcy again and there she was in the second bedroom UP ON THE BED.
Ruth came over to see the pups, picked up Darcy and took her home with her so mom doesn't have to worry.
We got up early, walked around the city, had breakfast at a grill, and now I'm back up in the room. I've hooked the laptop up to the hotel internet at $14.95 for TODAY only so I can work from here today.Maybe I can take that charge off my taxes.
Tonight is the Disney parade on Michigan Avenue so we will just walk out the door to watch.
Mom was called this morning to see how she fared with Darcy. Tara called her at 5:00am to tell her that Abby her lab was having puppies and the first one was breach. Jay, Tara's husband had to pull the pup but all is well, it is a strong healthy yellow lab. It is now over 5 hours and she has not delivered a second pup. Her water broke a couple of times but no pups. They can feel them so they know there are more but still to far up.
Mom left to go home for breakfast and couldn't find Darcy again and there she was in the second bedroom UP ON THE BED.
Ruth came over to see the pups, picked up Darcy and took her home with her so mom doesn't have to worry.
We got up early, walked around the city, had breakfast at a grill, and now I'm back up in the room. I've hooked the laptop up to the hotel internet at $14.95 for TODAY only so I can work from here today.Maybe I can take that charge off my taxes.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Made it to the farm before 7:00am, got Izadora covered, all the horses checked and grained and went on the walk with mom and Diane. We met Rachel's two youngest boys walking to the bus. I asked Logan why he wasn't driving the golf cart and he replied, "you know it's huntin season and all and we were too busy to plug it in." Today was the opening day of shotgun season and Mike left at 3:30am to meet Andrew for deer hunting. Rachel's older boys are probably also hunting but I don't know that for sure as Rachel was not home and didn't come on the walk. I left Darcy with mom as the girls are spending the night with Ben and Taunya.
Mark and I left around 10:00am for Chicago, had an easy trip here with no real traffic jams or problems. We are staying in the Marriot. We went to Maggionos for dinner with 3 other couples. Dinner was good but too much food. Ralph called while we were at dinner that Darcy was in the big barn all scared. Mom had gone shopping and Darcy went over to the farm to find my car. She felt she had been at the lake long enough. I called mom and she drove to the farm on her way home and picked her up but when she got to her house, Darcy wouldn't get out of the car. It was not HER house and she wanted to go HOME. Mom had me talk to her on the phone but that didn't work, finally she got an umbrella and got her out with that by poking at her. Hope the rest of the night goes ok.
Mark and I left around 10:00am for Chicago, had an easy trip here with no real traffic jams or problems. We are staying in the Marriot. We went to Maggionos for dinner with 3 other couples. Dinner was good but too much food. Ralph called while we were at dinner that Darcy was in the big barn all scared. Mom had gone shopping and Darcy went over to the farm to find my car. She felt she had been at the lake long enough. I called mom and she drove to the farm on her way home and picked her up but when she got to her house, Darcy wouldn't get out of the car. It was not HER house and she wanted to go HOME. Mom had me talk to her on the phone but that didn't work, finally she got an umbrella and got her out with that by poking at her. Hope the rest of the night goes ok.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A Haitian Welcome
Joan called this morning to tell us that a large group of Haitians were at the airport waiting for them and as soon as they got off the plane they started singing What a Friend We Have In Jesus. Talk about touching!
Joan and Tim could not call anyone yesterday when they made it to Haiti, their phone had been cut off for not paying the bill last month and the internet was not working. No one remembered to pay the bill with everything else that was going on.
Joan and Tim could not call anyone yesterday when they made it to Haiti, their phone had been cut off for not paying the bill last month and the internet was not working. No one remembered to pay the bill with everything else that was going on.
Raven, our Friesian Stallion's Work Schedule

Raven is going to be busy this week and the week next. Izadora is in season, she did not take on her foal heat. It is 19 days since she was last bred. She was neighing this morning so after our walk, Raven was taken over and sure enough she is IN. She will need to be covered again tomorrow as Raven has not been used for 19 days.
Cindy, (Ruth's mare) will be coming over after Thanksgiving and Sangria still needs to be covered. I just haven't got around to even teasing her but the later in the year is better for us. We would like to leave Sangria in with Raven for the winter but must catch her in season to do so. We like to give him a mare for a companion.
Once home from the farm a round bale was moved in for the foals. I found one of the missing halters but not the one I was hoping to find. The ground is so saturated that the foals shelter flooded. Talk about a mess, I know it won't dry up before I need to leave for Chicago so hopefully once home we will have some dry weather to clean up the mud and manure.
I've booked Rachel Sauder of MomentscapturedbyRachel for Wednesday to get pictures of the Friesian foals at the farm. I would love to get her to Bridlewood to get pictures the 5 foals here if the ground ever dries up. I love her horse pictures, she seems to capture each foals disposition. Last year she took Sanna's filly's pictures and that filly was such a goofball. The pictures were PERFECT, showing her running around with a leaf in her mouth, yep, she's a goofball. There are some new horses at Bridlewood so perhaps some of those owners would like to share the sitting fee with me and get some good quality pictures to keep as a remembrance. I know Rachel is not looking for more work but if enough customers from one place want her, just maybe I could get her booked.
Why Write About the Escapees
Amy from Tremont, IL wanted to know why I was writing about the escapees on the Friesian blog. The answer is that one of them had been counseled by one of our Berean counselors, Marvin Hodel for months, in fact he was almost chosen to speak at the Berean banquet. Marvin told Spark there is just something not right so Spark had him taken off the speaker list. My brother Spark is the chaplain at the Peoria County Jail. The other reason is that sometimes the guards bring down inmates from the jail down to the food warehouse to help with loading the trucks. That was why we were called twice about making sure it was locked.
So NOW I will get back to the horse business. It looks like Classy is sold. I have the deposit check which will be deposited after Thanksgiving. I'll mark him sold on the website once the check is in the bank. His new owners are going to love him.
The weather has not co-operated as far as new pictures of Piper's feathers. It rained most of the day yesterday on top of the 3 inches over the last 3 days. The ground is soggy and muddy. I need to move in a new round bale TODAY or bring some squares from the farm. I just hate to drive the tractor in the yard when it is this wet so maybe I'll bring the truck to the walk this morning and load up a couple of squares. We are suppose to get a break from the rain this afternoon and then dry weather for the weekend.
Meike's owner would like new pictures and I told her hopefully by Saturday we would have dry weather but I forgot we will be in Chicago for the school board convention. We leave Friday morning and won't be home until Sunday afternoon and Monday more rain is predicted. BOTHER!
So NOW I will get back to the horse business. It looks like Classy is sold. I have the deposit check which will be deposited after Thanksgiving. I'll mark him sold on the website once the check is in the bank. His new owners are going to love him.
The weather has not co-operated as far as new pictures of Piper's feathers. It rained most of the day yesterday on top of the 3 inches over the last 3 days. The ground is soggy and muddy. I need to move in a new round bale TODAY or bring some squares from the farm. I just hate to drive the tractor in the yard when it is this wet so maybe I'll bring the truck to the walk this morning and load up a couple of squares. We are suppose to get a break from the rain this afternoon and then dry weather for the weekend.
Meike's owner would like new pictures and I told her hopefully by Saturday we would have dry weather but I forgot we will be in Chicago for the school board convention. We leave Friday morning and won't be home until Sunday afternoon and Monday more rain is predicted. BOTHER!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Peoria's Jailbreakers Now Caught
We just got the call that the inmates that escaped from the Peoria County Jail yesterday are now both in custody. I know there are a lot of Peoria Ladies that will breath just a little easier tonight.
This was taken off the news website: The Peoria County Sheriff says both inmates who escaped from the Peoria County Jail are back in custody.
Sheriff Mike McCoy says 44-year-old James Fuller, the last inmate on the loose, was found at 2114 N. North Street in Peoria around 1:30 Wednesday.
Fuller and 28-year-old Aaron Cook were last accounted for around 8 p.m. Monday and discovered missing during breakfast at the jail around 7 a.m. Tuesday.
Cook was captured around 2:40 Tuesday afternoon at 620 Spitznagel Street. Police say he was found under a pile of boxes wearing sweats, not his jail issued uniform.
On Tuesday afternoon, Fuller is believed to have broken into a home, tied up a man and locked him in a bathroom before stealing an SUV from the home in the North Valley. The vehicle later was located in the parking lot of Woodruff High School about a mile from where it was stolen.
Later, authorities viewed a District 150 security video showing Fuller get out of the SUV in the Woodruff parking lot Tuesday afternoon.
K-9 units tracked Fuller’s scent to the edge of Woodruff’s baseball field, and homes — many vacant — and garages were searched, McCoy said.
McCoy was not sure how the men got to the North Valley neighborhood where Cook was found and where Fuller allegedly stole the SUV, but it is more than 10 miles from the jail. He would not say how they are believed to have covered that distance, or how both men got street clothes to replace their prison garb with black and white stripes.
James E. Fuller, 44, was taken into custody by police about 1:35 p.m. Wednesday.
This is more on how they escaped:
After Cook was apprehended, he told detectives that he and Fuller tied a rope made of bedsheets to a drain pipe on the jail roof but decided it wouldn’t hold them. They instead jumped from the roof onto the ground and fled, McCoy said.
“He said it wasn’t strong enough, so they jumped from the roof,” the sheriff said.
McCoy said Cook was expected to be interviewed again Wednesday to check his Tuesday explanations of the escape for consistency.
“The way they escaped and kept (the hole they dug into the roof) hid, it was pretty ingenious,” McCoy said. “But once they got off that wall (of the jail), their plan hit a snag.”
McCoy said interviews with Cook revealed that Fuller had been working for more than a year on an escape route through the ceiling and roof above his cell. Cook admitted to being involved for about the past four months, McCoy said.
Somehow, Fuller accessed metal pieces to help him dig, which McCoy said were not smuggled into the jail. McCoy said they were taken from items within the cell, although he declined to identify what they were pulled from or how it was done.
Using the metal pieces, Fuller cut a hole through the ceiling to gain access to concrete blocks leading to the roof. Gradually, Fuller used the metal pieces to pick away at the concrete. When not working, he apparently placed the cut-away piece of ceiling back in its place.
Cook somehow hid in Fuller’s cell when the jail was locked down for the night at 8 p.m. Monday. McCoy did not say how that was accomplished.
This was taken off the news website: The Peoria County Sheriff says both inmates who escaped from the Peoria County Jail are back in custody.
Sheriff Mike McCoy says 44-year-old James Fuller, the last inmate on the loose, was found at 2114 N. North Street in Peoria around 1:30 Wednesday.
Fuller and 28-year-old Aaron Cook were last accounted for around 8 p.m. Monday and discovered missing during breakfast at the jail around 7 a.m. Tuesday.
Cook was captured around 2:40 Tuesday afternoon at 620 Spitznagel Street. Police say he was found under a pile of boxes wearing sweats, not his jail issued uniform.
On Tuesday afternoon, Fuller is believed to have broken into a home, tied up a man and locked him in a bathroom before stealing an SUV from the home in the North Valley. The vehicle later was located in the parking lot of Woodruff High School about a mile from where it was stolen.
Later, authorities viewed a District 150 security video showing Fuller get out of the SUV in the Woodruff parking lot Tuesday afternoon.
K-9 units tracked Fuller’s scent to the edge of Woodruff’s baseball field, and homes — many vacant — and garages were searched, McCoy said.
McCoy was not sure how the men got to the North Valley neighborhood where Cook was found and where Fuller allegedly stole the SUV, but it is more than 10 miles from the jail. He would not say how they are believed to have covered that distance, or how both men got street clothes to replace their prison garb with black and white stripes.
James E. Fuller, 44, was taken into custody by police about 1:35 p.m. Wednesday.
This is more on how they escaped:
After Cook was apprehended, he told detectives that he and Fuller tied a rope made of bedsheets to a drain pipe on the jail roof but decided it wouldn’t hold them. They instead jumped from the roof onto the ground and fled, McCoy said.
“He said it wasn’t strong enough, so they jumped from the roof,” the sheriff said.
McCoy said Cook was expected to be interviewed again Wednesday to check his Tuesday explanations of the escape for consistency.
“The way they escaped and kept (the hole they dug into the roof) hid, it was pretty ingenious,” McCoy said. “But once they got off that wall (of the jail), their plan hit a snag.”
McCoy said interviews with Cook revealed that Fuller had been working for more than a year on an escape route through the ceiling and roof above his cell. Cook admitted to being involved for about the past four months, McCoy said.
Somehow, Fuller accessed metal pieces to help him dig, which McCoy said were not smuggled into the jail. McCoy said they were taken from items within the cell, although he declined to identify what they were pulled from or how it was done.
Using the metal pieces, Fuller cut a hole through the ceiling to gain access to concrete blocks leading to the roof. Gradually, Fuller used the metal pieces to pick away at the concrete. When not working, he apparently placed the cut-away piece of ceiling back in its place.
Cook somehow hid in Fuller’s cell when the jail was locked down for the night at 8 p.m. Monday. McCoy did not say how that was accomplished.
My Nightmare
Early this morning (in my sleep) I got to the farm, went to grain Raven and saw he was out of hay, his shelter was completely empty. I went into the big barn to start the skid steer and that barn was also empty, not a round bale in sight. I thought, "why didn't Mike tell me we were running low", Then, wait a minute, even Ralph and Jamie's bales are gone, I think someone stole all of our hay! Even the part bales in the shelters were gone. I woke up very disturbed and so when I drove to the farm this morning for real, I drove straight into the arena to check our hay supply. Thank goodness it was just a nightmare. while I was there I did a quick count and we still have over 110 good quality round bales so I think we will be OK. We did a rough estimate on usage and can count on 5 bales a week. The worst part about that nightmare was the helpless feeling of seeing hungry horses and not being able to feed them. I think this dream is because I am still upset about the mare Erin found walking down their road.
This makes me realize I MUST try to reduce our herd! Please if you are thinking of buying a great, fantastic, wonderful, sweet, beautiful, quality, family horse take a look at what we have to offer on our for sale page or our new addition page www.horsemeister.com
There is NOTHING out there EVEN close to what we produce for the price we ask. We KNOW we have the best, now I just need to get the word out.
This makes me realize I MUST try to reduce our herd! Please if you are thinking of buying a great, fantastic, wonderful, sweet, beautiful, quality, family horse take a look at what we have to offer on our for sale page or our new addition page www.horsemeister.com
There is NOTHING out there EVEN close to what we produce for the price we ask. We KNOW we have the best, now I just need to get the word out.
Jail Break at Peoria County Jail
This morning on the way to the farm, I see the Kickapoo Creek has been up to the bank and over in places. It is not raining this morning but looks like it could any minute and more rain is predicted until Thursday night. The paper came out today and stated this is one of the wettest years in our history. The Journal Star also showed pictures of pumpkin fields underwater and how the pumpkins will have to be plowed under if it doesn't dry out soon. They state that a lot of pumpkin fields do not have paved roads near them. This is what we have been dealing with at Middle Grove. There are no paved roads going back to the fenced 80 acres. We usually can camp all summer and the trails there are wonderful on that land so we have a lot of our groups just come to Middle Grove where we leave the riding horses but this year has been so wet, it is almost impossible to get back into the camping area even WITH 4wheel drive. We finally gave up and brought all the horses home and now we are dealing with the mud and manure 30 horses make just walking around. The only ones that are thrilled with the weather and having the horses gone from Middle Grove are the hunters. The deer are fat, happy, and plentiful. There is still corn in the fields, plenty of good grasses and water for the deer. Having the horses gone allows the hunters the easy access to the abundance of wildlife there.
Yesterday there was a jail breakout of 2 inmates. One has been caught, the other is still at large. This was like a movie script. They augured through the ceiling onto the roof, tied strips of sheets together and rappelled down a 2 story brick wall. They were both bad but unfortunately the one that is still at large is the REALLY bad guy. He was in jail for multiple home invasions and rape. We were called to tell us to lock our doors and if they are seen do not approach as they are dangerous. This really gives us a lot of confidence, this was not a spur of the moment escape, this was weeks or months of work and no, they didn't use a poster to cover up the hole, they were able to use a ceiling tile. Then another lady called me to say, we know you have faith but God also gave you a brain and he expects you to use it so please lock up! Eva Jean and I obediently locked all the doors going into the warehouse, then started work. After we were done we realized we had not searched the warehouse nor even looked in the bathroom. Eva Jean looks at the bathroom door, hesitates, then says, "if someone is in there, I'm going to faint!" We very gingerly cracked the door open and thank goodness it was empty.
Yesterday there was a jail breakout of 2 inmates. One has been caught, the other is still at large. This was like a movie script. They augured through the ceiling onto the roof, tied strips of sheets together and rappelled down a 2 story brick wall. They were both bad but unfortunately the one that is still at large is the REALLY bad guy. He was in jail for multiple home invasions and rape. We were called to tell us to lock our doors and if they are seen do not approach as they are dangerous. This really gives us a lot of confidence, this was not a spur of the moment escape, this was weeks or months of work and no, they didn't use a poster to cover up the hole, they were able to use a ceiling tile. Then another lady called me to say, we know you have faith but God also gave you a brain and he expects you to use it so please lock up! Eva Jean and I obediently locked all the doors going into the warehouse, then started work. After we were done we realized we had not searched the warehouse nor even looked in the bathroom. Eva Jean looks at the bathroom door, hesitates, then says, "if someone is in there, I'm going to faint!" We very gingerly cracked the door open and thank goodness it was empty.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Good by to the Reinhards
This morning, Joan, Tim and the girls, Sarah, Bethany, Hannah and Faith are leaving to go back to Haiti. The sky has opened and the rain is drenching the earth to try to keep up with the mourning here in Peoria. We will not see them again until next June, Lord willing. It is important for them to go back to Haiti but sure is hard to see them leave. Joan was given another paper from Mike Reiker with the total so far of funds coming in to help pay medical expenses and Joan and Tim's door fund for Haiti now exceeding $34,000.00. The Reinhards are very thankful for the support. Joan said Mike was hand copying the addresses off the checks before he would deposit them for thank you notes but finally got wise and just started using the copy machine to copy the checks. I was thinking of the money this morning when I remembered Amy Koch gave me 2 checks, one from her and one from Cathie Trent, to give to Joan that are STILL in my purse! I will run them out this morning to them even though we will not be walking in the rain. Nothing like leaving it until the last minute, at least I can get them to her before they leave this morning. They are traveling by bus to O'Hare around 9:30am, will get up to Chicago around 2:30pm and their plane doesn't leave until 6:40pm. Diane has offered to take them so they don't have to wait so long at the airport but Joan said the kids were really looking forward to the bus ride.
Monday, November 16, 2009

I had a man call today about Piper and he asked about his feathers. Of course the boy has feathers so I went back into my website to see if any of the pictures show them and guess what? they don't! The day we were taking the pictures and the day of the video it had stopped raining but was muddy, I think his feathers are plastered down. So I check Sally's pictures and hers aren't showing either. The only picture I have of her feathers is this dirty picture. BOTHER, I'll have to make a special trip out to the farm with rags and a bucket to try to clean her up enough to show her CLEAN feathers. At least Piper is here at Bridlewood, I can clean him up as soon as it stops raining in THREE DAYS!. It has been raining pretty steady Saturday, yesterday, last night and all day today. The weather man said we are expected to get another 2 to 3 inches before this system moves out 3 days from now. I've given up trying to clean the paddock for a while. The manure will just have to stack up until it starts drying out again. What a wet year we have had!
Faith Reinhard
In the first video Faith is practicing her A B C's.
Faith was learning the alphabet right along with her big brother Gabriel. Joan did not realize that Faith was listening until she started saying it also. In the second video Faith is playing Skunk in the graveyard with her parents.
Faith is my niece and Joan & Tim's youngest daughter. She is very bright and reminds me of her mom, Joan when she was 2 years old. I can still remember Joan singing the alphabet song, then telling us, "now want to see me sing it backwards?" of course when we said yes she would turn her back to us and sing it again.
Faith was learning the alphabet right along with her big brother Gabriel. Joan did not realize that Faith was listening until she started saying it also. In the second video Faith is playing Skunk in the graveyard with her parents.
Faith is my niece and Joan & Tim's youngest daughter. She is very bright and reminds me of her mom, Joan when she was 2 years old. I can still remember Joan singing the alphabet song, then telling us, "now want to see me sing it backwards?" of course when we said yes she would turn her back to us and sing it again.
Fun On a Friesian

This was from last February when we FINALLY had a break in the weather but it reminded me of a very funny story. One day Mike was bored. He took Jenis out for some riding when he thought, mmm I wonder if the neighbors want to go on the trails with me. He rode over to the neighbors place, not too far from the farm and saw 2 people riding in the arena. He asked them if they wanted to ride over to the farm and go trail riding. They said yes and off the 3 horses went. He started galloping and Jenis crow hopped a little, the back girth was too tight, so Mike jumped off and loosened it, then jumped back on. They got to the cabin trail, Ylse saw them, wanted to go with them, jumped the fence and fell in behind Jenis. This really made the neighbors nervous but Mike told them, Oh, she is fine, she will just follow along. They asked again if Mike should stop and put Ylse away but he told them she's fine, we treat them all the same whether they are imported from the Netherlands or a $600.00 horse. He thought she looked beautiful cantering along with her mane flying. They got to the first creek to cross and Mike really thought Ylse would decide that was far enough and head home but instead she crossed the creek and continued with the group. Both of the other riders were pretty worried by this time, after all it is the 'DEATH TRAIL'. The man got his horse across but the lady needed help. Anyway they all made it back fine. Mike called to tell me the story. He told me, they really don't know how to ride very well, they were scared of the creeks and of Ylse following. Not until later did I learn the neighbor's view of the story. The man came over to visit one day, while I was working with Jenis. He told me about the ride and then said pointing to Jenis, "that mare is a really good mare, she totally took care of Mike. It was obvious he doesn't know how to ride, he didn't even know enough to put a loose horse away."
I thought it was pretty funny hearing both sides.
Now to correct some of the different views, Mike knows how to ride very well and so do they. They just happen to be arena riders, NEVER would they think it was safe to ride a rough trail with a loose horse and of course they had never made their horses cross creeks and run up and down hills.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Formal Dinner
Well it started as soon as I got home from church. The setting of the table was first, then the food preparation. As soon as our special dinner guests opened the door at 5:30pm they were greeted and asked to come into the dining room. the chairs was pulled out and each girl was seated, then offered red or white sparkling grape juice. Mark had the prayer and prayed for each one individually. Our special guests today were Sarah, Rebekah, Anni, Jessica, Bethany, Hannah, and Sophie. Below is after the drink and prayer but before the soup.
The diners started with a chicken & wild rice with noodle soup.
We only dished out a small bowl for each. Once the soup was finished the bowl was removed and they were given a palate cleanser of lime sherbet. Once that was removed the salad and bread was dished out which we gave them a few minutes to enjoy before coming in and removing the salad plates. We served another palate cleanser before bringing in the main meal.
A chicken breast stuffed with cranberries, apples, brie,and mozzarella and topped with a sweet cranberry sauce was served with wild rice, asparagus with Hollandaise sauce and sweet potato casserole.
Once that plate was removed, we served hot chocolate made with 3 squares of Hershey chocolate in the bottom of the cup, then the hot chocolate poured into the cup with a dollop of whipped cream on top. while they were drinking the chocolate we took orders for dessert. We offered 3 kinds of cheese cake, apple pie or chocolate cake. After dessert each was presented with a red rose.
They were so excited after the meal, they posed for some pictures, then played games.
A special thank you to my servers, Mark, Rhoda, Taunya, Ben and Ruth!
Sophia posing with her rose.

The diners started with a chicken & wild rice with noodle soup.

We only dished out a small bowl for each. Once the soup was finished the bowl was removed and they were given a palate cleanser of lime sherbet. Once that was removed the salad and bread was dished out which we gave them a few minutes to enjoy before coming in and removing the salad plates. We served another palate cleanser before bringing in the main meal.
A chicken breast stuffed with cranberries, apples, brie,and mozzarella and topped with a sweet cranberry sauce was served with wild rice, asparagus with Hollandaise sauce and sweet potato casserole.

They were so excited after the meal, they posed for some pictures, then played games.
A special thank you to my servers, Mark, Rhoda, Taunya, Ben and Ruth!
Sophia posing with her rose.

Karin & Rebekah
Karin called this morning the people that hired her gave her an extra $100.00. Karin saw it on the way home, emailed them to ask if they made a mistake and should she send them a check and they told her, "no we wanted to give you more." How nice for Karin and Rebekah.
Dan and Susan served lunch today so Mark, Sarah, mom and I went early to help. It went smoothly and even though church was pretty crowded, Dan and Susan had plenty. David took my place waiting tables. The funny thing is that I signed up for a women's table. He didn't care, just went right to work. I wish more of the younger brothers would help at lunch.
We are having a formal dinner tonight. I'm going to have to take pictures, the table is set so beautifully.
Dan and Susan served lunch today so Mark, Sarah, mom and I went early to help. It went smoothly and even though church was pretty crowded, Dan and Susan had plenty. David took my place waiting tables. The funny thing is that I signed up for a women's table. He didn't care, just went right to work. I wish more of the younger brothers would help at lunch.
We are having a formal dinner tonight. I'm going to have to take pictures, the table is set so beautifully.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Bow Hunting at Middle Grove
This is my nephew Andrew Honegger hunting with his bow. I think it is amazing that not only was he able to call the buck in, get his arrow perfect, he was able to video tape the entire performance. Andrew is an amazing hunter. BTW he was having a lot of fun with this video. He placed this on youtube in 2008 and over 122,000 people have viewed it.
This is one of the reasons ALL the horses are now moved from the Middle Grove farm.
Now just for all the animal lovers out there, we EAT deer meat. It is protein rich and a very good supplement for expensive beef.
When my sister Diane, Andrew's mom, was a young mother she used to just pray she would hit a deer with her car so they could have meat for the winter. I wonder what that says about her car in those days.
Another Saturday
Our potluck was good, the food all turned out just about perfect, moist, flavorful and not overcooked, everything was delicious. We had a great group, lots of funny stories, lots of laughter.
Karin and Rebekah drove to Madison, WI for a vaulting clinic. They left yesterday after work and spent the night, then will teach pretty much all day. They will be home late tonight. I don't remember what Karin charges for this, I think it is $400.00 for the day and she and Rebekah will share it. It is a bargain for Pony Clubs or new vaulting teams. The vaulters get individual lessons, Kur ideas, and horse time. Sometimes the Pony Club will pay for the entire clinic and sometimes the clubs have who ever is attending to pick up the cost. Karin and Rebekah were also put up for the night in one of their houses and fed.
I won't be driving out to the farm today, others are doing the chores for me. I still need to buy the food for tomorrows formal dinner and finish laundry. Nice that the house is clean and ready for company. Mark and I need to leave by 5:00pm as we are working at the Skyline benefit dinner. We really hope it is a good turnout. Tomorrow morning we need to be at church by 8:00am to help Dan and Susan give lunch.
Karin and Rebekah drove to Madison, WI for a vaulting clinic. They left yesterday after work and spent the night, then will teach pretty much all day. They will be home late tonight. I don't remember what Karin charges for this, I think it is $400.00 for the day and she and Rebekah will share it. It is a bargain for Pony Clubs or new vaulting teams. The vaulters get individual lessons, Kur ideas, and horse time. Sometimes the Pony Club will pay for the entire clinic and sometimes the clubs have who ever is attending to pick up the cost. Karin and Rebekah were also put up for the night in one of their houses and fed.
I won't be driving out to the farm today, others are doing the chores for me. I still need to buy the food for tomorrows formal dinner and finish laundry. Nice that the house is clean and ready for company. Mark and I need to leave by 5:00pm as we are working at the Skyline benefit dinner. We really hope it is a good turnout. Tomorrow morning we need to be at church by 8:00am to help Dan and Susan give lunch.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Potluck Friday the 13th!
Today is our turn for potluck and it is also Friday the 13th. Should I be worried? Will the food turn out good enough to eat? Usually, without bragging, I'm a pretty good cook but one time for potluck I had the meal prepared, the meat was perfect, then one of the guests showed up 45 minutes late and by the time we sat down to eat our prime rib was overcooked. I'm not serving prime rib tonight and hopefully no one will be late so perhaps it will turn out fine. I am having 13 people at my table as one of our guests had to cancel. Good thing we are NOT superstitious! Although I did just about hit a deer on the way to the farm this morning. I saw something in the corner of my eye and slowed down or I would have hit it for sure. It came running out of the woods and right in front of my car, even slowing down I had to slam on my brakes. I missed it by inches, not feet!
I'm having 2 meats tonight. One is only because I'm hosting a dress-up dinner for the younger girl cousins, ages 19 down to 14 on Sunday and I want to try a recipe to see if it is good AND elegant. I want to make Sunday's dinner very special. We will use our good china with the place settings set for a full dinner with many courses and serve sparkling grape juice out of our goblets.
I need to get busy cleaning the house. That is the only problem with having company (which I LOVE to do). I really don't like to work inside the house. I like the outside work, but as I'm serving in the formal dining room, I need to have the house presentable and ready for company.
As I was up early this morning I got the water tank filled and the foals grained and looked for ANOTHER missing halter but no luck. Only one foal now has a halter on and that is Royal and he no longer needs a halter, he is coming right up. I now have 4 halters somewhere in that small paddock and can't find ANY of them. I was 15 minutes early getting to the farm this morning and it was good not to have to run to each paddock but leisurely walk carrying their grain. Everyone was checked and all is well there.
I'm having 2 meats tonight. One is only because I'm hosting a dress-up dinner for the younger girl cousins, ages 19 down to 14 on Sunday and I want to try a recipe to see if it is good AND elegant. I want to make Sunday's dinner very special. We will use our good china with the place settings set for a full dinner with many courses and serve sparkling grape juice out of our goblets.
I need to get busy cleaning the house. That is the only problem with having company (which I LOVE to do). I really don't like to work inside the house. I like the outside work, but as I'm serving in the formal dining room, I need to have the house presentable and ready for company.
As I was up early this morning I got the water tank filled and the foals grained and looked for ANOTHER missing halter but no luck. Only one foal now has a halter on and that is Royal and he no longer needs a halter, he is coming right up. I now have 4 halters somewhere in that small paddock and can't find ANY of them. I was 15 minutes early getting to the farm this morning and it was good not to have to run to each paddock but leisurely walk carrying their grain. Everyone was checked and all is well there.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Veterans Day
This morning before our walk I was able to get all the nursing mares, foals, and Raven grained. Steven Marchal was already at the barn looking for that calico cat that had an appointed for spaying and shots today. Of course the cat cannot be found. On our first farm loop we saw a white tailed buck in the field. Heidi saw it and took off running. We watched for quite a while and surprisingly Heidi was actually gaining on the poor thing. Once the buck crossed into the bean field and was quite a distance off Heidi gave up and came back. The second farm loop, Steven was lunging Lily. It is time for Lily to start getting in shape.
Yesterday was Veterans Day, a lot of kids here at Bridlewood had the day off, the Lake kids still had school but were in the Veterans day parade.
This got me thinking of our Veterans but I didn't want to write about it yesterday, I needed a day to cool off without writing something too radical. Still, how dare our president apologize for America. Every time our soldiers have gone off to a foreign country to fight, it is never for America to expand her boarders it is to defend that country from some awful problem, the only land we ask for is to bury our dead those who have sacrificed for other lands. We have sent our American soldiers all over the world defending foreign countries from invasion or evil dictators. Our American soldiers have DIED defending these countries and our president thinks we should APOLOGIZE? My first thought yesterday was how can I write about this, I may get flagged by the government as a radical and this made me even madder that I would think like this. We live in AMERICA! We have the right to FREE SPEECH. There is no way I should ever begin to think I will get penalized by writing against our government and I have never ever worried about it before the Obama Administration. So if I suddenly disappear, all you readers know it would be because I have spoken out against the president. Still we are to pray for our leaders and I am praying for president Obama. I know that God allowed him to be president, I just hope it is not to usher in the last days, there are so many that still need to hear about Jesus and his sacrifice. I love America and would NEVER bad mouth my country but I am so afraid the America I knew and loved is dying.
Enough of the political and back to everyday life.
I'm blessed to be watching Addyson while my 5 girls (3 daughter-in-laws and 2 daughters) are walking to Avantis for lunch. Addyson has just woken up and is playing on my lap. She now has her first tooth. AT least her mom tells me she has one, she doesn't want to show me yet. She is so smart!
Yesterday was Veterans Day, a lot of kids here at Bridlewood had the day off, the Lake kids still had school but were in the Veterans day parade.
This got me thinking of our Veterans but I didn't want to write about it yesterday, I needed a day to cool off without writing something too radical. Still, how dare our president apologize for America. Every time our soldiers have gone off to a foreign country to fight, it is never for America to expand her boarders it is to defend that country from some awful problem, the only land we ask for is to bury our dead those who have sacrificed for other lands. We have sent our American soldiers all over the world defending foreign countries from invasion or evil dictators. Our American soldiers have DIED defending these countries and our president thinks we should APOLOGIZE? My first thought yesterday was how can I write about this, I may get flagged by the government as a radical and this made me even madder that I would think like this. We live in AMERICA! We have the right to FREE SPEECH. There is no way I should ever begin to think I will get penalized by writing against our government and I have never ever worried about it before the Obama Administration. So if I suddenly disappear, all you readers know it would be because I have spoken out against the president. Still we are to pray for our leaders and I am praying for president Obama. I know that God allowed him to be president, I just hope it is not to usher in the last days, there are so many that still need to hear about Jesus and his sacrifice. I love America and would NEVER bad mouth my country but I am so afraid the America I knew and loved is dying.
Enough of the political and back to everyday life.
I'm blessed to be watching Addyson while my 5 girls (3 daughter-in-laws and 2 daughters) are walking to Avantis for lunch. Addyson has just woken up and is playing on my lap. She now has her first tooth. AT least her mom tells me she has one, she doesn't want to show me yet. She is so smart!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Email from Erin
Hi Judy-
I hope all is well with you and your family. I sent these pictures to you to maybe help people be more a ware of what is happing to horses. I have heard of people just letting their horses go, and now I have seen it first hand. We found her Monday morning about a mile down our road. Our neighbor came down to get me and my mom, we were able to halter her up and walk her down to our house. By chance I had the vet comming to due some floating on the other horses. She looked at her and said she has a long road a head of her but she will be fine. She is about 12 years old and about 17 hands, she is huge. I just thought I would share this story of our new resident and get the word out that people are just letting go of their horses. She was loved at one time, I just want horse owners to ask for help if they need anything. Then there wouldn't be such heart ache. Take care and bless you and those around you.
Below are the pictures of the horse. PLEASE don't TURN YOUR HORSE LOOSE. If you cannot take care of your horse, LET someone know. We understand the economy we understand the hay shortage but if help could have come sooner this mare would not be facing a TERRIBLE winter. Even with Erin's help, to go into the winter in this condition may be a death sentence for this mare. This is not just happening 'somewhere else' Erin lives in ILLINOIS up by Rockford.
THANK you ERIN for caring. I saw the pictures and read your email and started to weep.

I hope all is well with you and your family. I sent these pictures to you to maybe help people be more a ware of what is happing to horses. I have heard of people just letting their horses go, and now I have seen it first hand. We found her Monday morning about a mile down our road. Our neighbor came down to get me and my mom, we were able to halter her up and walk her down to our house. By chance I had the vet comming to due some floating on the other horses. She looked at her and said she has a long road a head of her but she will be fine. She is about 12 years old and about 17 hands, she is huge. I just thought I would share this story of our new resident and get the word out that people are just letting go of their horses. She was loved at one time, I just want horse owners to ask for help if they need anything. Then there wouldn't be such heart ache. Take care and bless you and those around you.
Below are the pictures of the horse. PLEASE don't TURN YOUR HORSE LOOSE. If you cannot take care of your horse, LET someone know. We understand the economy we understand the hay shortage but if help could have come sooner this mare would not be facing a TERRIBLE winter. Even with Erin's help, to go into the winter in this condition may be a death sentence for this mare. This is not just happening 'somewhere else' Erin lives in ILLINOIS up by Rockford.
THANK you ERIN for caring. I saw the pictures and read your email and started to weep.

Out at the farm this morning I had my camera. I had just fed Izadora and was watching Aragon getting ready to nurse. He was bumping his mom kind of hard in the udder and all of a sudden he must have bit her because Izadora whipped her head around and nipped him in the rear end. I caught his jump of surprise in the first picture.

He is very sheepish, peeking around his mom trying to figure out where the bite came from in the second picture.

Izadora is a great mom, she does not tolerate any disobedience handing out discipline as soon as it is needed.
We had a good walk this morning. We are working on arranging transportation from Hanna City to O'Hare airport this coming Tuesday for the Reinhard family. We hate to see them go back to Haiti but Joan knows they must have time to grieve before the work teams start coming.

He is very sheepish, peeking around his mom trying to figure out where the bite came from in the second picture.

Izadora is a great mom, she does not tolerate any disobedience handing out discipline as soon as it is needed.
We had a good walk this morning. We are working on arranging transportation from Hanna City to O'Hare airport this coming Tuesday for the Reinhard family. We hate to see them go back to Haiti but Joan knows they must have time to grieve before the work teams start coming.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Monday RACE
After work yesterday Karin got a group together to go racing. It was Karin Meister on Mika, Rebekah Davidovics on Anni, Anni Davidovics on Bunni, Bethany Reinhard on Knight, Hannah Reinhard on Paris, and Caleb Sauder on Walker Sally. Monica Fritzenmeier on Ylse and Sandy Fritzenmeier on Sangria took off for some schooling as they and those horses are not really into racing. Their first race was up the cabin hill and amazingly enough Bethany and Knight WON! Knight was kind of sneaky squeezing by all the big horses and shooting up the hill. Bethany got the prize for that race. When they got to the 50 foot strip the bean field next to it was being harvested and there was a truck parked kind of in the way. Karin talked to the farmer and told him they were going to race so he moved off to the side. This one was more competitive and the kids were out to WIN. Mika came in first with Bunni a close second. Karin said the adrenaline was flowing and the horses were kind of hard to stop so they ended up in the bean field. good thing that section was already harvested. We love the fact the kids had a great time, the horses had a great time and both didn't realize they were getting an education. Karin made the comment that what is really Amazing is there is enough tack for that many horses. We forget to be thankful for small things and having enough tack is actually a pretty big thing. We could always use more saddles and bridles so if anyone out there is getting out of horses and has good used equipment reasonable we would probably be interested.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Pictures of Karin's Youth Group
Duke with one of his riders.

I guess they were all favorites.

Double checking the girth.

Getting ready

A group going out on the trails.

I was sent these pictures tonight of the fun time Karin's youth group had at the lake. The horses were great, the weather was wonderful, the food tasted scrumptious and the company was the best.
In the lead is Duke, followed by Anni and bringing up the rear is Bunni.

The trampoline is a great place to wait for the horses to come back.

Duke was one of the favorites. He is a perfect size for just about any size child.

Karin's youth group at the Hanna City farm

One of the volleyball games while waiting for the horses.

I guess they were all favorites.

Double checking the girth.

Getting ready

A group going out on the trails.

I was sent these pictures tonight of the fun time Karin's youth group had at the lake. The horses were great, the weather was wonderful, the food tasted scrumptious and the company was the best.
In the lead is Duke, followed by Anni and bringing up the rear is Bunni.

The trampoline is a great place to wait for the horses to come back.

Duke was one of the favorites. He is a perfect size for just about any size child.

Karin's youth group at the Hanna City farm

One of the volleyball games while waiting for the horses.

Monday Morning
On our walk today Joan told us how she and Tim were so appreciative about the support that has come in for Haiti. Mike Rieker gave Tim an accounting of what has been donated and it is more than $14,000.00 They now have enough money to pay the Missionary Flight International trip expense. When Joan and Tim asked for a bill they were told donate what you can but the direct cost of that flight was $9000.00. They were so thankful there was a way to get home from Haiti to the United States and double thankful for all the donations that came in to help pay for these cost. The garage sale has now brought in more than $9000.00 which will go to feed the Haitian children at Gabriel's school along with paying for electricity there. She also told us that Robyn Feucht and some other ladies were coming today to help her write thank you notes.
Once home from the farm, Amy Koch drove her truck down to TSC where we picked up 3 bags of grain for the foals along with another 50 pound salt block and 2 stall mats for Nora's paddock. After unloading the grain, loading up my wrecked truck tailgate and throwing it in the dumpster I headed down for work to finish all the paper work for the Friesian Heritage Horse registry. That paper work took me 2 hours last night to put together and another half hour down at work making copies and getting it ready to mail. This was because I'm registering 7 more foals by Raven and adding Sanna's to FHHI along with her DNA work so all of her foals by Raven can be registered. 8 horses x 4 to 5 pieces of paper per horse make a very thick envelope to mail, it cost $2.75 to send it out first class.
Steven Marchal drove to the farm this morning to work on Clara. While he was cleaning her up, his cat, Cali caught a mouse right in the stall area. I'm so pleased we have a good mouser in the barn right now. I'd much rather have a cat than poison!
Once home from the farm, Amy Koch drove her truck down to TSC where we picked up 3 bags of grain for the foals along with another 50 pound salt block and 2 stall mats for Nora's paddock. After unloading the grain, loading up my wrecked truck tailgate and throwing it in the dumpster I headed down for work to finish all the paper work for the Friesian Heritage Horse registry. That paper work took me 2 hours last night to put together and another half hour down at work making copies and getting it ready to mail. This was because I'm registering 7 more foals by Raven and adding Sanna's to FHHI along with her DNA work so all of her foals by Raven can be registered. 8 horses x 4 to 5 pieces of paper per horse make a very thick envelope to mail, it cost $2.75 to send it out first class.
Steven Marchal drove to the farm this morning to work on Clara. While he was cleaning her up, his cat, Cali caught a mouse right in the stall area. I'm so pleased we have a good mouser in the barn right now. I'd much rather have a cat than poison!
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