We had such a gift today, a gift of 65 degrees and sunshine this afternoon. Even the morning, although cool, was sunny for our walk. I only did the one round again as today was Berean day. We really enjoy the opportunity to serve in that office. Everyone that comes is so welcome and needed. Today we did 2 days work, making sure tomorrow's work was done today as I will be out of town starting tomorrow. I forgot the camera so just snapped these few pictures with the phone. Everyone really helped. It is an absolute priviledge to spend the day with these volunteers.

Once everything was done, lunch was served and then I went to work entering the Bible labels getting those finished also. When I left Mark, Marvin and Robin were still working. Mark and Marvin were finishing up the certificates while Robin was applying the Bible labels to the Bibles. Those will go out tomorrow when Bill arrives. We ran out of postage on our meter and could not get the meter to reload. Bill is out of town but will take care of that when he gets back tomorrow. It was quite late when I got back and Karin was already here working horses. She worked with Jenis, Zalena, Indy and Oksana today, I'm not sure which mares are which in the pictures below. I was moving a new bale in for Ayanna and Rosalie's paddock and didn't pay attention to which horses were getting schooled.
Walking back I snapped the picture below of EasterBonnet and EllaSkye. These two will be going out to Middle Grove or over to the cabin field when we get back from the fair.
Karin helped pack up all 8 saddles, pads, and bridles. We also stuck a ladder in the trailer to help with the decorating. Rhoda and Sarah are coming down tomorrow to help with that.
This evening mom and I drove to the Tremont fellowship hall for Mike and Joyce's all church wedding shower. It was great to be there and hear their story, that and to see so many good friends from the past. We LOVE Tremont church.
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