My eyes open at 4:00am this morning, as I lie quietly in bed trying not to wake up Mark, I'm arguing with myself (not out loud)Is Samantha ok, why am I awake, maybe I could call someone in Hanna City to check her, NO I should not even ask my best friend to do that (and I've asked her to do some doozies, like dangle a grain bucket in front of a bull), Samantha is God's, so He will take care of her, maybe He's the one asking me to get up, OK Lord, I'll go! Get up, turn on the bathroom light and crack the door open enough to see my clothes, dress, down the stairs, grab the truck keys because my car has
TWO flat tires, see that the truck cannot be moved without moving lots of other cars, jump in Sarah's car and off to the farm I head at 4:15am. Arguing with ones self really doesn't take a lot of time.
All was quiet at the farm but Samantha was glad to see me, She was given a couple of flakes of hay, her water bucket was empty so that was filled, the stall cleaned, the last bag of bedding dumped and spread and back home I drove.
The sky was just beginning to lighten, the morning birds were starting to sing and it is a glorious morning.
Except today, I need to borrow Sarah's spare tire. Yesterday on the way to lunch, Mark commented that the car didn't feel right so while we ordered, he drove over to the gas station and saw that the back passenger tire had only 10 pounds of air in it. He filled it to 30 pounds and started to drive off when the tire exploded. Spark and Dan changed the tire, putting on the donut spare, while we finished up eating. Driving home, the car still doesn't feel right, so the car is parked at home, I walk around and the front passenger side is flat. The front was even a new tire!
Mark changed the second flat this morning at 6:00am. What a good guy!