Saturday, January 11, 2025


We had more snow during the night so Mark went over to mom's to shovel and got back just in time for Breakfast. Breakfast this morning was avocado, strawberries and blueberries covered in cream, 2 eggs, toast and 3 sausage links. Eggs at Aldi were almost $5.00 a dozen. 

Never ever have I paid that much for eggs and I didn't buy any yesterday. I think we may need to get chickens soon. I saw an incubator for sale on Facebook marketplace and was so tempted to buy it but it was too far away and they weren't willing to ship. That is a good thing in Mark's eyes because if I hatched out chicks I would need a chicken coop and if I had a chicken coop with chickens I would be buying chicken feed and when Mark was raising chickens the more hens he had the more money he lost. Instead we might just need to stop eating eggs for breakfast. I need to bake a cake tonight for the meal tomorrow and that too takes eggs. I could use mashed up bananas in place of an egg but don't have any bananas right now. There is also a way to use applesauce and backing powder but today I will just use the eggs I have on hand. Who Knew!
It was my turn to be with mom this morning. Karin called about 9:15 to let me know she was going to leave a little early. When I got there I went right to work on that difficult puzzle. 
Israel sent a group message that his team was going to be playing a game at Peoria Christian at 10:30 am. Rhoda sent back the pictures below:

When Karin came home Mark and I went to work winterizing the motorhome. The motorhome has been parked in the gym since we got back but tomorrow we have people coming to the barn so we really needed to get it done and take it over to the other barn. We finished by 5:00 pm with everything, parked it in with the other campers and came back to the house. I just took out a quart of chili from the freezer and heated that up for our supper. Mark got the old dishwasher put in the dumpster using the skid steer for that and finally got all his tools out of the kitchen. Now I have no excuse for not cooking. We are expecting snow again tonight.

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