Monday, December 9, 2024

Precious Memories

 We had warmth and sunshine. It was 42 degrees this morning at walk time. I took the golf cart over a few minutes early to the barn to collect any garbage and ended up sweeping up more ladybugs in the gym. Crazy how they find their way in when the weather turns nice. We stopped at Diane's to show Ruth and Joan the sail boat. I thought she could put it out on the pond and airbnb it. 

Nobody else liked that idea. The pond is just too small to actually sail.
We all stopped in at mom's after one round. We decided to have a party tonight at mom's house and sing Christmas carols around 6:30 pm. At 8:30 am I called to get an appointment at Hoerr vet to have Madiera's colt's blood drawn for the coggins test and was told to have him at the clinic by 2:45 pm. After breakfast I left for Sam's club while Mark went to work on the electrical on the porch of the apartment. He was not able to finish the job but it isn't rented until the 13th so he has a few more days. 
He had a lot of his tools and the lights on in the apartment but he was not working on it when I got back from the vet clinic.
Ruth called to ask if it was ok to pick up a bale of hay at 2:00 pm. Since Mark was here I told her yes. I decided to try loading the colt about 1:45 pm as I wasn't sure how long it would take.  His halter was put on and he was led him to the trailer. I was very pleased when he stepped in. I wasn't sure he would load as this was the first time he was asked to go in a trailer by himself. We got to the vet clinic 15 minutes early which gave me enough time to go inside give them all the information for the travel certificate and get back out to the trailer before Dr. Pallen arrived. Below is at the clinic before I stepped into the trailer with him. 
Dr. Hoerr is out of town. The colt was excellent for Dr. Pallen, standing quietly while the blood was drawn. He didn't even flinch. He was also good for the pictures needed for the coggins paper. We were home by 3:30 pm. He wasn't sure how to step out of the trailer.
I just stood their quietly waiting. He sniffed at the floor, carefully looked at the ground then stepped out.
When I got back to the house Mark and Mackenson were busy filling the porch with wood for the coming cold weather. They would load up a wheel barrow from the wood shed then haul it to the porch.

I made some sirloin steak in a butter garlic sauce, added button mushrooms and served that for supper with fresh raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and topped with vanilla cream for dessert. I had made plenty so took that plus a pumpkin crumb coffee cake over to mom's. Others brought all kinds of goodies.

Below Spark is trying the steak. He had already had supper but said this was so good after eating the one piece he went back for 3 more.
We sang Christmas carols first, mom requested a song.

After the singing Rachel mentioned that Wednesday it would be 20 years since dad died. We talked about that time and shared lots of memories. 

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