Sunday, October 20, 2024

Wonderful Blessed Sunday

Today was a wonderful Sunday from the beginning to the end. We had an easy morning, nothing much to do but make breakfast then pick up Rhonda for church as Spark was at the jail. Kathy brought Nancy about the time we were walking in with Anni and Matt. Nancy went right down to Sunday school as Anni was her teacher today. We had a lot of guests today and wow could they sing. The praise and worship singing before morning church was outstanding. I had 3 grand daughters in the front singing too.

When the song service was over the girls went down for Sunday School.
Tim Funk had the morning message on wisdom. To watch this message click HERE.  I just wish that singing would have been included in the video as it really was amazing to see the entire front of church filled with young people praising the LORD. At lunch I was hanging back so I could eat with Zion, Eden and Elisabet but they didn't come up. I finally asked someone why the Sunday school wasn't out yet and they explained there were so many guests today they were feeding all the children downstairs. They had a pizza party happening! When the girls came up they were excited and told me about their morning. We all went in for the afternoon message and again there was beautiful singing. Today it really was just a tiny touch of what we can expect in the age to come. The last song given out was number 80 in the Hymns of Zion, All Hail the Power Of Jesus' Name and of course we stood for that song as is our tradition in Peoria. David had the afternoon message on 1 Corinthians but yeah more, as David likes to say. We learned so much during this message. I really will need to listen to this again. Click HERE to watch that message. After church we stayed and visited before leaving for home. Karin was waiting for Nancy and sent a text asking when she would be arriving just as we were turning into the drive. When I got into the house the taco meat was heated up then put in a crock pot. The 6 cups of rice was put on to cook while the other food was packed to take over to the barn. The lettuce and peppers were already over at the barn so once the rice was done that and the meat were loaded on the golf cart and taken over to the barn. Spark had 3 of his grandsons at the playground, Mark told them about the new bouncy house in the gym so they came in to try it out. Then the grandchildren started to arrive and they were pretty pleased to try out that new toy. 
Today instead of sautéing the peppers and onion Mark grilled those. The meal tonight was really good as the hay stacks had plenty of toppings to go with the meat, rice, lettuce and chips, such as melted white queso cheese, fresh salsa, avocados, grated cheese, and sour cream. Rhoda got the green and red grapes washed and sectioned into groups of 3 or 4 while Anna cut up the avocados.  We had warm apple pie topped with ice cream for dessert. After supper the day and evening was so nice we all went to the playground. The kids had a great time playing in the tree house and playing kick ball. A couple of Spark's grandsons came over in their costumes.
Below are a few pictures of the evening. 

The lights were turned on for the final volley ball games.

The kids left and I had just sat down at the computer to start writing the blog when Tim arrived with the hay trailer. They used the hay for their family tonight so that hay was well used, first for the church picnic, then for the single group last night and tonight for Tim and Deb's family. Tomorrow Mark and I will stack the bales in the barn and it will be used for next spring when I have mares in stalls for deliveries (I HOPE). 
Joan sent the picture below of mom and Aunt Jinnie out on the balcony watching the dolphins feeding in the Gulf. So glad they made it down safe.
What a wonderful Sunday!
ps, I did not find out who sent the paper plates, paper towels and toilet paper today. Each person I asked denied doing it. How am I supposed to know who to thank?  Someone must know something....

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