Friday, October 18, 2024

The Mystery Gift Giver STRIKES AGAIN

 This morning it felt colder than yesterday but it was 3 degrees warmer. I think the wind was more brisk. I took the picture below as I was heading to the meeting place for the walk. 

That sun was red and when I turned around had to take a picture of the barn as it was splashing the color red onto the barn siding.
Ruth was still sick so just Diane and I walked. Joan has Co-Op on Fridays. When we reached the retention dam on our way to Joan's house the red had turned to gold.
Our God is an amazing artist.  
We stopped in to see mom and Aunt Jinnie. They are busy packing and were happy to talk about the trip. Joan and Diane plan on pulling out at 5:30 am. Mom's wheelchair van will have Joan as the driver, mom in the recliner with Mackenson and Berlica in the back seat.  Diane is driving their van with Aunt Jinnie in the passenger front while Rachel sits in the back but will drive when needed. That car will be following just in case Joan needs help. 
Right after breakfast I left for Sam's to pick up the food for Sunday dinner when the phone rang. This was the most dreaded call we can get at this time. It was Mike, someone from the Middle Grove area called him to report there were horses in his yard. I turned around and headed for Middle Grove but told Mike there were no halters or lead ropes in the car. He was going to grab a bucket of grain, halters and ropes. I beat him there, got to the far gate and could see the herd where they belonged. Then I was confused. Were there other horses around Middle Grove we didn't know about?  Mike called about then to tell me that the neighbor had found the gate wide open and shut it. We think it had been left open from last weekend when we were all out camping. The horses wandered back to their own field after checking out the neighbors yard. Of course that meant we had to drive in to count. When we first got close there were what looked like dead bodies laying all around. They were laying flat out and so sound asleep they didn't hear us when we first got there. By the time I started taking pictures most had gotten up but Cookie, Missy and 2 other black ones were still down.

Sangria was too comfortable to get up so Mike dropped some grain in front of her and she ate still laying down.  She is chewing away on the other side of that Thoroughbred mare. I'm not sure which mare this is, It is one of Mike's and is pregnant. It is either Bulu or Aichen. 
Titus came right up for a treat. He turned 2 years old Aug 4th and is about 16 hands. This gelding is going to be huge. 
Below is Tessa, another 2 year old. She won't be as tall but should end up at last 16 hands. Both of these horses have inherited the mega hair gene.
The herd quickly surrounded the truck.

Mike took the bucket of grain and gave each horse a small pile separating the piles so no fights.
Below in the middle is Blueberry, behind her is either Holly, Bulu, or Aichen, in front is Cookie. Blueberry was bred to Valiant and is due April 16th, Bulu was bred to Valiant due July 5th, 2025. If it is Aichen, she was bred to Valiant due May 16th, 2025. I don't think Holly was covered.
Below Lily is left and Sheena is right. Lily is in foal by Valiant due May 2nd 2025and Sheena is in foal by Evan due April 30th, 2025
Below is Rosalie, She was bred to Evan and is due April 10th, 2025
Below is Tatiana, she was bred to Valiant and is due March 14th, 2025
Sheena is looking very pregnant she was bred to Evan due April 30th, 2025

As we were leaving I turned to snap the picture below. I could count all 19 and was so relieved to find them all exactly where they belonged. 
Hopefully we never get a phone call like that again. Mark was working on winterizing the campers when I got back at 10:30 am. We finished these three then stowed them away in the barn.
Below Mark is bringing the skid steer over, we use that to haul them to the indoor arena. 
Once those were safe in the barn I left for Sam's Club and picked up all the ingredients to make haystacks for supper Sunday. By the time I got back it was almost 4:00 pm. Just then the Amazon truck arrived and shockingly he brought ANOTHER gift for us. This time it was a big box of toilet paper.
WHO is doing this?  Of course we can ALWAYS use toilet paper and go through a lot at the barn but what a mystery.  My family is not admitting to sending it and I believe them as we would not spend the extra to buy name brand. Diane thinks it is someone who came to the hog roast.  THANKS AGAIN to the mystery gift giver. The first box contained 300 paper plates, the second box huge rolls of name brand paper towel and now the toilet paper.  We will start asking at church to see if anyone knows who is sending the gifts. 
We were both hungry from skipping lunch so drove to Gils Supper club to split a Cobb Salad. This salad easily serves us both, the chicken that comes with it is seasoned with a tangy sauce and today the salad came with 2 pumpkin fritters.
Right after we got served who would come in and sit next to us but Pat and Darlene. Last Thursday we all showed up at the Hog Trough at the same time and then tonight at Gils.
We really don't go out to eat that often so it really was a funny co-incident. Pat and Mark served on the school board together for years. They were are neighbors when we lived at Pleasant Home on Baer.  

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