Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Wonderful News

 I woke up during the night with a stuffy nose and sneezing. I picked up a cold and because of that plans needed to be changed. I asked Joan if she could take mom to the senior lunch bunch and Karin to take mom to the Co-Op play on Thursday.  I walked with the girls and the only symptom I have is a stuffy nose but I just don't want to take the chance to give it to mom or Aunt Jinnie. We had a damp rainy day and a fire was built in the rec room wood burner then I just listened to AC Central while enjoying the warmth.  Jessica (Rachel's daughter), mom's private OT came to do the stretching exercises. We had to laugh at her expression, she is SO over all this therapy and yet willingly does it.

Joan sent the picture below of mom enjoying the luncheon. She was determined to order a hamburger and fries and enjoyed them both. Much better than hospital food.
The update on Fedi was not what was expected. They opened up his hip and for the third time removed the ball joint, put in a new one and closed him back up again. They were supposed to have just opened up the hip and put in a wound vac so they must have seen something not right with the second ball joint. Please pray for Fedi, this has been so wearing on him. Since I still have a cold I didn't got to Wednesday night church but watched on line.  Mike Kaisner had the message. The most wonderful news came after the service. Tim Funk announced Marie Hoerr for baptism. She is someone really special, she has been a grader for Berean prison ministry for years and is also the writer of the Skyline News.  How very thankful I am for her that she has made such an important decision at this time of her life. 

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