Mom was up early and not so tired today. I only saw her in the morning, the rest of the day was pretty busy. I didn't realize until this evening but my phone accidently got stuck on airplane mode yesterday so missed lots of calls and texts. We had called off Berean but I never got the notice. I planned on going anyway to get the Bibles out today. The only others that came were Benj and Marvin and they came to work on the computer program.
Day to day operation of a Friesian breeding farm standing 2 Friesian stallions. We have 6-10 foals each year out of Purebred Friesian mares, Andalusian mares, Thoroughbred mares and Friesian sport mares by Judy Sceggel 309-208-3840
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Ballet Recital
Monday, November 29, 2021
Pug Puppies Available
Rachel has 3 purebred male pug puppies now ready for their new families. These are purebred pugs and are CKC registered. They are adorable, well socialized and even have a very good start on pottie training.

Mom's Manger Scene
Mom was still sleeping at 7:00 am and she had gone to bed at 7:30 pm the night before. She had a tough time today. She spent most of today resting. I went down to the Peoria post office and there were only13 letters and less than 20 studies for Berean so that was called off tomorrow. Marvin and Ben will be working at the office updating the computers and I'll process those 13 letters so the Bibles get out this week. On the way home I stopped at Kroger to pick up a few things for tonight's celebration. Ruth posted the video below yesterday of mom and Aunt Jinnie laughing at and with each other.
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Good Memories
Another Sunday and another gift from our Lord of the blessing to be able to go to church and spend the day worshipping and fellowshipping with our wonderful church family. Gregg Rumbold had the morning service. Kathy Huthmann served lunch even though she couldn't come. You see Kathy had Covid and is in quarantine so her friends did all the work and lunch was great. Thanks Kathy! Craig Stickling had the afternoon service reading Hebrews 11. After church everyone came except David and Stephanie's family and Sarah, River and Zion. Nolan picked up pizza and wings for our dinner. When the kids arrived they were put to work making our dessert. Decorating pretzel rings with white chocolate and sprinkles all working at the table.
They were so gentle with that bird not bothering it at all until it flew away. They really were gentle giants and we really do miss them. This is the first time in maybe 40 years that we don't have a dog. The other picture that showed up is of Rhoda and Emily at a PRC Show. Rhoda was riding Indy and Emily was riding Jenis.
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Flashlight Fun
It wasn't as cold this morning. I headed over to Joan's as the sun was just breaking the horizon and lighting the Eastern sky pure gold. The dogs were taken care of then I headed over to mom's to cook breakfast. We had a good morning at mom's house practicing walking and laughing at dumb mistakes. Rachel came at 2:00 pm and finished the Christmas decorations at mom's.
Friday, November 26, 2021
Really COLD
The weather outside was frightful this morning 18 degrees and windy. Of course that meant working on water that is getting water to the horses but before heading out the pot of boiled turkey carcass was brought inside to warm up a bit. The golf cart had a flat tire which made it harder to get things done quickly. I needed to walk to the very front of the new barn to grab the extension cord, haul that back and plug it into the breeding shed. Of course it wasn't long enough which meant getting another extension cord from the indoor arena but that also wasn't long enough. Mark found a small section with a 3 way plug that worked. The hair dryer was brought out, plugged in and placed inside Valiant's waterer and turned on. The heater inside that waterer was also plugged in and the waterer wrapped. While that was defrosting the far paddock waterer was checked. The weanlings were in the far paddock and I was really pleased to see that one working. The middle paddock was frozen as was Ribbon's paddock where Evan has been staying for the last few days. Once I got Valiant's waterer unfrozen and working it had warmed up a bit into the 20s. Mark drove to the Casey's in Hanna City picked up diesel fuel for the tractor and skid steer to get them ready for the winter. The tractor was started and let warm up a bit before moving a round bale in Evan's paddock. He was moved back into his own paddock which had a working waterer. Another bale was put in the middle paddock so the weanlings have plenty of hay. The cabin horses were fed and their waterer checked. Thankfully that is working well. By this time I was pretty frozen so went inside to finish the turkey soup. I took a bowl over to mom's and found Ruth and Karin busy decorating her house for Christmas. They needed more Christmas lights and I had extra so ran home to get some only to get a message that the Hospice service was on the way to pick up the Hoyer machine and drop off a new wheel chair for mom. I took the golf cart back over to mom's to take the Christmas lights over and let them know to have the machines ready. Mom wanted to play Mexican train so the 4 of us played while Aunt Jinnie worked on her needle point. Mom did very well and is improving on that. When the truck came to drop off the wheel chair and pick up the Hospice machines I started stringing lights on mom's deck. That was another cold job. I didn't wear gloves as I was trying to go fast and gloves were hindering the progress but by the time I was done my fingers were frozen. I took the picture below after dark.
At 1:30 the 3 dogs at Joan's house needed to be let out of the garage. Joan's family went to Bluffton to have Thanksgiving with Bill and Bethany. Diesel came when called, Kabur came when called but Leo ran away.The other two were locked back in the garage but when I walked over to Leo he growled at me. That meant I had to grab him by the back of his neck and flip him upside down all the while yelling at him as he was trying to bite my hand. He gave up and when I let him up he practically dragged me back to the garage as I wouldn't let go of his collar. Should have brought treats and planned on that for the next trip over at 8:30 pm. Since it was too cold to work any longer outside and I didn't want to work inside (there are dishes to do from the soup making) I decided to search for a place to stay for our Sceggel vacation. I found a place, sent it to the kids, they all approved so booked it. We will be going to Table Rock Lake the first week of August 2022. At 8: 30 I took a hot dog over to Joan's house, let the 3 dogs out and this time they were all glad to come back. In fact I think I'm now Leo's best friend!Thursday, November 25, 2021
Thankful For Thanksgiving
What a blessing today was. The turkey was stuffed and put in the oven to roast at 6:00 am. It was above freezing but the forecast was dropping temperatures and that turned out to be true. By tonight the temps are already is 24 degrees and dropping. Oh well I only have to work on one waterer and move in 2 bales tomorrow. We arrived at church about the same time as Karin arrived with mom and Aunt Jinnie. Today she drove mom's car and mom used the small wheel chair as today was just one service. David Obergfel had the Thanksgiving message. After church I had to quickly put the rest of the stuffing and the sweet potato casserole in the oven with the turkey and had to up the temp of the oven to 350 to get everything done by 12:30 pm. The meal was at Joan's and was supposed to start at 1:00 pm. We made it over with the food at 1:03 pm and thankfully were not the last to arrive. You see in this family if you aren't 15 minutes early you are considered late. We really did have a feast. SO many wonderful dishes to try and plenty of everything. Below are a few pictures during the afternoon.
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
The Work the Day Before
It was above freezing this morning THANKFULLY! No frozen waterers to worry about. I headed over to mom's first then after the walk took the golf cart over to Joan's to get the turkey. After the walk the two stallions and all of the weanlings were de-wormed with Quest plus. Valiant was mad about the taste. I gave him some grain in his bucket but he kept grabbing a bite then trying to spit it out because of the taste of the wormer. He would run over to the other gate and glare.
The taste of the wormer didn't seem to bother Evan at all, he stuck his head in the bucket and chowed down.