It was raining when we awoke and the rain just continued on and off most of the day. Sometimes pouring sometimes coming down light. What made it hard was the 36 degree temperature while trying to get the work done this morning. That cold rain made it miserable for us humans. The horses didn't seem to be bothered. Karin arrived at 8:30 to start bringing the mares in for the play practice. Each mare just had to drop and roll in the sand as soon as they were allowed free.
By the time they were all done rolling those black horses all looked more tan. That sand was ground into their wet coats.
Below they are all lined up for grooming and tacking.
Below is Kayla bringing Galena over for her grooming.
Spark and Rhonda arrived with Jacob and Andi's three boys. Below Spark is giving Charlie a ride on Anna.
Max also got to ride Anna.
Van wasn't sure about riding but he didn't complain.
The girls arrived before the riders so they were allowed to warm up the mares. Below Kensley is on Rosalie, Taegan is riding Anna, Braelyn is riding Indy and Wren is riding Oksana.

Karin realized the mega phone's batteries were dead and drove to Dollar General for new batteries. When the riders arrived I was busy taking kids off the horses and telling the riders where there horses were. Sarah Reinhard arrived and somehow I directed her to Indy which I thought was Oksana. Sarah looked at her tack and remarked we must have gotten a new saddle. I replied we don't have any new saddles it is just a different pad. Then Sarah got on and said, "Oksana seems to have forgotten everything we worked on." By this time I had others clamoring for attention so I didn't pay any attention. When Karin arrived and looked over the chaos she asked, "Why is Sarah riding Indy?" No wonder Sarah thought she had a new saddle and that Oksana forgot everything, she was on the WRONG horse. I started laughing when telling the story later and just couldn't stop. Pretty funny that Sarah would notice the saddle was different but not the horse and hilarious that I mixed up the two mares. Why they don't look anything alike. Below Elisabet is watching the riders.

Play practice went well.
Below Sarah is throwing the 'fire' on Tyler.
Hannah is trying to put the 'fire' out with a bucket of 'water'.
After the mares were put away Shaeya brought Valiant out.
Once Shaeya was done we let Valiant give pony rides to the grandchildren. Below Israel is riding that big stallion.
Braelyn took her turn next. These two want to be Horsemeister Riders some day and if they keep practicing we will be thrilled to have them ride for us.
Elisabet also got to ride Valiant.
If you would like to see the rest of the pictures from this morning click
HERE. By the time everything was done it was past lunch time. Phil, Anna, Braelyn, Taegan, Kensley, Karin and I went to the Warehouse for lunch. Their special today was the home made tenderloin with fries for $6.95. This is such a good deal, those tenderloins are so huge we can usually take enough home for dinner too. I took more than half home for Mark. He had gone in to church this morning where they were holding the Purity Conference. He said it was a good turnout and the speakers were excellent. He was glad for the leftovers. He was working on the driveways when we arrived. The rain is defrosting the ice and everything is muddy. Karin got her new car stuck in the mud over at mom's. I almost got stuck in the mud coming up our drive. Mark worked with the skid steer out in the rain dumping gravel on the worst parts. It is still raining this evening but has warmed up a bit and is now 45 degrees. It will be below freezing tomorrow morning and stay below freezing all day according to