Today I decided cleaning and laundry had to be done here before going over to finish cleaning the new barn so after moving the mares, cleaning those stalls and getting them ready for tonight and after breakfast I started work. There were 4 loads of laundry that needed to be done. The upstairs needed to be swept again and both of the bathrooms in this house really needed to be cleaned. If I do the barn first I just don't have the energy to work here. Why is it so much easier to clean the new barn than our old house? I finished by 10:00 am with the work here and drove over to start sweeping floors. I heard mom's Kubota so looked out to see Joan hard at work spreading gravel.
Day to day operation of a Friesian breeding farm standing 2 Friesian stallions. We have 6-10 foals each year out of Purebred Friesian mares, Andalusian mares, Thoroughbred mares and Friesian sport mares by Judy Sceggel 309-208-3840
Friday, February 28, 2025
Working Day
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Eagle Sighting
Still no baby but I only got up once to check as I was pretty sure she would not deliver. I feel the same way tonight as the colostrum is still yellow. No sign of white. Some mares deliver before the milk turns white, some don't even bag up so that is why she is staying in the stall each night. Both Tatiana and Jewel have the routine each morning and each evening. I walk into the barn, say hello grab a scoop of grain, Jewel gets half and Tatiana gets the other half of the scoop. While Tatiana is busy eating Jewel is taken out to the paddock. Tatiana just eats a few bites more then waits for me to come take her out too. In the evening I just put the lead rope on Jewel then let them both out of the paddock. I usually check Tatiana's udder before heading into the stall barn. Jewel is led while Tatiana follows right into the barn. Today after breakfast I went to the gym to put things away and sweep up any Asian beetles that round their way in. Sarah was the first to arrive just as I was finishing up. She, Zion and River brought a puppy for great grandma to play with so we went over to mom's first. Mom has always been a dog lover.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
We had a storm come through this morning with lightning and thunder. I was really glad we had dry stalls. I went up after the rain stopped to move the mares out. Tatiana is for sure waxing but when I pulled a little colostrum it is clear not white so we may have a few days. The thick bed of straw is a little more difficult to clean in Tatiana's stall but because she always manures at the back of her stall, it didn't take me too long. I added a more straw then brought in more hay for tonight, cleaned out and dumped her water buckets and refilled those.
By the time all of that was fixed it was past time or breakfast. Around 9:00 I went to mom's house. That squirrel and I go round and round. He is so bold that when I walk outside to get him out of the bird feeder he just calmly walks into the yard and watches to see if I will go back inside so he can steal more sunflower seeds.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
So Very Thankful
No foal yet. She seemed restless most of the night but more than likely it was because she was in a stall. I went out early to take them out to the paddock. I didn't sleep well as I had the phone by the bed and the stall monitor on. No walk today, Ruth is now down in Mississippi enjoying the beautiful warm weather by the Gulf. She said the state park is very nice and sent the picture below while writing, "in my happy place."
Monday, February 24, 2025
Foal Watch
This morning before the walk I was checking Tatiana and was sure I saw drops on each teat. She isn't due for another 18 days but has gone early in the past. Just Ruth and I walked, Joan had a field trip with Co-Op and would be leaving this morning. Ruth and I stopped in to visit with mom and Karin after the walk. Ruth and Fedi are leaving today for Mississippi. They are going to be camping down at the Gulf of America at a state park. As they will be tent camping Ruth checked it out, they can stay for $11.00 a day and all the reviews said it had good bathrooms and nice showers. Right after breakfast I went over to start cleaning the barn and worked until 11:30 am. Some really good tasting pasta salad had been left in the fridge and we both at some of that for lunch. After lunch the truck and trailer the lumber was loaded on was taken over to the barn and unloaded. I didn't have Mackenson's help this time as he was on the field trip.