Mike was at Middle Grove yesterday, it was such a beautiful day. He was working on the other side of the lake, looked across and saw the herd all spread out grazing. He took the two pictures below and sent them to me.
Still no waxing with Tatiana. She isn't due for 15 more days but usually delivers at least 2 weeks early so I'm glad she is here in Hanna City. We did not have a very nice weather day today, cold, cloudy and windy. Thankfully we had a special day in church. A day of prayer. David had the message for the first service on prayer. If you would like to hear it just click on the video below:
After lunch the entire second service was devoted to prayer. Each minister took a turn to pray and after each the entire congregation spent time in silent prayer. It was a beautiful afternoon service. After church I turned the phone on to see the apartment booked again with airbnb. The kids and grandkids arrived, that is all except Lee and Rhoda's family as they are in Florida and it is just a little to far to drive here for Sunday dinner. As soon as some of the grandkids exited their cars they exclaimed, "look at the chicks!" Well they weren't chicks, our resident geese pair hatched out six little goslings.

We all enjoyed the meal. After supper some of the kids worked on crafts and some went straight out to play 4 square then volleyball. The mom's all went for a walk while the youngest grandchildren stayed inside to work on crafts. No pictures, I was too busy supervising the painting of sun catchers. It was too cold and windy for Mark and I to want to go watch the volley ball games so we stayed inside with the youngest grandchildren. After everyone left I walked back up to the barn, put Tatiana in the indoor and fed the cat. She hadn't finished yesterday's food so must have caught a rabbit for dinner. We are swamped with rabbits. Mark and I will have an early night tonight.
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