We just heard that Evan and Steven will be performing at Gray Horse Farm tomorrow morning for the cancer fund raiser. The vaulters are on at 10:15am and Steven will bring Evan in right after they exit the arena. Hope someone will video tape that.
More information on this fun fundraiser is below:
This is a fund raiser for the Illinois Cancer Care Foundation. It is going to be held at Gray Horse Farm 14323 N. Savage Rd Brimfield, IL 61517 starting at 9:00am and finishing up around 4:00pm. The cost is $10.00 for anyone over 8 years old.
Holly has hired Steven to start Calypso's training while she is at the Horsemeister farm and today that mare learned to lunge. She is not in season and we are getting conflicting signals from Fire. We think she is out, she kind of acts like she is out but no kicking or squealing, and all the boys think she is still in.
We have sunshine today, what a nice break after our very cold rainy day yesterday. With all the rain pond is filling up fast.
Today is catch up day, everything that didn't get finished yesterday is in the process of getting done today.
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