Today was another really hot day. On our walk we saw Pickles the cat up near the rafters on Sheena's shelter. There was a robin nest in there and the robins were having a fit.
We called her and she came right down. It was my turn to be at mom's but needed to also run to Sam's club for groceries so asked Diane if she could stay with mom until I could get back. While there I picked up 4 rotisserie chickens, one for Diane, one for Joan, one for Karin and one for our house. When I got to mom's house they were on a really cool virtual tour of the most famous structures in the world. We watched that until lunch. As it was much to hot to go outside after lunch we put on a documentary of the salmon. The amount of salmon heading up into the rivers was so impressive.
What I didn't know is the redder they become the stronger the fish.

I left for home just after 2:00 pm. Dr. Hoerr was scheduled to come out today to ultrasound the mares but it was so hot and they have not come back in season we just decided they needed to go to Middle Grove where it is much cooler so we called and cancelled Dr. Hoerr. Mike decided to move them this evening when it was a little cooler. The chicken was cool enough to debone and 3 kinds of chicken salad were made. One with celery, pecans and crasins, one with onions, celery and dill pickle and one with hard boiled eggs, celery, onions and dill pickle. David, Israel and Elisabet came out to swim and play in the gym. Mark and I had gone over to sweep up some of the construction mess. No pictures but it is really coming together well. At 7:00 pm Mike and Diane showed up, backed the stock trailer into the indoor arena. I brought the mares in from the back door of the arena and shut the doors once they were in. Loading was easy. I also pulled hair from both colts to send in with their registration papers. Those will be sent in as soon as Sheena delivers so all 3 can be sent in at once. Below they are loaded up and heading out.

I took the video as they were leaving.
We are reasonably sure they are pregnant so may not even have then sonagrammed. Madiera was bred to Valiant and would be due June 5th, 2024 while Jewel was bred to Evan and would be due June 10th, 2024. The other mare we never got sonagrammed was Blueberry. Mike still may go pick her up from Middle Grove, take her right to the vet clinic in Morton and once sonagrammed haul her straight back out to Middle Grove. Blueberry was bred to Valiant and if she settled she would be due May 28th, 2024.
Blueberry stands a solid 16.3 hands so her foal by Valiant will be HUGE and if a filly not for sale. I went to update the website and found I had forgotten to post Blueberry on our Horsemeister website. That took a while as I needed to find pictures of her on the blog first. Hope I did it correctly, it has been a while since we posted a new mare.
David is picking me up at 8:00 am tomorrow, we will drive up to Hillsdale, IL to join the campers for the day. The cooler was brought downstairs and packed tomorrow morning with chicken salad, GoGurts, hotdogs, ice, water, cherries, blueberries and watermelon. The guests coming in today are in a kayak fishing competition tomorrow and reported they would be leaving by 6:00 am. If they really do I might have time to clean it for the guests coming in tomorrow but if not Joan said she would do it. Even though the sun is now down and it is 8:30 pm it is still 90 degrees outside. Thankfully tomorrow will be cooler.