Nolan sent a text early this morning that Maddie had 8 puppies (5 female and 3 male) and sent this picture. I look at that picture and started counting puppies and counted 9 as there was a puppy leg under Maddie's back legs. Nolan was sent a text and he replied when he left her at 6:30 am there were 8 puppies and he was pretty sure she was done. Maddie needed help with the delivery of the second pup. The first one came out ok but then Maddie started to struggle. The second pup was bigger and Nolan had to help her get that pup out. The next 6 came pretty quickly. .
Well Nolan left work to come home to check on the puppies and found TEN puppies. Maddie had 2 more after he left for work. Below are the pictures of all the pups.
Below are the 5 male puppies
Below is the only male pup with white markings
Below are the 5 female puppies
Below is the only female pup with white markings.
Maddie's puppies will be non shedding which means they MUST be groomed. If you are not able to groom yourself and not willing to take them to the groomers please do not consider one of these pups for your family.
With 2-3 inches of heavy wet snow from last night covering the ice the walk was actually easier than yesterday. It was kind of tiring trudging through but not dangerous. This morning was mom's test for carpal tunnel at St. Francis Neuro building. As we weren't quite sure where this was located we used the gps and found a brand new way to get to the hospitals which was quicker than going down Main street. We arrived 15 minutes early and they took us right in. Diane had warned mom the test is worse than the actual surgery. She was shocked when the Doctor started shocking her.

Each time she was shocked she would jump and say, "ouch." After that test the doctor told her it was time to start sticking needles in her. At that point mom called this room the torture chamber but the needles turned out to be very small and she said those didn't hurt much. The test came back that yes she has carpal tunnel but one of the interesting things this doctor found was that both of her biceps had nerve injury, with the right arm worse than the left. It could have been from when mom had Polio way back when she was 15 years old.

We stopped at Kroger so mom could buy some suet for the birds but it was too expensive there. We ran into Anna and Kensley who were there getting a few groceries. We left Kroger and went to the hardware store where mom could buy a 10 pack of suet cheaper. Mom says the birds are so hungery they are going through 1 a day. Mark came home early from work to help move a bale in for Valiant then we took the bale spear off of the tractor and put on the snow plow. He started plowing the drives and worked until the temperature started to fall and the drives became icy. At one point the tractor was going down the drive sideways.
The snow on the ground was heavy and slushy this afternoon but by tonight almost impossible to move. I cleaned off our drive with a snow shovel and was exhausted when finished.