After the walk Irish and her day old colt were moved into the indoor arena. It was raining again and in the video below you can hear the rain hitting the metal roof of the indoor. The colt followed his mama very well.
Day to day operation of a Friesian breeding farm standing 2 Friesian stallions. We have 6-10 foals each year out of Purebred Friesian mares, Andalusian mares, Thoroughbred mares and Friesian sport mares by Judy Sceggel 309-208-3840
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Nasty Weather
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
90 Years Old
After the walk of course I had to take a few more pictures of Irish's new colt and get them posted on the website.
On her sash, besides the Mrs. America title, on the back are the numbers representing her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. There is a “…” after the great grandchildren because there will probably be more!
There are 11 white stars in the leaves for her children.
There is one, red, star button for her husband on her jacket.
IT's a BOY
Irish had a big stocky well marked colt early this morning. She delivered without assistance and the colt was up and nursing well by 5:00 am. This colt is so strong and FAT that I had to have the walkers come take a look at him.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Not Even FULL
We were both up WAY to early this morning. Mark had the coffee maker going before 3:00 am and I finally got up at 3:30 am just to make sure I got a cup of coffee. I'm not sure how to solve these coffee wars. Maybe we need to have TWO coffee makers in this house just to keep the peace. As soon as it got light enough outside to see we could see 2 of the horses in the wrong field. We must have a section of fence down between those fields. Dancer was where she belonged but Sally and Rocky were not. Both were laying down sleeping when I came to move them back. The cat was fed and by then it was time for our walk. Joan couldn't come as Co-op was starting the achievement testing and they had to leave early for that. Diane and I quit a little early as I needed to pick up Aunt Jinnie by 8:15 am for our Berean morning. IF you would like to read about our morning there click HERE. The Bibles were dropped off at the Hanna City post office on our way home then I dropped off Aunt Jinnie before driving up to the barn, parking the car up there and taking the truck and trailer down to the house. Rizzy was let out then brought back in before heading to Congerville with the truck and trailer. The trailer was left at Corbley's for the wiring repair. On the way home the gas gauge of the truck was down to a quarter of a tank so I kept checking gas stations all along the way and the way back. The cheapest station was on Airport rd at $4.45 a gallon so stopped there to fill up. I was NOT able to fill up the truck. The pump stopped working as soon as it hit $99.00.
Monday, March 28, 2022
Great Hunters
Ruth got amazing news this morning. Fedi will be going in to have his new hip put in April 8th. Before that can happen though she has a lot of appointments to take him, once all is checked out it will be a go. She wasn't able to walk this morning and not because of Fedi. Three of her grandchildren spent the night. Diane and I walked to Joan's house said good by to Bill, Bethany and their children then Joan joined us to finish the walk. I needed to be at the airport by 9:50 am to pick up Aunt Jinnie who was just getting back from Hawaii. It was only 24 degrees this morning, MUCH colder than where she was although by the time I picked her up it was up to 32 degrees. As I still needed to head down to the Peoria post office to pick up the Berean mail and offered to pick up what ever was needed at mom's house. Joan gave me the list but I stopped at Dollar General first to pick out a birthday card for Karin, my youngest sister who happens to be almost exactly 20 years younger than me. The next stop was Kroger for everything else on the list. Kroger had fried chicken so picked up some thighs but those won't be eaten until tomorrow. As soon as I got home and clothes changed horses were moved so bales could be put in. Today 3 bales were moved, one in the mare paddock, one in Evan's paddock and one in the far paddock. Irish was put in there as that paddock is dry. The mares were let out back and once the bale was moved in they did not want to come back in so I left them out for the night. They will need to be locked up tomorrow as the grass is much to short. Evan was tied with a bucket of grain so his bale could be moved in. Phil arrived as I was moving bales to work on the barn. I needed to be at mom's at 5:00 pm with dinner so brought over all the left overs and served mom, Aunt Jinnie and Mark haystacks. Mom and Aunt Jinnie liked them and Mark didn't mind eating that 2 days in a row. Mom was really tired today after her big day yesterday and was in bed by 8:00 pm. Karin arrived right about then so I was free to go. I'm going to enjoy my bed in a few minutes. I didn't take any pictures today but yesterday took a couple pictures of the dogs busy hunting for rabbits. Below is Rizzy, David and Steph's dog and Pax, Phil and Anna's dog.
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Special Sunday
I used the new utility cart for feeding this morning. Evan's bale is almost gone as is the mare paddock so I used the cart to haul a square bale of hay and divided it between the two paddocks. This will hold them off until tomorrow.
Today was a special Sunday for the Meister family. As mom's 90th birthday is Wednesday about a 135 of mom's kids, grandkids and great grandkids came to Peoria church as a surprise for her. At lunch we all sang happy birthday to her. It was SUCH a blessing for her and so very special.