I left the house around 7:30 pm to head to the Peoria post office to pick up the Berean mail. Sam's club was the next stop to pick up a 38 pound bag of cat food plus a cheese cake and blue berries for the Berean office. From there I drove straight to the Berean office to drop off the mail and the dessert. Meister's were there working on the duct system.
Day to day operation of a Friesian breeding farm standing 2 Friesian stallions. We have 6-10 foals each year out of Purebred Friesian mares, Andalusian mares, Thoroughbred mares and Friesian sport mares by Judy Sceggel 309-208-3840 www.horsemeister.com
Monday, February 28, 2022
Middle Grove Monday
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Galena's Girl
A text came today from the lady who bought Galena last year. It's a GIRL!
Saturday, February 26, 2022
The Tapping
Mark started the coffee maker at 4:30 am and that meant I had to be up and guarding the coffee maker at 4:45 am or Mark might steal a cup taking all the good strong stuff and leaving me the weak coffee. At 5:30 am he was ready to start bringing in wood for the day. It is still pitch dark out at that time so I was a little surprised and turned on the outdoor lights for him. He made it all the way to the wood shed before coming back and sheepishly explaining, I forgot it was still dark out and need a lantern. We both had a good laugh at that. That's what happens when one wakes to early. Breakfast was served after the wood was brought in. At 7:00 am I headed up to the barn apartment to turn up the heat and turn on the lights before coming down to get ready to head over to mom's house. Mom had a restless night, waking up at midnight. Karin thinks it was because she didn't drink enough yesterday, gave her a glass of water which she drank then slept the rest of the night. Today we made a special effort to make sure she drinks more. She also got some walking in and leg exercises. Aunt Jinnie has been helping with those. Mom had a good lunch then got settled on her chair around 12:45 pm so I left to start working on the supper meal. Sarah took the afternoon and Ruth took the evening but I told them I would bring supper. Tonight we had paprika chicken served over white rice with green beans cooked in chicken stock and a big salad with bacon bits (left over from breakfast) a hard boiled egg, grated cheddar cheese, sunflower seeds served with either poppy seed dressing or blue cheese. All was delicious. Both mom and aunt Jinnie gave me the recipe. For dessert we had vanilla ice cream. During dinner a text came in from a man wanting to come see Rockaway tomorrow after church. We left mom's at 6:20 pm just as it was getting dark. Mark led Sally into the indoor arena, Rockaway followed and from the indoor arena we took them into the stall barn and both were given some grain. After putting the halter on Rockaway both were led back to the paddock. I was pleased Rockaway led well but then we were following Sally. I went back to feed the cat only to find the garbage can the cat food was in was knocked to the ground, the bag was torn apart, the other garbage can (the one with garbage in it) was also knocked over and garbage was strewn all over the stall. There was no cat food left. I hiked back down to the house and got a can of sardines to feed the poor cat today and she will get another can of that or tuna tomorrow as there is no way to pick up cat food until Monday.
Friday, February 25, 2022
Saying Good-Bys
I made it over to mom's by 7:45 am and mom was already up and sitting at the table waiting for breakfast. Bill and Bethany's family came by around 9:00 am to say good by. They were heading home today but stopped first here and then were heading to grandma Bev's to say a final good by. Grandma Bev has been on hospice and we got word today she was failing. I'm really glad Bill and Bethany came in time. She was such a wonderful loving person to the Reinhard family these last 2 years and all of them came to love and respect her. Aunt Jinnie had mom doing leg exercises today and mom was determined. These older sisters really know how to inspire the younger ones. Mark got home from work about the same time Karin arrived back so I left to get some things done on the farm. We needed to get a new bale moved in for Sally and Rockaway's paddock.
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Canada Bank Run
Yesterday Trudeau declared the Emergency act would continue but today he did a quick about face now declaring the emergency is over. Those truckers are crushed. Well perhaps the 'real' reason is what has been happening at 5 major banks in Canada. All 5 went down at the same time and stayed down for hours. It is not surprising, if millions of Canadians no longer believe their money is secure.
Rebel News reports: “Canada’s largest banks are all offline. Royal Bank, BMO Bank of Montreal, CIBC Bank… What could cause all three to crash on the same day?” The answer, of course, is a classic bank run as the people of Canada rush to pull their deposits out of the country’s banks before the government steals all their money. The dynamic duo of Trudeau and Freeland, in less than 30 days, has managed to reveal to the people of Canada that not only is their government a terrorist authoritarian regime, but that all their life savings and business assets can and will be looted by that same government without notice, for almost any reason whatsoever. So ARE Freedom truckers crushed? If anything this actually is very revealing on government overreach. This small fringe minority that truly is millions strong have inspired the world. Tamara Lich, one of the convoy organizers has been jailed and denied bale on charges of counselling to commit mischief. They are not saying she committed mischief, just that she counselled others to "Hold the LINE!" Tamara has NO criminal record and yet is so dangerous she will have to stay in jail until her trial. This really is outrageous and I can't believe this is happening in Canada. The other awful news is that Russia has invaded Ukraine. We are praying for the people there. How awful that this is happening. Jesus said, "And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. . . . For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. . . . All these are the beginning of sorrows"
We had another cold day. I got lots of cleaning done in the house. Mackenson and Mark brought in lots of wood then took a pickup load over to Joan's for her wood burners. It started snowing this morning just enough to cover the ground but this evening we are getting a mixture of snow and sleet making everything slippery. For dinner tonight Mark used the air fryer and fried fish, fries and asparagus. He is having fun trying different foods. I didn't care for the fries as he added garlic but the fish and asparagus was delicious.
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
AC Central Events
Brr it was really cold this morning. Mark got the fire going early. I'm sure glad we got those bales moved in yesterday. Today was work at home day, general cleaning and laundry. I had AC Central on while working and today instead of listening to sermons I went on Events, listening first to Fred Witzig on How Did We Get the Bible and when that was done listening to Jeff Waibel on How to Teach/Preach on Controversial topics. Both were really good. Below is a younger picture of Evan playing in the snow that came up on my memories. He is only 2 years old in this picture so we must have had a lot of snow that year. .
Mark brought home chicken from Kroger for our dinner. It was too cold to want to work outside so he found work to do on his computer. We left for church at 6:15 pm. Craig Stickling had the message reading first from Proverbs and then the last chapter of Acts. After church we all stuck around visiting. Bethany came today from Bluffton. Bill is out of town for a few days so she drove here with the 4 kids.Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Moving 3
I picked up Aunt Jinnie at 8:00 am this morning to head down to the Peoria post office to pick up Berean mail and still make it to the Berean office before 9:00 am. We made it but not by much. We had a very good morning there. If you would like to read about that click HERE. On the way home from that office we drove straight to the Hanna City post office to drop off the Bibles being mailed out today. Aunt Jinnie was dropped off at mom's house then I headed home. The wind had changed and was now coming from the north dropping the temperature into the 20s. Mark made it home by 4:00 pm which just barely gave us enough time to get the 3 bales moved in before my next job. None of the horses were out of hay but I would rather keep lots of hay in front of them for this next cold spell. We did Dancer and Sheena's paddock first. I had given them some grain on the other side of the shelter so they weren't tempted to run out while the gate was open as the bale was being put in. Their bale was huge. They were happy to start eating right away.
Monday, February 21, 2022
Remembering Fun Practices
Mark wanted to stock up on wood as we will be getting another cold spell Tuesday night. Below he is bringing a load from the wood shed to the door where he hands it off to me for stacking.
Sunday, February 20, 2022
Sunday's Sun Catchers
It was warm when we awoke, already 30 degrees. Joan needed us to take Mackenson to church today as she had a full car load. That full car load got much fuller on the way home. I was driving and had just started up the hill on Smithville after turning off Cameron when the car started making noise. Mark was sure we had a flat but I needed to get up to the top of the hill before pulling over. Sure enough the back snow tire was really flat. I called Joan who had left church after us and asked her which way she was coming home from church and it turned out she was less than a minute behind us. We crammed 7 people and mom's big wheel chair in mom's little car. We were about 3 miles from home so once Joan dropped us off we changed out of our Sunday clothes, Mark picked up one of our regular tires, his power tools and we headed back to change the tire.
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Praise HIM In EVERY Breath
It was really cold this morning and never made it out of the teens today. Not much snow melt, thankful for all the shoveling done yesterday. The horses enjoyed the snow.
Ruth took the morning shift, Sarah Reinhard took the afternoon and I took the evening. As I was on for the evening the meal was mine to make. We started with Anna's special dip and chips. The dip is made with an entire avocado, queso cheese, salsa and sour cream. Our next course was oxtail soup. The left over baked potatoes were fried up with some bacon, the bacon was added to the salad and the left over steak was heated up then cut into bite size portions. We all had plenty to eat. Mom was tired today. She did some walking but more resting. She seemed a little more confused but is always agreeable and funny. We did a lot of laughing. The pork loin for tomorrow's meal was taken out of the freezer this morning. We will serve that will mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, salad and for dessert brownie bites and ice cream. Rhoda posted new pictures of Zeke. He is a month old now and so cute.
In closing I read something of worth, believe it or not on Facebook. We really DO praise HIM with each and every breath.
There was a moment when Moses had the nerve to ask God what his name is. God was gracious enough to answer, and the name he gave is recorded in the original Hebrew as YHWH.