More RAIN which we really didn't need. I ran up to the barn first thing this morning to check on the 2 weanlings brought in yesterday and was disappointed to see they had not eaten their grain. I tried to encourage them to eat but didn't have much time as I needed to be at mom's before 7:00 am. Mom had a good night sleeping pretty much all night. When she woke up she said, "good morning, I'm going to get up, go to my room and get dressed." When I explained I would need to help her she stated, "you are making me an emotional cripple by not letting me do things myself." It took her a few minutes to realize she still can't walk. She feels good and doesn't remember each morning that her left side isn't working well yet. Although she IS making progress. and this morning ate her entire breakfast. Karin came to help mom get a shower and teach me more about the stand pivot transfer. I wasn't doing that quite right but after today feel better about those transfers. So very thankful we have experienced help in this family. Below is after a strenuous workout.

At 3:15 pm my neighbors called, there were 2 horses in their yard. Joan and Faith came over to help. Faith stayed with mom, I took the golf cart and Joan followed in the car. I thought there must be a tree down across the fenceline with all this rain but the 2 horses were not the ones expected, it was the 2 I had locked in the indoor arena. Rosaleigh's colt was glad to see me, the lead rope was attached and he was led with the golf cart home with Jewel's colt following close behind and behind the weanlings was Joan in her van as we had to take them home the road way. They were put in the stall, the indoor arena checked to see where they got out. They were able to slide a door open, that was made secure then the 2 were put back in the indoor and I ran back to mom's. We ordered pizza for dinner. Dan arrived around 5:30 pm so I ran back to the barn to see if I could get those colts to eat grain. SUCCESS! At least Rosaleigh's colt started chowing down, Jewel's colt was curious but I'm sure it won't take him long. I took a few pictures of them while out there.

If you would like to see the rest of the pictures taken of the colts today click
They were both climbing in and out of the trailer when I left. I headed back to mom's but Ruth beat me there and was helping mom relearn how to use a pen and paper. Below mom is trying hard to make her left hand write. She is left handed and the left side is what was affected by the stroke.
She IS so determined.
Since Ruth is there I headed home. I have tomorrow off so will head to the store to buy Halloween candy and salad stuff for potluck tomorrow night and I may just need to do more laundry and clean the house. I'm not sure how working women get everything done. There are just not enough hours in the day and I've been falling behind.