Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Perfect Beach Day

 Today was beach day. Beautiful warm sunny weather with the perfect size waves for a fun ride pretty much all day. Each family made their way to the beach although I think Israel and Elisabet were the first out. Below are pictures and some videos of the day. 

Some of Phil and Anna's group found a big jelly fish and caught it on a boogie board.
Israel was body surfing.

All of the kids in the video below are ours (Meister decendants)

Israel brought both of his skim boards. Diane had 6 or 7 boogie boards that were well used today. Ben and Jacob organized an epic football game. Phil organized some volley ball games and it seemed the hours flew by filled with fun.

There were so many kids enjoying the waves that no fishing got done off the beach. Diane and Mike took the Solar Coaster out and got lots of videos of the dolphins. Below are just 2.

 Toward later afternoon some of them wanted to go swim in Island Royale's indoor outdoor pool.

After spending time in the hot tub the kids came back to do more boogie boarding. Elisabet had a wonderful ride in then went back out and the next time got flipped.

About that time we started clearing out to get ready for supper. It really was a wonderful day!

Monday, March 24, 2025

Our Rain Day

 I heard it raining early this morning so I had time to listen to Craig Stickling give the communion exhortation. By the time I went out it was not raining. It was a good time to walk and I started by going down road side then cut over to the beach to get some pictures of the sun breaking through the clouds. 

It was also a good time to call Mark. He gave me a good update on home. Still no foal for Rosalie  (praying she does not deliver until I get home) and sent some pictures of the new ratchet system on the pickle ball nets and of Berlica using the floor scrubber on the gym. 

The rain moved in and before it did I had to take a couple pictures of the clouds moving over the condos.
The fringe on the South end was interesting.
As the weather wasn't good David and Ben took all the boys bowling. Anna took the girls shopping. Later this afternoon Diane and I went down to the pool as the sun peeked through the clouds. Tim and Jeanie joined us. Phil and Anna took all 7 of the girls on a dolphin cruise for Braelyn's 14th birthday. That was so exciting. They saw plenty of dolphins including 3 sets of moms and babies. Kensley took the picture below.
There was a pelican sitting on a pole and it looked like a statue until he turned his head to look at the camera.
Today was parrot day. Rhoda and Lee are not in Gulf Shores but are spending this week on an island. Their kids got the opportunity to hold huge macaws or as the kids say parrots.

Then Phil and Anna's family also got to hold them here in Gulf Shores.
This evening David and Stephanie took us out to eat. We were supposed to go to Lamberts home of the throwed rolls but when we got there at 4:00 pm the wait was an hour and a half. Instead we drove to Mellow Mushrooms.
 Benj and Kristin's family had picked that out of all the restaurants in this town to eat there too and at the SAME TIME!.
After supper the sun came back out so after dropping me off at Diane's condo David and Stephanie went out to the Gulf. David went swimming while Israel used his skim board. Elisabet and Stephanie just enjoyed the warm sand. We are looking forward to the sunshine predicted tomorrow but are thankful for today. This is supposed to be the only rain day of the week.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Gulf Shores March 23rd, 2025

 Wow did I sleep well, going to bed at 7:30 pm and not waking until 4:45 am. I went out on the balcony to talk to Mark but that wasn't the best option as a lot of people had their windows or doors open as the weather is so nice. We can't see the sunrise this time of year from Diane's condo but can see the sky turn pink.

For church Rhonda invited everyone to Beth's at 9:00 am as they had asked David to speak. Spark started the service. 

David gave the message when Spark was done and had everybody's attention when he started with teeter totters. It really was a perfect message for the group but I don't think anyone took a video. After that message Mike, Diane and I took the Solar Coaster boat out. We were on the way when we were almost cut off by the pirate ship.

Thankfully the police boat arrived right then and scared them off.
More of this story later. The waves were pretty choppy and only got worse when we got to the Gulf waters. 
We decided we needed to head back to the bay. We saw Tacky Jacks and noticed the lunch crowd was already getting busy.
On the way home we were going to head home but wouldn't you know that pirate boat was heading right for us. 
We were able to get shallow water where that pirate ship could not go and then we stopped at Robinson Island as we knew that place would be safe as that is where Crusoe stayed.
Diane and I walked all the way around the Island admiring the different birds.
There was an osprey nest with an osprey on it incubating eggs. There was also a webcam on the nest.
While we were there one osprey flew off and another landed within seconds to take the place of the first. There were many herons.
We even saw a goose pair. I think the male was a one legged pirate or maybe was just resting.
When we got back to the marina Greg was just getting the pontoon boat ready to go out deep sea fishing. There were pelicans resting on the docks. 
On this trip Spark, Elisha, Jacob, Asher, Charlie and Israel were the guests.
Below is the video of them leaving the marina.

When we got back we ate our leftovers from last night's supper for lunch then went out to the beach where most of the group had already gathered. Yesterday there were 10 younger boys but no girls for Elisabet to play with. Today there were lots of girls.

Dan sent the video below of his 3 hour tour on the Solar Coaster. Check out the millionaire and his wife on this one.

IF you would like to see the rest of the pictures from today click HERE.
News from home: Mike had the farmer put out six new round bales. He checked his trail came and saw the bales out but no horses eating around them. Nope no horses but we could count 8 deer coming down to eat. 
We would prefer to feed the horses. Mark called to report all was well at home but his brother Jon is not doing well and could use prayers.