The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Storm is Coming.

 I left the house early to check on Madiera and Jewel. Madiera isn't due until June 5th but usually delivers a week early and we are 15 days early now so I wasn't really expecting that she delivered but wanted to check to see if her udder was any tighter. It wasn't. Both mares were happily munching away in their shelter.

It was 70 degrees outside when we left for our walk. This was the warmest morning we have had since last summer.  We had a big group for our walk with 2 extras. Steven is camping out here and joined us then Diane's airbnb guest joined us just to learn a little more about the horses. After the walk Ruth and I went straight to mom's and the 3 of us left for the Berean office. There wasn't much mail there but we did have a special surprise.  Marvin brought in 2 rhubarb pies Gail made and extra stalks of rhubarb in case anyone would want some. 

Gail's rhubarb pies are legendary. When Mark heard she brought pies asked if I would bring a piece home for him. It's not just the rhubarb, Gail's pie crust is a dessert by itself. It was a good thing she brought 2 pies, the first one was gone quickly.  Before tasting that though the work needed to be done.
Above Skip and Marvin are trying to figure out who sent a Bible to someone that is not at all in our system and yet it came from our office.  The Bible was returned as it was a used Bible. We got the name and address off of the returned and mailed him out a new Bible. Below mom and Ruth were working on stamping the return address on 500 envelopes.
Below Bruce was running the postage machine for the studies going out today.
We needed to print out 25 blank basic certificates and get them to Spark. Marvin is working on those in the picture below.
Below the volunteers are waiting for that amazing rhubarb pie as the work was finished.
The wind picked up while we were driving to the Hanna City post office to drop off the Bibles and studies. The thermometer on the car was reading 92 degrees. By this evening the gusts are bringing down tree branches. We have tornado watches in the area but so far no storms. The storms are supposed to come in about 10:00 pm tonight.  After dropping mom and Ruth off I left for Diane's office to get 2 and a half months of bank reconciliations done. That went well and I was pleased that we still have some money in the bank. We have some large bills coming due soon so will need to kick in extra by next week. Diane was able to share some of the pictures and videos of her granddaughter Willow's wedding Saturday. Diane said it was a God honoring beautiful wedding.
When I got back from her office Mark and I drove to Zanes to pick up my Prius. We decided not to replace the sensors as the estimate was almost $700 and the car is a 2007.  It is just after 7:00 pm as I'm writing this, Mark ran up to the barn to shut and lock all the barn doors then got his golf cart in the garage and charging. As soon as he walked in the door we heard a big boom of thunder. The storm is on the way and will probably hit earlier than expected in our area. 

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