The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, May 20, 2024

Busy Monday

It was hard to wake up, too much chocolate last night kept my mind racing. On our walk we had a good time rehashing the big party at Joan's house. The last adults left at 10:00 pm but the kids didn't leave until 2:00 am. She doesn't have a full count but we all agreed it was a large number. I'll say one thing, there was a lot of fishing going on during that party. Below is Joshua, one of Joan's grandsons. He caught, in his words, the biggest best fish EVER!" and needed to show it to everyone. 

When we got to Rachel's she showed us her amazing find. One full wetbath for a camper for just $5.00. 

She and David are going to be installing this in their camper. Another exciting Sauder project. While we were there she threw out a cupful of fish food off her dock so we could watch the stripers come to feed.
After the walk the mares were teased. Rosalie is still saying no thank goodness. She is probably pregnant by now. It is 20 days since her last cover. Sheena is in and was covered by Evan. Mike and Hunter came over to help with that. It is 15 days since Blueberry was last covered which means I could take her and Rosalie in to Hoerr vet clinic for an ultrasound soon. After the horses were put away I took the picture below of Irish and the 2 Rosies. 
I left then for Meisters to drop off stuff for Nolan and picked up a post office box for Berean. After getting home Mark and I parked the aluminum trailer by the manure spreader, unhooked that and hooked up the stock trailer for the next job which was to go to Middle Grove to pick up Madiera, Jewel and Lea. Mike and Hunter were there and could help load. Titus was all alone in the round pen, next to him is Valerie, then Tessa and standing next to Hunter with her head over his shoulder is Thalia. These are the 4 kids out there. Titus will be 2 August 4th, Valerie turned 2 April 20th, Tessa will be 2 on May 23rd and Thalia will turned 1 on March 31st. 
Left to right in the picture below is Valerie, Tessa, Titus and Thalia.
Below Mike is haltering Lea. Tessa is to her left and Thalia, her filly is on her right.
Lea was put in the trailer first. Below the other horses were checking out the back to see if  maybe they could come to.
Next Madiera and Jewel were haltered and they were loaded into the back of the trailer. After the horses were loaded I took a few more pictures of the horses still out there. Below is Jury who was bred to Valiant and is due July 16th.
Below is Titus.

Above are the young ones checking out the mares now in the trailer. Below are Jury, Tatiana and Sangria.
Below is Titus and Thalia walking to Mike's 3 Thoroughbred mares. 
When I got home Jewel and Madiera were put in the far paddock. Madiera is due June 5th and is in the purple halter, Jewel is due June 10th in the red halter. 
Jewel was bred to Evan while Madiera was bred to Valiant.
Lea was put in the pasture. 
Lea was bred to Evan last November but we never sonagrammed her. She does not look pregnant so brought her home to start teasing her. She was put in with Irish, Rosaleigh and Rosalie.
From there I went down to ask Mark for help with the next job. We needed to unhook the stock trailer, hook up the Wildwood camper and take that to Joan's. Just then Philip called to report he saw Kabur walking down Glasford rd toward his house. Joan was called, she drove with Mackenson to find him. Just as we got the camper unhooked they drove up with Kabur in the van.
When we got back to our place I needed to get 2 bales moved. Mark moved those while I kept the horses from running out of the gate.
Above he is putting a bale in the middle paddock and below he is taking the next one to Irish, Rosaleigh, Rosalie and Lea's paddock.
They were pretty happy with the bales.
When we got back down to the garage we saw the the new lithium batteries for the old golf cart had been delivered. Mark took those up to the back garage. We still had one more job to get done and that was to drop off my Prius at Zane's tonight so they can work on it tomorrow. We had just gotten back in the house when Dan arrived on his new to him motorcycle. 
It is not new I think he said it was a 1999 but in wonderful shape. He came in for a visit before taking off.

I feel like we have been on the go all day so this evening we both sat down to read. 

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