The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Training Blueberry

 I went out early to check udders and tease mares.  Sheena is now out of season which really surprised us. She was in on Sunday, covered on Monday, still in on Tuesday and now on Wednesday is out. usually a season lasts a week so we hope we caught her. She just wasn't at all interested in either stallion.

Lily and her colt were put out in the arena to graze before I left on the walk.
Jewel and  Madiera were checked. Jewel is now starting to bag up but Madiera's udder is a little fuller than Jewel's.
There were a lot of limbs down on the walk today.

Joan said she and Mackenson would work on those before mowing.
When we got to the dam to walk over to Rachel's house we saw 2 geese families. One with 6 goslings and the other with 5.

I'm not sure what these bushes are with the white flowers but they are throwing out a sweet scent all over the neighborhood. This one was on the dam.
Right after the walk I cooked breakfast then left for Sam's club. I ended up buying 3 rotisserie chickens, one for Diane, one for Joan and one for mom's house. I really ran there for laundry detergent, rinse aid for the dishwasher and walnuts. After dropping off the chickens Mark wanted a little help on repairing fences. We got all of them repaired today except the East side of Evan's which will need to be done later. Evan was turned out into the pasture so we could get the North side done.
Next we worked on the back of Rosalie's paddock. That just had one broken board.
At first Irish had her head over Mark while he worked but soon decided to eat hay.
Below are the finished boards on that paddock.
The front of that paddock also needed a new board.
Last was a broken board in the middle paddock.

Both Mackenson and Berlica mowed today and both did a great job.
Mike and Hunter decided to work with Blueberry today, they saddled and bridled Dancer, Mika and Blueberry, rode Dancer and Blueberry on the trails while leading Blueberry then ended up in the outdoor arena. Hunter, who rides bulls was more than happy to climb up on her and ride her.

She did very well.
On the way back to the cabin they rode Mika and Blueberry leading Dancer by her hackamore. The hackamore slipped off and she went right over to Evan and started showing. As she is related to both Evan and Valiant, I contacted Pablo and we will take her to his stallion tomorrow. 
Mark and I left early for church as he had 2 things he needed to return and the place to do that is on the way to church. He wasn't sure how long that would take and when it took under a minute we were really early for church. We were the first car in the parking lot. Caleb Plattner had the message. It isn't up yet on AC Central but I will add a link to it when it is posted.  After church we went to Culvers for a fish dinner. David and Elisabet came too. There was another big group there. 

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