The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, April 4, 2016

Star's Filly Sold

Anna dropped the girls off here because we had a lady driving around 3 hours to come look at Star's filly but she didn't come. Instead she called, cancelled the trip and overnighted the deposit check. This filly is now SOLD. Her name is going to be Austara.
She will be leaving our farm the end of August. Congratulations Lisa, you got a beauty!
The girls were taken over to Anna's around 10:30 am to get Braelyn ready for school then I just stayed there with the other two until Phil came around 4:30 pm.
We got good news, the 2016 IL Horse Fair posted the results, this was sent out in a press release:
Some of the notable winners of the Fair weekend were: Stallions top three were 1. Evan, 2. Haidas Hardcopy, 3. Albert. Breed and Sport top three: 1. Friesians, 2. Vaulters, 3. Tennessee Walkers. In the Liberty competition it was: 1. Evan, 2. Bell Bottom Cool Dude, and 3. Crusador. 
To say we were pleased just may be an understatement!
Emily worked on the 2 broken fencelines today removing debris and wire. Hopefully we can get at least Evan's paddock fixed soon. Mike is due to come home Tuesday. Hope he will look at it, figure out what to buy and how to fix it. Emily also got the round pen raked and put back together. It looks so good if I wasn't so tired I would take a picture. Mark is out working on the solar system. I still haven't caught up on sleep from when Ayanna delivered. Perhaps tonight.


  1. I have to laugh at "Mark is out working on the solar system." Which planet? :-)
