The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, April 3, 2016


We had another wonderful Sunday, lots of visitors in Peoria today mostly from Princeville and Bradford. I never knew how big the Christ (pronounced Krist) family is.
We were blessed to have Craig speak in the morning and Ryan Hoerr from Princeville in the afternoon. Of course having 3 baptisms is always a blessing.
After church we had 2 sets of visitors.  Sarah and Nolan came over for supper and Jamie and Ralph brought out her trainer and her trainer's daughter to see the foals. Below are a few pictures of the evening.The first one is of Ayanna's colt just born this morning.
Ayanna needed some attention too.
Below is Jamie, the proud owner of Lily's filly by Valiant she has named Joanna. Joanna is 4 days old today and starting to become more independent, running around Lily making her nervous. She needs to be reminded to stand still when arms are around her at this age because soon and I mean very soon she will be too big to hold. 

Mark took the tractor over to try to remove the big stump of the tree that fell crushing both Evan's paddock and Raven's old paddock but the roots just were too deep into the ground and the tractor could not pull it out. He is going to need the skid steer for this one. 
He got most of the branches cut up in manageable logs but the stump is just too huge.  We had a beautiful warm day, Lily and Star and their fillies were both left outside for the night. Lola was brought inside, not that I think she is ready to deliver, but I want her use to coming in a stall for when she IS ready to deliver. She is due in 11 days. Her udder is big but no waxing at all. 
We are going to have an early night. 

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