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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ayanna's 2 Day old Colt By Evan

Our long day at Berean was actually very touching. To read about the day click HERE.
Mark was already home by the time I made it here and was very pleased to see I brought left-overs. Thanks Kathy for sending them.
Ayanna and her colt by Evan were taken out of the stall for the first time since he was born. This was to give him time to learn how to use those long legs of his. It was funny watching him figure out he could gallop and kick or kick and gallop but not both at the same time.
 Above he is going up and below he is going down
 Then almost falls.
He had that stretch out gallop part down pat. 
 Below is my favorite shot of the evening. 
He has such nice straight long legs, his ears are up and he is standing with presence while his mom looks at him adoringly. This is one handsome colt!
Ralph and Jamie had Dakota sonagrammed today and are proud to announce Dakota is now confirmed in foal. She was bred to Valiant and is due Sept 28th. 
The weather has turned nasty so the three mares with foals were put in the indoor arena for the night and Lola brought in and tested. She is due in 9 days and by the test results she is not going to be delivering tonight but I'm not taking any chances, she was stalled for the night. Emily is anxiously waiting for this foal. If it is a filly and the dna results show that Killian is the sire we will not be selling this one.  Lola throws the sweetest most beautiful babies and if it really is Killian's it won't be related to either of our stallions. 

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