The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Each Tuesday our mail is filled with letters and usually they are from prisoners all over the United States asking for something. Today on the way to work the thermometer is reading a chilly 37 degrees and raining. The damp cold on the way in was so depressing  that I was actually praying that I could have a better attitude today as we worked on the mail. Then the letter below was opened. This is word for word:
I'd like to thank you for all the time and care you've invested over the last year. I wish you to know it hasn't gone un-appreciated.  Sometimes I suspect maybe you wonder to yourself whether or not the lessons impact peoples' lives as much as you hoped. And to that I just want to say that your work is anything but in vain.
I admit each passing day plagues me with doubts from all sides. Doubts so fierce I constantly question everything.  Certainly I do not want to call myself a Christian merely in-case there is a hell yet often I find myself conflicted.  I suppose even though I envy your passion, I'm sure even you have your moments. It is those moments though that remind me I'm not alone. And that in the end days these are the things we can all expect to suffer with. Naturally, even as hard as things are now, I should expect even darker times before the dawn. But even just these lessons provide comfort and purpose.  So, while some may have other agendas, rest assured to some of us what you provide is hope and a rare friendship. 
Thank you again for your selflessness and sincerity. 
I actually started choking up as I was reading it. I'm not sure when it was sent as sometimes prison mail is delayed but God knew I needed to read it today.

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