The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fish For the Pond

It was predicted to be the first really hard freeze of the season last night so Mark stayed home from choir and picked tomatoes, lots of green tomatoes which we will wrap to let ripen slowly. He also disconnected all the hoses and let the horses in the middle paddock out back so they could get water once their temporary waterer was shut off. We will be installing a permanent one soon. He built our first fire of the season in our wood burner which was burning nicely warming up the house by the time I arrived home from choir. The good news is we didn't get that hard freeze but supposedly it is still coming. Even though the temps are hovering around 34 degrees at least the sun is out. For some reason having the sun shining makes the day seem so much warmer than yesterday's gloomy wet 37 degrees.
Herman Pond Management arrived by 9:00am with a load of bass for Mark's pond. Below is Justin Herman  with a net full of bass.
He dumped a bunch of this size large mouth bass
into a bucket and Jarrod Plattner ran them down to the pond and dumped them in.
Before they left Justin asked if we had any grass carp and when he was told "no" he fished out a nice sized one for our pond.
These fish grow huge and will help keep the pond clean of undesirable vegetation.

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