The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, October 21, 2013

Blustery Cold Monday

Monday's are bad enough we shouldn't have to deal with cold temperatures and gusty winds right?  Philip brought Braelyn and Taegan over and even with blankets and jackets it was almost too cold to ride the golf cart this morning.  Braelyn wanted to go riding but I talked her into riding the rocking horse instead of facing the cold wind.
But Rhoda and Emily came over to work horses and offered to take Braelyn for a real horse back ride. First Emily got Taegan down for a nap so I could go out and take a few pictures. Below is Rhoda giving Braelyn a ride on Eliza.

If someone would have told me we would be putting a grand child on Eliza last year I would have thought they were nuts. We were only able to afford Eliza because her owners were afraid of her. She had terrible ground manners and had never been trained to ride. Check out what Rhoda did with her today.
And people think Friesians can't jump, no one must have told Rhoda this.
Eliza is such a beautiful mare.
Killian has a very balanced canter for his young age. Emily enjoyed trotting and cantering him around the arena. He was very well behaved today.

After the arena work they took Eliza and Killian on a nice long easy trail ride.
Taegan woke up from her nap and was busy playing with Braelyn's shoe when the girls came in for lunch. We really need  a few toys around here!

After lunch Rhoda and Emily braved the weather and went back out to work 2 more horses. This time Valiant and Anna. Philip arrived to pick up the girls so I headed back out with the camera. Rhoda was in the indoor arena asking Anna to walk over the tarp when I arrived. Emily was working Valiant in the outdoor arena so Rhoda decided to try something new with Anna. This was just her 8th ride under saddle and Rhoda wanted to see if she could control her without using the reins. She asked her to canter then dropped the reins and actually was able to turn her by legs and seat only.

OK I was impressed. Anna was then taken into the arena and asked to carry the tarp for the FIRST time ever. She walked, trotted and cantered with no spook, no worries!
Rhoda decided to drop the reins to see if she could control her as the wind was whipping the tarp around her body something fierce.
What a great mare. Next was to ask her to go through the cage then over a small jump.
Emily was working Valiant and decided Valiant may as well learn to jump too.

 She finished up the arena work with trick training asking Valiant to bow while still under saddle, then lay down and finally sit.
They took those horses also on a nice long trail ride and both came in frozen. I won some kind of throw at the Skyline auction so offered it to Emily, when she opened it up we discovered it would easily fit both girls.
The total raised at the auction for our Skyline home was $76,000.00. A big thanks to all who came to support our retirement home.
Rhoda picked up taco pizza from Casey's for dinner then baked chocolate chip cookies for dessert. We ate them hot out of the oven with ice cold milk. What a great ending to a cold Monday

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