The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Today at Sams the bill came to $155.00, Mark knew even before I pulled up at the shop how much I'd spent and asked, "how much food did you buy?" "you remember we are leaving tomorrow?" It was time to confess, not all of what was purchased was food items, the dogs got another 44 pound bag of food but it was personal things for me that dragged the bill up higher than usual. Diane told me after surgery I would need to wear pajama pants so 2 sets of those were thrown in the cart. Darcy has eaten most of the girls socks and a package of those were thrown in the cart, and then I bought something for me to wear on the cruise.
Work at Meisters was quick and easy, only one credit card application to run and one deposit for Bridlewood apartments then it was home to wait for the vet. Our vet appointment was for early afternoon and Dr. Pallen arrived shortly before 2:00pm. We had Ribbon, Jenis, Ylse and Indy in the arena ready for her. As the last one was being done Steven brought the boys in for their turn. I'm happy to report every horse was perfect, they didn't even flinch. Dr. Pallen exclaimed, "it is such a pleasure to come here for coggins, your horses are all so well behaved." That makes us smile.
Indy was measured today, she is over 14.3 hands, almost 15 hands and won't be 2 years old until July 4th, 2012. She will easily top 16 hands when full grown.

Dr. Pallen looked at her, stood back and said, "that's a well put together filly." Another reason to smile. Steven wanted to measure the boys as long as we had the stick out. Evan is close to 15.2 and Valiant is 15.3 and a half. Funny Valiant just looks so much bigger sometimes. Steven showed Dr. Pallen Evan's tricks, she was impressed!

Ylse's teeth were looked at and they are just starting to get sharp, I'll have Rhoda let Dr. Calhoun know the next time the dentist comes to her place we want to bring Ylse.

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