The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

No Pictures

Somedays are just too busy to take the camera out, there will be no pictures on today's blog entry. Someone shared a true story today on our walk, Yesterday a girl who will not be named but one that lives in this area and has a 4.0 GPA at Illini Bluffs ran out of gas for the second time in just a few weeks. When one of the mom's in the area took her to the gas station, she replied, "I just don't know what's going on with the car, normally it gets 330 miles before we have to fill up and it ran out today at 329. Somehow that reasoning escaped us and we burst out laughing. Sometime later in the morning Phil called and needed equipment left at the farm house brought in to the shop, a load of pea gravel was delivered and Lowes showed up with 3 pallets of 80 pound bags of concrete all at the same time. Between showing the truck drivers where to go, signing for the loads and collecting scattered pieces of equipment someway I was still able to make it to work in time to get just about everything but the shopping done.
The hundreds of copies that were made last week were just about all gone and a good part of the day was spent working with the copy machine. Hopefully there are now enough copies to make it through the next 2 weeks. Where do they all go? Mark needed a few credit card applications run and by the time everything was done it was almost 4:00pm. Karin was at the farm trying her best to find a way to firm up the jousting spears so they don't droop. We worked a bit on the Horse Fair evening program before her vaulters showed up.
Ruth picked us up for church, Mark and I easily fit in Ruth's van along with mom, Jackie, and Anni. Today was the first in a session of 8(I think) of the TEAM KIDS. When we walked in church there was a very tantalizing smell coming from the kitchen. Anyone that wants to eat dinner together before church, the meal and it must have been delicious, started at 6:00pm but tonight our car load couldn't make it that early. Tim Funk had the service. How thankful we are for our Peoria ministers. They speak the truth and they love us and each other. We were reminded tonight to pray for them, they all have such servant hearts.
The van on the ride home was filled with laughter and joy. What a wonderful end to a very busy day.

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