The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hotel Rooms

Hotel rooms reserved at the Ramada for the IL Horse Fair.
Room 1 Steven
Room 2 Judy, Amy, Karin, Rhoda, Emily, Monica
Room 1 Steven
Room 2 Judy, Amy, Karin, Rhoda, Emily, Monica
Room 3 Mom & Diane
Room 4 Ruth
Room 5 Rachel
Room 6 Crystal
Room 1 Steven
Room 2 Judy, Amy, Karin, Rhoda, Emily, Monica
Room 3 Rachel
Room 4 Crystal
Room 5 Michelle
Room 6 reserved (this room is open and will be canceled if no one wants it)
If anyone else would like to make their own reservations,
We are staying at the Ramada Ltd. North Sangamon Exit off I-55 Ph: (217) 523-4000 | Rate: $85
Now for the fun stuff, Rhoda came over to work (play) with Ella. Steven had Zalena, Jenis, and Ylse out each getting conditioning training. Mike brought the Kabota over to load grain for the cabin and tack room and the executive decision was made to haul Ciera, Sangria, Mindy and Bonnie back out to Middle Grove. Ciera was sticked as long as we had the measuring stick out for the boys, she sticks right at 16 hands as a 2 and a half year old. Mike brought the trailer up, Ciera was waiting to load, when Mike was getting Mindy out Bonnie escaped, scared Ciera, Rhoda tied Jenis to the gate to come help, Jenis opened the gate and let Zalena escape and both Zalena and Bonnie took off running. At least they didn't go far. All the horses are now in the trailer for the ride to Middle Grove or back in their own paddocks.
We happened to look up and there is the most unusual sight tonight. The moon is almost full and in the middle of a big clear ring. The outside of the ring is cloudy and fuzzy but the moon looks like it is in the middle of a perfectly circular clear crystal lake with the ripples starting around the edges. I tried to take a picture of it but there is no way for this little camera to capture the full image.

Zooming in just makes the moon blurry.

Evenings are exciting and a lot of fun here at the farm.

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