The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Invited to Perform

As we were leaving the farm we see a car in the ditch. Mom called to see what happened and got the lowdown on how Caleb's car started sliding and couldn't stop until it slid over the embankment and into the creek.

We actually had to get out and make sure there was no one in the car before heading to Morton, IL to pick up Nancy.
After church mom took Nancy to her house for dinner. Mike and Diane came over, Diane came in and visited a bit while Mike helped Steven move round bales in the pony paddock, Middle paddock and Raven's paddock. they took off to check the horses at Middle Grove. Steven was good enough to let Ylse out for her extra food. We are a little concerned about Ylse, she has lost some weight since we are feeding the new round bales. The rest of the mares look really good. Hopefully since we have caught this before too much weight was lost we can have her built back up before the IL Horse fair in Springfield and speaking of the IL Horse Fair, we have been notified they need a high resolution picture of Ella and Rhoda and another one of the Friesian Jousting demo for their printed program. The Fair also wants a short introduction to go with the picture. We were thinking something like this: Presenting the War Horses of the Horsemeister Friesian Farm If anyone out there has a better catchy phrase that includes the words Friesian and Horsemeister we will consider that. These have to be turned in by Friday. We need Rhoda to come up with a short intro for her free style with Ella. This means we have been officially invited to perform in the IL Horse Fair's Horsecapades Friday and Saturday evening.

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