The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, January 29, 2012


We are so sore to roll out of bed each muscle must be first stretched slowly before trying to sit up, slide out of bed and stand upright. Well that's a stretch of the imagination, we are not upright but bent over from cramping muscles. Those kids worked us to the ground yesterday. Poor Mark, he feels like he has the flu, he aches in every muscle. We just can't keep up with the thirty and twenty year olds and shouldn't even try. The sad part about all the work yesterday was none of it is for show, it is just shoring up the foundation. The farm house is around 150 years old, when it was built they just built it on a rubble wall. The original builders just dug about a foot and a half deep then dumped rock in it and built on top of that. We all know about building one's house on a firm foundation and not on sinking sand.
I was so thankful Steven left a full wheelbarrow of hay in front of the pony paddock. Just a few steps out to feed was way better than trying to make my way into the barn on the slippery packed snow and ice. The middle paddock inhabitants were way jealous of the ponies getting the good square bale when their 2 round bales are almost gone.
Mom is going with me this morning to pick up Nancy. My turn is actually next week but we will be cruising in the Caribbean then.

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